I Think The Trailer Did A Great Job....
#10385 posted by Shambler on 2018/05/19 10:45:34
...it's saved me £40 for sure.
#10386 posted by mankrip on 2018/05/20 03:07:44
By now, id's business plan seems to use each franchise for a different public.
Doom is their core singleplayer franchise.
Quake is their multiplayer franchise.
Wolfenstein is their story-driven franchise.
So, what will Rage be? Their sandbox/open-world franchise?
And most importantly, when will we get a Commander Keen reboot?
#10387 posted by brassbite on 2018/05/20 08:00:19
They still need a battle royale franchise
#10388 posted by [Kona] on 2018/05/20 08:13:59
Crysis = Success
Far Cry = Success
Borderlands = Success
Rage 1 = Failure
So why not make Rage 2 basically a Crysis/FarCry gameplay with Borderlands environment mishmash. They don't owe the fans a damn thing after the way Doom3 and Rage got unfairly shat all over just because of stupidly high expectations.
#10386 And #10388
#10389 posted by Shambler on 2018/05/20 16:20:47
Pretty good points aye.
#10390 posted by MrKilles on 2018/05/22 16:22:08
"Doom is their core singleplayer franchise. "
Fuckoff, where is the SP DLC / expansion pack whatever ?? :D
#10391 posted by Kinn on 2018/05/22 16:30:47
Why waste time with DLC when you can just crack on with "Doom 5 (aka Doom 4 / 2016 (aka "DOOM") 2)"
I assume that's what id's core team are doing, and if not then
The original Doom 2 was exactly this as we all know.
Let's Be Honest
#10393 posted by Kinn on 2018/05/22 17:19:22
when you nail the original, giving them more of the same for the sequel is often the smart move.
Shame Quake didn't turn out like that :(
Unreal Gold Is Free
#10394 posted by primal on 2018/05/23 07:26:24
You can get a free digital copy of Unreal Gold from Steam and GOG. The offer will be up for 35+ hours as of now.
Mothergunship Gun Crafting Range Free Demo
#10395 posted by primal on 2018/05/25 16:26:05
This is a free demo for an FPS with gun crafting mechanics. If you find it interesting, you can follow the game's development progress on Twitter @mothergunship .
^Totally Not A Self Promotion
#10396 posted by anonymous user on 2018/05/25 23:27:15
#10397 posted by metlslime on 2018/05/26 01:22:41
yeah seems spammy, but primal is a user on our site, unless this is just someone pretending to be primal. Or primal was a spammer all along! Opinions?
'twas Me
#10398 posted by primal on 2018/05/26 14:48:48
It was my post without logging in. I am not any of the multiple people involved in making this game. If I were connected to it somehow, I would have said so.
I put the Twitter handle in there in case someone wants to find out more about the game. You can also find it by reading the Steam page carefully.
I'll be happy to take advice on how to word posts like this to not look spammy or self-promotional. I've made a few of them before and nobody's complained as far as I can remember.
In other news, I played Q.U.B.E Director's Cut recently, and it was all right with decent puzzle progression. Kind of like Portal in some ways, but not quite as engaging. Reviews suggest the sequel has easier puzzles, so I am skipping it for now.
#10399 posted by anonymous user on 2018/05/26 20:25:05
#10400 posted by [Kona] on 2018/05/27 04:35:38
Is BlackRoom TRYING to be the ugliest game ever made?
#10401 posted by Kinn on 2018/05/27 12:06:30
Romero's career really did take a turn for the worse after leaving id.
My Eyes!!
#10402 posted by Qmaster on 2018/05/27 15:40:05
#10403 posted by metlslime on 2018/05/27 19:19:48
It was the "follow them on twitter" part that seemed the most like it was written by a marketer. :) But, because I recognized your name I didn't flag it as spam. It's a difficult line because community members like should be able to post links to games they think are cool/interesting, but we don't want outside spammers posting links like that. But the content of the post in both cases is the same. So the only way to tell them apart is if I know the person posting it. (Off topic posts to things like jewelry and bootleg purses are easier to flag)
#10404 posted by primal on 2018/05/28 23:16:41
I'll put in a bit of effort to justify my future game recommendations with either "this is an interesting take on the FPS formula; do check it out" or as "I am playing this and having a good time; might be your thing too."
And I should start to assume people can find the devs on social media etc. on their own. I won't be spamming links and Twitter handles anymore :)
Speaking of recommendations, I am currently playing Snakebird. I believe it's also on some mobile platforms, but I have the Steam version. I sincerely recommend it for puzzle game fans. It's solidly designed and really ramps up the difficulty while introducing just a few simple rules now and then. (That'd make it a "casual hard" game for lack of a better term.)
#10405 posted by anonymous user on 2018/06/02 13:04:31
very stronbgly disliking the cover art for rage 2, and also the soundtrack they picked for the trailer (30 seconds one)
of the first rage, I really liked the graphics and the animations (the dynamic animations that considered the environment and where the enemies were hit).
I think I disliked everything else basically. THe gameplay was basically total health and life regeneration. Story stupid as hell.
Decent Underground Is Better
#10407 posted by anonymous user on 2018/06/03 22:29:35
Free Ziggurat From GOG
#10408 posted by Primal on 2018/06/11 15:21:41
GOG is giving away Ziggurat during the next 48 hours. It should be worth at least a couple of hours of play, because of the variety in character classes, perks and weapons. (Unfortunately you have to unlock most of them. Editing XML files would be cheating, right? ;)
Doom Eternal
#10409 posted by Jaromir83 on 2018/06/11 16:50:31
revealed on E3, more in august