#10487 posted by
Trinca on 2014/01/21 15:32:00
This is a dm map I think Drew
#10488 posted by
negke on 2014/01/21 19:41:20
Ever since SM110/108 I've been fantasizing about making an abstract, possibly Alice-like map combining the B&W and Zer flesh themes. Maybe some day...
doesn't fitzquake have a thing where you can make the whole game in black and white? :P
#10493 posted by Tronyn on 2014/01/21 21:36:28
after the Drake merger, if I make anything further, it'll definitely be on a smaller scale!
negke: what a great idea! sounds cool. If anyone should make a b&w map it's Tyrann, since his lighting has always struck me as the most impressive.
#10494 posted by
Trinca on 2014/01/21 21:56:39
awesome tronyn I love your maps ;)
smaller maps might gives us more maps :) wish I had the time and your skills!
Noir Quake
#10495 posted by
Preach on 2014/01/21 23:38:39
couldn't you just create a greyscale palette.lmp and be done with it?
I did that...(almost a decade ago now I look)
Of course, my hosting died since then - I can reupload it if there's demand.
#10496 posted by
Drew on 2014/01/22 00:30:56
He made an sp version. with a mere 100 and something enemies...
Back me up here Tronyn!
#10497 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/01/22 00:33:40
A properly done b&w map has to be built to be b&w, because much more emphasis has to be put into the textures and lighting for proper contrasts. not just slap an engine mod on it and expect it to look good.
where are these bal map scraps? I want a looksy-poo.
Oh Heh
#10498 posted by Tronyn on 2014/01/22 00:34:18
you mean Dry Sorrow, yeah that was an old DM map converted for SP, and it's definitely the smallest map I released since like... I dunno it's even smaller than A Desert Dusk
Need Beta Testers.
I have completed the first 2 maps in my quake-like-id-did episode. Just need a bit of feedback. My email addy is in my user profile.
Can I Test Out Your Maps, Fifth?
#10500 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2014/01/22 01:48:15
Mind if you PM me a link on my steam?
Any demos would be good too. And just your general impression of the map, likes/dislikes.
#10502 posted by
quaketree on 2014/01/22 03:52:15
A properly done b&w map has to be built to be b&w, because much more emphasis has to be put into the textures and lighting for proper contrasts. not just slap an engine mod on it and expect it to look good.
Exactly. I tried using the Preach method first (messing with the palette) but it just wasn't working out the way I wanted it to. So I converted everything individually in pak0 over to B&W. Textures, skins and sprites.
Because I did it texture by texture it looked a lot better because I could do some tweaking to individual textures to clear up some errors made in the conversion from color to B&W (but it still had some issues where the engine added color to a few things) but unfortunately I couldn't really do anything with it for fear of violating id copyrights so I chalked it up to learning something new and chucked it. In retrospect I probably should have at least saved the wad, sprites and skins somewhere.
You have to keep in mind that the engines back then were less than fully documented so figuring out how to make some thing look fully monochrome wasn't something easy to just look up online. I think TomazQuake (which had just come out when I was messing around with it) came the closest to looking closest to "Right".
IIRC I used Pak Explorer, AdQuedit, QME 3.0 (the free version) TexMex, MS Paint and Paintshop Pro 5.
That Was Supposed To Be Aimed At Kona, Not Bal
#10503 posted by
quaketree on 2014/01/22 03:53:22
#10504 posted by
bal on 2014/01/22 08:13:08
Finish That Episode, Bal!
That *was* for you.
#10506 posted by
[Kona] on 2014/01/22 12:06:01
wow those are awesome. i especially like that it's all custom textures, I think more people need to use custom textures rather than id's stuff all the time.
and as much as I'm well over base maps, that smaller one you've got there looks great with those textures.
you could even merge start, vil, tower and rocks all into one huge bsp2 map, they're kind of similar styles.
RoQD... Link Sent
for episode.
Anyone else? I need a couple of different opinions :)
Here's Your Demos, Fifth.
#10511 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2014/01/22 14:52:08