Predictions For Wolfenstein 3: The Ancient Colossal Blood.
#10337 posted by
Shambler on 2018/01/23 10:01:44
(Based on the masterpiece of subtlety and coherence that is Woflmao2: The Nu Colossus.)
1. The Nazis have successfully managed to clone Hitler and most of the larger enemies in the game are equipped with chain-cannons firing a stream of actual Hitlers at you. It's possible to use one of these cannons yourself in you can put up with the incessant German-tourettes ranting from the ammo compartment.
2. Half of the cutscenes are song-and-dance numbers set to increasingly bewildering EDM micro-genres, with the NPCs personalities mostly based on 4chan posters. The order of the cutscenes and missions is entirely randomised and can only be reverted to chronological order by editing a hidden encrypted .ini file that's revealed if you collect 100% of secrets on your first run through.
3. You get anally impregnated as part of an abhorrent Nazi medical experiment (hinted at with a hallucinatory anus-cam cutscene) and then have to successfully give birth in a critical Quicktime event, to a biomechanical combat drone who then accompanies you with a mixture of wise-cracking quips and morose Descartian philosophy.
4. Every weapon you pick up gets added to your current wielding but reduces the amount of health and armour you carry, so that by the late game you have 10% maximum health but 12 different weapons circling the screen with a damage output of 480,000 HP - if you can see any enemies in the tiny oval of view available.
5. For the final boss you descend into Nazi-Vahalla to fight the Aryan version of Satan himself, but in a surprise twist it turns out Satan is your father, you emotionally reconcile, he realises the error of his ways, and wipes out the Nazi master race via a gene-tailored plague that causes violently deadly diarrhoea and all Nazi troopers to drown in their own armour suits - shown in glorious HD slo-mo close-up as one of the 17 finishing cutscenes.
You heard it here first. Bethesda NDAs have nothing on me, nothing!

Wrong Thread.
This is the perfect spiritual successor to Quake.
#10339 posted by
scar3crow on 2018/01/23 16:52:56
Shambler gave me an excuse to shamelessly self-promote. I wrote a review of Wolf 2 a while back.

So Wofl 2 Itself.
#10340 posted by
Shambler on 2018/01/25 12:36:12
I liked:
+ Graphics were great and ran super smooth.
+ Varied locations and styles.
+ Submarine base was super-stylish and detailed.
+ Weapons satisfying once upgraded.
+ Gameplay can be fun + exciting when it works.
+ Enemy reasonably interesting for Nazi style.
+ A FEW of the cutscenes were lol.
+ Many areas have minor multiple routes.
I disliked:
- No smooth progression through game world, each section completely separate.
- Small bits of gameplay constantly broken up by cutscenes.
- Items / secrets entirely useless fluff / concepts / starcards bullshit, apart from weapon upgrades.
- No control over perks.
- Far too many and far too long.
- Can't tell which ones are insta-skip and which ones are useful to advance plot.
- Emotional tone of the cutscenes and indeed game is all over the place and constantly jarring between American teen movie comedy, doom and gloom philosophy, Tarantino OTT farce.
- Generally hallucinatory MTV-generation ritalin-required OTT incoherence for teenagers raised on Youtube and social-media memes.
- Player is less of a glass cannon and more of a semi-frozen piss cannon with all enemies armed with one-shot hairdryers as well as normal weapons.
- Fragility means less hectic action, more cover-based shooter, or constant quickloading.
- Ammo absolutely EVERYWHERE so little use for managing ammo nor weapon usages.
- Settings so detailed and sometimes so gloomy / foggy that enemy are entirely invisible except crosshair.
- Heavy weapons frustrating as uberslow movement = more instant death.
Basically it's a mess. A classic example of ignoring "less is more", shoving absolutely everything in that the crack-smoking devs could possibly think of, without any thought to the overall result. OTOH if it is a fun shooter when it works, and if they'd taken out 2/3 of the cutscenes, added in 1/3 more gameplay, and linked the missions together more, it could have been great...

As A Contrast.
#10341 posted by
Shambler on 2018/01/25 12:38:51
30 mins into Prey, which has another long-ish "intro", and is so far hampered by boring scenery, it's already more interesting and more gripping than entire WOFL2 game....

Errr M8 U B0rked That Link Right Up.
#10348 posted by
Shambler on 2018/02/15 15:49:51

Played Some Older Shooters...
#10350 posted by
Redfield on 2018/02/18 09:26:13
So these games aren't that new, but I recently played them and really liked them so I thought I'd post a little review.
F.E.A.R. (2005) - I really love the gameplay in this one. The AI is just vicious and the old school healthpacks and armor shard pick ups make this a very challenging shooter. The office buildings get very repetitive, and the textures suck mostly, but the environment changes later in the game. The combat, particle, effects and sounds are just mind blowing, even now in 2018 it looks amazing.
The story is really simple and cliche but its still a good ghost/revenge story, and combined with the great lighting effects the game is very spooky at times.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001) - What a game, just a classic shooter in every respect. Brutal difficulty, great level designs, and a huge variety of enemies and weapons. Each level has a different theme to it, and some are even based on stealth (which only works to an extent). The art work in this game is just spot on, and it really gives a great supernatural/World War 2 feeling.
The environments and enemy models are really well detailed for a Q3 engine game. The gameplay is old-school all the way and perhaps even too difficult towards the end of the game. Highly recommended for lovers of 90s style FPSs.

#10351 posted by
Shambler on 2018/03/05 00:18:38
A few flaws with it:
1. The future art deco style is a matter of taste.
2. Navigating the station can become tiresome - slow inside, confusing outside.
3. The initially thrilling Typhon lose a bit of impact in the late game.
4. The crew quarters are unrealistically small.
5. The lack of a reflection in the many mirrors is jarring.
That's it.
I dock it a percent for each of those flaws - down to 95%
Everything else is excellent. Really spot on. Single player gaming at it's best, up there with the top plot-driven intelligent FPSes and continuing their traditions perfectly. I know I'm late to last year's party, but if anyone is sitting on the fence, just do it.

Vermintide 2
#10352 posted by
Zwiffle on 2018/03/12 17:06:05
Yay? Nay? Consensus? Anyone playing? Might be willing to spend the money if we could set up more play sessions

See #discord Dicussions.
#10353 posted by
Shambler on 2018/03/12 17:38:19
Waiting for negke to test it. But I'm up for it.

Vermintide II
#10354 posted by
bal on 2018/03/12 17:45:56
Played it a bit during lunch break, seems fun enough. Not sure I'll play it with you bastards though, because GO MAP! But who knows...

More XCom Cloneage
#10356 posted by
Shambler on 2018/03/28 22:17:15
BUT also has real time exploration and, errr, mutant people with duck heads??

On The Other Hand This Is Somewhat Different:
#10357 posted by
Shambler on 2018/03/28 22:18:46
Cute mouse RPG adventure but looks really nice style. I am actually trying it!!

Free Game: Spec Ops -- The Line
#10358 posted by Kingold on 2018/03/30 12:51:16

Mutant Year Zero
#10360 posted by
DaZ on 2018/03/30 15:16:41
looks bloody great. Looking forward to final release :)