Oh Yeah
#1026 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/07/16 16:42:40
The .wad is in quake 1 .wad format, so if you use Hammer or anything you'll need to convert it over.
#1027 posted by PuLSaR on 2005/07/17 00:46:32
what a small wad! Only 32 items
#1028 posted by generic on 2005/07/17 10:40:24
You've got mail...
ChainMaps Are In
#1029 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/07/19 07:20:37
All 6 pieces (Ok, really more like 4, Generic made 3 maps) are collected. The authors are bambuz, Generic, voodoochopstiks, and me. All maps have been renamed so you know which author did what.
#1030 posted by bambuz on 2005/07/19 07:28:41
looks like a tough job to connect those with any consistency... also the detail levels vary a lot!
I might give a stab at it later today.
#1031 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/07/23 17:32:21
Well I haven't gotten any turtlemaps yet. I know there were 3 in production other than mine, so I'll just remind people that I need them in by this weekend. My own is close to finished, I just need to tidy up some details and polish the gameplay. It should be done by tomorrow. If you want, include a .txt file and I'll add it in the pack.
Our Turtlemap
#1032 posted by bambuz on 2005/07/23 17:55:52
voodoochopsticks and I are collaborating on a turtle map but my computer hd is having some problems so I can't continue work (some error thing with temp file writing and delayed write cache), since i can't save my editings 9/10 times... ARGH. Even web browsing stutters.
But mr chopsticks is bravely carrying this task to it's conclusion alone with my supporting spirit in irc. :/ He'll hopefully be ready by sunday.
The map is quite big - it turned out a bit out of scale since I'm not a very experienced mapper and there was no time to resize back.
fucking computers. shit. hell. etc.
Our Turtlemap...
Will be ugly, but it will be there. We started rather late, thursday evening.
#1034 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/07/24 19:45:28
I've gotten 2 maps so far for the turtlemap portion of SM100, mine and bambuz/voodoo's. Headthump will try to turn his in next week with SM101, and ... well I dunno about gibbie's. But there's still technically 2 more hours before the deadline, so I'll wait until tomorrow to upload the pack.
Argh! Not Enough Time...
#1035 posted by negke on 2005/07/24 19:49:23
my turtle map is being compiled at the moment. i don't know how long it will take, but i'll send it in right after it's finished. item placement took longer than expected, so i hope it's not too late, because it would be a pity if this map wasn't included in the pack.
i think it turned out pretty nice, though it also has some flaws which can't be solved within the deadline, for instance the lack of skill settings and the free edicts thing. :(
SM101 - The Basics
#1036 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/07/25 19:58:18
I had to.
Saturday, the 30th of July, 3:00 pm Central. Mail submissions to ZwiffleOwnsU@gmail.com.
#1037 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/08/04 20:08:53
Some of you may have noticed there was no Speedmap this week. That's because I was sort of "invited" to host speedmapping for QExpo, which I would not have done otherwise. So I'm currently setting up the booth and there'll probably be 2 events I think, maybe 1 or 3, or possibly 100. I dunno. But I didn't forget about it really. Anyway, some more info soon-ish, dag nabbit.
#1038 posted by starbuck on 2005/08/05 07:04:13
you mean you'll release our 2 maps for sm101 during QExpo? I didn't quite catch the drift of that.
#1039 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/08/05 09:28:27
Why not.
Ok, Fine
#1040 posted by starbuck on 2005/08/05 10:22:52
is there going to be a session tomorrow by the way?
#1041 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/08/05 10:30:18
There won't be, but there will be a couple events once QExpo starts. BTW, the theme for QExpo is "movies" or something, any ideas about what theme you'd like the speedmaps to be?
I Thought The Theme Was "trailers"...
#1042 posted by metlslime on 2005/08/05 12:19:23
Are The QExpo
#1043 posted by aguirRe on 2005/08/17 13:10:12
speed packs going to be announced in their own threads? I thought the latest smqe1 was pretty good.
#1044 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/08/17 13:36:37
I've been putting the announcements on the qexpo Speedmapping booth, and linked the released pack in the Qexpo thread.
#1045 posted by Zwiffle on 2005/08/21 22:11:56
Now that QExpo is over with, we're back on track with the normal Speedmapping numbering. This week is SM102 - "Geocomp". Make a map using simplistic textures and gorgeous brushwork - the looks will be based not on how pretty the tex are but how good you slap them onto detailed brushwork.
Saturday, August 27th, 2005, 3:00 pm Central in #speedq1 on Quakenet! W00t!
What Happened To Smqe2?
#1046 posted by Drew on 2005/08/24 13:10:06
Were there not enough maps to make it worthwhile? Are you going to include the maps that were submitted for smqe2 with this pack?
#1047 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2005/08/24 13:25:10
Sm101 + SmQE1 = ?
#1048 posted by generic on 2005/08/24 15:36:15
My thoughts on these are:
sm101_starbuck - attractive texturewise with a few misalignments and areas that need to be clipped off. I would love to see this one made into a proper SP map :)
sm101_zwiffle - not a bad little hoard affair which took a couple of tries to survive. I liked the difficult puzzle :)
smQE1_entar - looked bad with a green tint :(
smQE1_neg!ke - green enough with straight-up gameplay and a few Oz favors scattered about. I am becoming a fan of this guy's intricate brushwork :)
smQE1_preach - great gameplay with old skool looks. I had to leave a few bad guys standing around to escape with my scalp intact. Best of the bunch ;)
snQE2_zwiffle - short, sweet and survivable without being a walkthrough. It also had a nice tight...layout :)
Thanks, Hrim.
#1049 posted by Drew on 2005/08/27 02:13:22
I guess I should have known to look there?
Anyways, I really liked smqe2. Zwiffle, you implemented some pretty fucking cool architecture in this one. I didn't like Neg!kes as much as his last, but it was still very cool. I love the chunky look of your maps. Your style is very unique and I like the playfulness of your maps. Generics was cool too - I haven't seen the movies, but your map piqued my interest. Mine took about 2 and a half hours, and I'm happy with how it turned out,considering. The Ammo balance sucked, but I kind of like fighting the last shamb with an axe. What did you guys think about smqe2?
#1050 posted by mwh on 2005/08/27 07:18:47
I thought your map was just stupidly hard, and never finished it.
They were all fun, though.