Alien: Isolation - 81% / 8.5/10
#10313 posted by [Kona] on 2017/12/28 08:15:21
This is how an Aliens game should be made. Proper dark, surivival horror with an alien you can't kill. It's funny (ironic) that I'd even enjoy this sort of game when I just got off slagging DSII for their distant checkpoints and requiring patience. But it's a different kind. I can plod along slowly in the shadows, not repeating shit over and over, and not jackhammering my keyboard just to kill a small bird. The checkpoints weren't too far apart anyway, and it actually becomes a big part of the intensity of the game trying to survive long enough to get to the checkpoint. All up I only had to repeat a few sections more than 3 times and no more than a few minutes each time. I also played on the lowest difficulty setting, which probably helped. I see a lot of people complaining online about the alien being more luck than skill if you survive and it's too hard bla bla bla JUST PUT THE FUCKING DIFFICULTY DOWN.
It's not perfect though, the game goes on a bit long. The ending was a bit anticlimatic, there was no difficulty spike, just a long walk and a few face huggers. The Average Joe's really get on my tits after a while, enough of these annoying cunts that always seem to grab me from 10 metres away. All the backtracking over previous areas gets annoying. A little bit more wow factor in design would have been nice - more like some of the DSII scenes. But still, the best Aliens game I've played and one of the best survivals.
Unfortunately the developer returned to only spewing out turn based crap after this game, apparently it only broke even so not worth doing a sequel.
 Never Played DS1 Nor 2, Only DS3.
#10315 posted by Shambler on 2017/12/28 12:12:54
And Alien Isolation had even more broken savepoints, i.e. well before lengthy sequences / cutscenes and not after, and the randomised alien was pure bullshit EVEN WITH THE DIFFICULTY DOWN.
#10316 posted by Shambler on 2017/12/28 12:16:48
 2017 Games Of The Year....
#10317 posted by Shambler on 2018/01/03 14:30:19
1. Dark Souls 3 Ringed City DLC
2. Deus Ex 4 Criminal Past DLC
3. Divinity Original Sin 2 Early Access
4. Battletech Backer's Beta Early Access
5. Forgotten Sepulcher Quake AD Map
I am quite proud that none of mine are actual games ;)
 Dark Souls, Frantic Keyboard Pounding And Respawning Enemies
#10318 posted by Jago on 2018/01/03 15:55:11
First of all, you are a true masochist if you are playing this with a keyboard. This game series is one of those PC games that is much MUCH better with a gamepad. Yes, on a PC.
Second: do you realize you don't actually have to kill regular enemies? You only really need to kill them if you want to farm for some items or when exploring an area for the first time. If you already know where you are going, you can just run past almost every single mob.
#10319 posted by Shambler on 2018/01/03 16:18:45
100% wrong about mouse and keyboard, the challenge in the game comes from a lot of factors but choosing to use a comfortable accurate control mechanism I.E. M+KB is not one of those factors.
Post more GOTYs, bitches.
 GOTY 2017
#10320 posted by killpixel on 2018/01/03 16:52:33
uh... RiME, I guess. Not that it's a particularly great game (it is pretty and has some cool puzzle concepts) but 2017 was a rather lackluster gaming year for me. Good year for consoles (Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, Super Mario Odyssey, etc). Too bad I don't own any :(
I still intend to check out PREY when it drops to $5. Fortnite looks fun, I just don't have to time to get wrapped up in a MP game atm.
 Breath Of The Wild
#10321 posted by MrKilles on 2018/01/04 14:20:54
By the way, in case some of you are not informed, The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild is available on PC...unofficially :D
It has been entirely emulated, a little community project. Apparently it is even moddable on PC, but suffice to say it runs great and with higher gfx than on the Switch.
So if you don't wanna get a switch but would like to see what the fuss is about, there you go.
To be found in the usual places..
If you feel guilty, just buy a boxed copy and put it in you cupboard before playing it on PC
I have a Switch, holding on to it on low firmware for homebrew which should be soon incoming, but if not I'll probably sell it and get a more emulator flexible handheld gaming device.
 Just Checked, Correction: Homebrew Has Arrived On The Switch :D
#10322 posted by MrKilles on 2018/01/04 14:32:30
#10323 posted by [Kona] on 2018/01/07 08:15:18
The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild on pc... thank fuck for that. It would be a total waste such an apparently fantastic game on some thing called a Switch.
Sniper Elite III - 7/10
Most gamers would probably rate it 5-6/10 but I do like my shooters.
Ether One - 5.5/10
What a boring game. Nice idea behind it, but dull puzzles, fetch quest and it doesn't even look very good tbh, compared to other recent indie story based games.
Mass Effect 3 - 9.5/10
Oh lovely. Looks great for 2012. Combat finally at it's best in the trilogy. Great characters and story. There's not much more needed in this game apart from the ending, and I don't mean the story, there was nothing wrong with that. But just the way the previous work throughout the game building your army meant sfa in the end. I just got the option of a slightly different ending but mostly the same cinematics. Note I played the full DLC included version, the 3 main DLC's are a must play. Apparently at a certain point in development half the team got put on finishing the game, while the other half were put on creating the DLC's. Well it certainly shows. They should have been in the game and add about 10-13 hours of mostly action. One of modern gamings best games, or even games series, along with Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher.
Just playing through Watch Dogs now. Lame console sandbox gameplay but I'll persevere. Looks fucking nice on my new 31" curved 1440p 144hz monitor :D
#10324 posted by negke on 2018/01/07 10:52:19
That Jago character tricked me into giving Elder Scrolls Online a try, but he didn't mention it's 87 GB and by the time the download finishes, I'll probably have lost interest again!
 Re: ESO
#10325 posted by Jago on 2018/01/08 08:27:31
That’s weird, the installed game is 60,1gb.
#10326 posted by [Kona] on 2018/01/08 10:28:28
The bigger the better I reckon... more high quality textures. Report back on if it's any good, I plan to play it soon as well but I've never played an mmo before.
#10327 posted by negke on 2018/01/08 11:10:10
Launcher or website said 87 GB required, though it is 60 indeed. Took ages to download nevertheless.
I played for a few hours, but I'm not not sold. The world is very nice visually. Gameplay seems lame, though? Lots of "Find three NPCs" type of quests and respawning enemies - respawning right next to you after a couple of seconds, that is. And every action seems inconsequential so far, nothing to get invested in the story or NPCs or factions. Big assault on your town, but you just go to quest marker A and B and then things are back to normal and you move on to the next quest without looking back.
I suppose this is how MMO games work, certainly reminds me of the WoW trial I once played. Just doesn't grab me. Plus I'm not interested in interacting with other players, which I realize pretty much defies the purpose or playing a MMO.
Not sure if I'll continue playing.
 ESO Quests
#10328 posted by Jago on 2018/01/08 11:26:34
A lot of the quests are indeed standard MMO fodder (only if often nicely disguised), but every zone has several larger story-based deeper quests that are often interesting (and sometimes outright hilarious), but I guess it's pretty hard to write entire zones worth of those.
As for player interactions, I am in a guild mostly for the chat. Out of roughly 120 hours I have put into the game so far, I've spent maybe 4-5 playing with other people.
 Watch Dogs
#10329 posted by [Kona] on 2018/01/09 11:13:54
By the way on Watch Dogs, I ended up quite enjoying it. Graphics with the mod some dude made to make the game look like it was supposed at the E3 launch made it look pretty awesome. The whole hackery thing is all fun and quite different to any other game I've played. How often does a game bring something new to the table? Let alone Ubisoft. Only those fucking timed minigames got on my tits.
Main character is a dullard (looks like they dropped him for WD2) and a bit of a shit ending but otherwise story is okay.
The problem with the game is it can be a right frustrating cunt at times. Trying to outrun the enemy is a rinse and repeat until you get lucky, because often the enemies cars are faster than you and somehow on rails always missing the obstacles. You can't just outdrive them, it's sometimes impossible they just keep catching up, so you've got to jump out and try to run, then jump back in a car and hide/get lucky.
Once the po po get on your dick late in the game it's horrible, they just keep coming endlessly. There's a couple of combat missions that are quite difficult too. If anyone here does play it, purchase the best assault rifle as soon as possible. Without it the gunplay is wonky as fuck with hopeless aim/recoil.
On to the next Ass Creed (Unity) now, shit this looks nice on 1440p maxed out. Actually this might be my first next-gen only title.
 Steampunk Grimrock....
#10330 posted by Shambler on 2018/01/09 16:06:19
....for all you bitches who like playing in a fucking chess-board grid:
 Also Grim.
#10331 posted by Shambler on 2018/01/10 18:48:06
Did I mention how fucking good the graphics and details and world is in Grim Dawn?? Been playing the expansion and it's more of the same but more proper ARPG fun in a beautifully presented setting.
 Wofl 11.
#10333 posted by Shambler on 2018/01/13 21:21:44
So. 1 hour into Wolfenstein The New Colossus and it has managed to pack in: racism, fat-shaming, animal cruelty, anti-semitism, abusive parenting, implied necrophilia, disability mocking, cultural stereo-typing, decapitation and dismemberment. Good effort!
 How Complete!
#10334 posted by Cocerello on 2018/01/13 21:31:29
Is it missing something?
 In Other Words
#10335 posted by killpixel on 2018/01/13 21:45:26
#10336 posted by [Kona] on 2018/01/14 10:12:31
Yeah so finished AC Unity. First next gen title I've played, looks like Ubisofts next gen engine is one real beauty. People like to rubbish big publishers like Ubisoft with their uplay, microtransactions, repetitive game releases, dumbed down gameplay. But they probably don't get as much credit as they deserve with the way they've pushed some areas of the industry, particularly the amazing amount of detail they put into the design of their Ass Creed games.
Look at these:
Meanwhile Dark Souls 2 has 4 brush hallways and is hailed as game of the year 2014. God, imagine if DS2 looked like this. What other games have this level of detail in 2014, or graphic capabilities that isn't Cryengine which no one uses anyway so there must be something wrong with it.
Anyway Unity, finally a game that feels like a real lived in city, which 1000s of people in it and always stuff happening on every street corner. The attention to detail in this game is amazing. I assume the next 2 AC games are just as detailed.
Gameplay is just the same old shit though, so 7/10 it gets from me. They're not even attempting to continue the main story arc anymore.
 Predictions For Wolfenstein 3: The Ancient Colossal Blood.
#10337 posted by Shambler on 2018/01/23 10:01:44
(Based on the masterpiece of subtlety and coherence that is Woflmao2: The Nu Colossus.)
1. The Nazis have successfully managed to clone Hitler and most of the larger enemies in the game are equipped with chain-cannons firing a stream of actual Hitlers at you. It's possible to use one of these cannons yourself in you can put up with the incessant German-tourettes ranting from the ammo compartment.
2. Half of the cutscenes are song-and-dance numbers set to increasingly bewildering EDM micro-genres, with the NPCs personalities mostly based on 4chan posters. The order of the cutscenes and missions is entirely randomised and can only be reverted to chronological order by editing a hidden encrypted .ini file that's revealed if you collect 100% of secrets on your first run through.
3. You get anally impregnated as part of an abhorrent Nazi medical experiment (hinted at with a hallucinatory anus-cam cutscene) and then have to successfully give birth in a critical Quicktime event, to a biomechanical combat drone who then accompanies you with a mixture of wise-cracking quips and morose Descartian philosophy.
4. Every weapon you pick up gets added to your current wielding but reduces the amount of health and armour you carry, so that by the late game you have 10% maximum health but 12 different weapons circling the screen with a damage output of 480,000 HP - if you can see any enemies in the tiny oval of view available.
5. For the final boss you descend into Nazi-Vahalla to fight the Aryan version of Satan himself, but in a surprise twist it turns out Satan is your father, you emotionally reconcile, he realises the error of his ways, and wipes out the Nazi master race via a gene-tailored plague that causes violently deadly diarrhoea and all Nazi troopers to drown in their own armour suits - shown in glorious HD slo-mo close-up as one of the 17 finishing cutscenes.
You heard it here first. Bethesda NDAs have nothing on me, nothing!