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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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You can try using a compiler that supports "*waterskip" "*lavaskip" "*slimeskip", and put a func_illusionary with alpha key on top of that. 
also, you can actually use any compiler that doesn't support skip, if you also use newskip.exe 
the compiler has this utility already build in..
Then you don�t even need newskip.exe. 
Does QS team have any release plan?
Gap between .9 and .10 is too long :( 
I was just playing the original 100 Brush compo pak and when I got to XeNoN's map (xnq1001)stuff broke a bit. Specifically there is a rune which should trigger a set of teleporters to teleport in a bunch of monster which are needed to open the exit. This did not happen.

Funny enough this map is even more broken in Darkplaces where the monsters which are supposed to teleport in start shooting you from within their cage, which is above the starting area. 
Hm, Weird 
Just gave it a try and was able to finish with no problem
-dl'ed from
-started qs and then "gamedir 100brush", "map xnq1001"
I was lazy and played on godmode, but two vores spawned in after I got the rune, and killing them opened the exit door.

I dunno what could have gone wrong; can you reproduce it? 
I'll try to do it later and make a demo or something. 
Hm, could not reproduce it. I tried a couple of times, but nada, worked fine now. 
I updated the doco to point to Eric's 'nightly' builds 
Experimental Random Map Loading... 
I made an interesting experiment today :

I renamed ALL my custom id1/maps to "map1", "map2", "map3", etc (I have about 150 top quality maps in there). Launching them randomly from the QS console is now extremely easy.

Since many (most) maps are ending on another map (which I don't have anymore anyway), I HexEdited the maps so they start another map from my collection.

Playing Quake1 is now totally OUT OF THIS WORLD ! It really feels like I'm lost in the Multiverse. 
WTF Is This, Czg !? 
open palm
insert face 
open ass
insert face 
open mind
insert appreciation 
John Plz Allow Emoji Everywhere 
You have to let us know which map map69 is. 
Rpgsp1 Surely 
Map69 is the "Castle Of The Bad Die".

And I'm still asking for a map which randomize the map loading from a maps list. This is a Must Have Feature. 
Onetruepurple And Nitin 
It is so scriptable!

1) Copy a random map to randommap.bsp.

2) Use whatever MacOS offers to monitor file access to see when the engine accesses the map (might need to look for "Open"). Apparently you would want "fswatch".

3) "map randommap"

4) Sleep for some moments

5) Copy another random map to randommap.bsp so if you do "map randommap" again, there already is a new one there. 
In Linux 
while true; do inotifywait --event open /home/me/games/quake/id1/maps/randommap.bsp && sleep 1 && file="$(ls -1 /home/me/games/quake/id1/maps/*.bsp | sort --random-sort | head -1)" && echo $file && ln --symbolic --force "${file}" /home/me/games/quake/id1/maps/randommap.bsp; done

This uses a symbolic link instead of copying the file every time. 
Hey This Is Fun! 
Map Randomizer In Qc For Barnak 
Open up your id1/maps folder...

Right click in empty space and choose on of the following: "Arrange icon's by" - size, date, alphabetically etc etc...

Close you eyes, NO peeking, this is important for it to work...

Raise your hand, forefinger pointed out, move it spiraling in towards the monitor...

Until it touches...

BAM, there's your random map generator ;)

You can restart at step one and choose a different option to keep it random too...

All done with "qc", short for quickly conceived!

Realize, eventually all dogs let go of the bone sooner or later. 
Meant Random Map Selector 
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