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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Evil Within 2. 
Finished Evil Within 2 - it's good. Definitely recommended if you like the first, or if you never tried the first but like survival horror with a bit more emphasis on combat progression and characters rather than pure gore and horror.

It's an interesting progression from EW1, while that was a chaotic mess with lots of WTF moments and some properly fucked up monsters/scenes, EW2 is almost entirely logical, coherent, and well plotted (which really comes together at the end-game despite some cheesy moments). I feel it's lost a bit of it's impact by being more cohesive and less fucked up, but there is plenty of style to it and immersion. There's also more combat and exploration and tactics how you deal with situations, but there is quite a discrepancy between some semi-open-world sections and some very cinematic-driven sections. TL,DR: see first paragraph. 
Has Potential. 
Would like to see a video with FOV greater than 60.

Mixing standard horror with a bit of FPS fun could work tho. Lives and dies on the gameplay I reckon as there's enough games doing that vibe (well, maybe not that kinda OTT "fun" horror, but close enough). He says, having just finished EW2.... 
Now Then. 
This is interesting:

Shadow Tactics meets RPG with hints of Dishonoured and Satellite Reign aesthetics and british voiceovers with added swearing.

Cohh has been playing it: (or "view latest broadcast"), does look nifty. 
Also The Soundtrack Is Ace So Far. 
ADOM best rpg, no sounds, no graphics, ~1MB 

best rpg, no sounds, no graphics, ~1MB 
is it really the best rpg? I mean, there are a lot of classic RPGs. 
Can someone test this:

In the context of this:

Update Information 1.21.03 (11/30/2017) ※Patch 1.21.03 has been released.

  - Added camera/action controls for mice.

  - Added customizable key bindings for keyboards.

And check that everything is working and fully rebindable, including movement on mouse buttons and mouse 4/5 thanks. 
Best RPG.

Tough one for me. I would have to leave FPS / 3PS RPGs out because they are very much their own genre (Skyrim first, then tie between DX / DX4 / DS3 for me?).

In the Iso / top-down / whatever, eeeesh, tough call.

Spent most time ever in Guild Wars, so I guess that's good. It was my first tho, and I was playing it when I had an immobilising injury. In recent years, Grim Dawn has just pipped Diablo 3 and Path Of Exile for reasons I've mentioned before. But.....I might have to go with Divinity Original Sin 2, despite only playing the Early just has so much to it in all directions (plot, skill, interactions, super-tactical combat), and looks amazing. So maybe that one. 
An Awards Show 
...built around paid advertising for games in alpha.

But Witchfire does look purdy. 
Aliens For Dead 2? 
Looks pretty promising. 
Some Exciting Games Comin Out 
EW2 Demo + Discount

Do it. No qualms recommending this at full price even. 
Is This The Right Thread For DOOM-related Stuff? 
I just noticed that the 2017 Cacowards have been anounced, and Shadows of the Nightmare Realm by YukiRaven (who made Temple of Azathoth is number 2 in the top ten (screenshot.

I'm not much of a Doom player, but some of these maps look pretty good, judging by the screenshots. YukiRaven's map requires GZDoom, which I can't get to work on my system, so I haven't played it, but I played Brigandine by Viggles (number 5), and it's really, really nice (screenshot). I quickly get bored of Doom partly because I miss the true 3d of Quake and partly because the gameplay of most custom maps I've played feels like busywork (mindless button pressing without knowing what the buttons do, too many monsters and maze-like layouts), but this map has actual pacing and a manageable scope, and it's just fun to explore. It feels very 3d despite being made in 2.5d engine. 
Thanks For The Headsup 
I didn't expect the Cacowards of this year to be announced so soon. 
Free Games 
Free Game "Layers Of Fear" 
Free Games 

"Watchdogs", "World in Conflict", and "Assassin's Creed IV": 
Just deciding whether it's safer to download uplay and get Watchdogs or just get a pirate/torrent version. Probably torrent would be safer than uplay.

I've only played a few games this year, nothing since July, until right before xmas, now I've got a bit of free time so getting through the queue.

Bound By Flame - 56% (metacrtic) / 6.5 (me)
Started out pretty decent, good rpg, but really started to go downhill by the mid point with horrible linear maze levels. Combat was fun, although dual-wield with light magic appears to be the only way to go so not much replayability. Supposed to be a fairly hard game but I think I cracked build perfectly. It was very linear overall though, unlike most modern RPGs.

Thief - 70% / 7/10
Reminded me of Dishonest but with more straightforward gameplay. I quite enjoyed it although certainly not on the level of Thief 3 with story.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - 82% / 6.5/10
Shit some of these story-games are quite overated aren't they? By the time I realised there's actual objectives here and I started doing them, the story was a little difficult to piece together, and then I couldn't be bothered going back to the beginning. I got it in the end though, decent story. Nice looking game. But come on it's a 1 hour walking game. I see the developer second game is a dark fantasy FPS oh fuck yes!
Am really looking forward to this one

Child of Light - 77% / 7/10
I played on the lower difficult which is supposed to be really easy, but I still found it too hard and needed cheats to finish it haha. Fuck I feel pathetic sometimes. Nice dark watercolour style art, it's a flying platformer with turn based combat, which was okay. Turn-based is normally not my thing but I was playing it for the art anyway. A bit long though. 
Dark Souls II - 91% / 7/10 
With a score like 91%, with the next highest action game of 2014 way down on 85%, I was thinking they must got it right this time. More frequent and not hidden checkpoints, tick. Less maze-layouts and huge backtracking, tick. Respawning every enemy in the game each time you save at checkpoint, even when you haven't died, ffs. By the time I got through Forest of the Fallen Giants I'd had e-fucking-nough. I look at videos of walkthroughs and yeah sure they're darting and rolling around like rabbits, landing 1 hit every 2 minutes. I'm not playing like that. Screw that. I can't spend 50-100 hours on a game with frantic keyboard pounding wearing my poor wrist out. I'm way too impatient to replay the same set of enemies 30 times over because they keep respawning. I think only hardcore gamers with a lot of time on their hands could truely love this game, which makes me wonder about all the great reviews. Most gamers are casual and this is a slap in the face to casual gamers. Sure that's the way it was intended, but why so much love when it's only designed for a certain audience? If a game was too easy, it would certainly be reflected in the reviews. Anyway I did actually finish the game with cheats and I did enjoy it still. Lots of great locations. I must admit though, the engine is getting a bit dated and maybe 20% of the level design does look pretty bad. Like 4 brush corridors design. I'd love to love DS but not when it requires this much work and time, when I've got 5 other long fantasy RPGs from 2014 alone still to play. With a quicksave I'd love DSII, it would be like Stalker and that's not shit right? Stalker is still a tough game even with quicksave.

Shambler I'm surprised you quit, you loved DS1 right? You know all the keys are remappable, if used with glovepie. You should unmap them all in game, sent them to normal keys you wouldn't normally use, then reset them in glovepie. I was switching between wasd and mouse for movement. 
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