Just deciding whether it's safer to download uplay and get Watchdogs or just get a pirate/torrent version. Probably torrent would be safer than uplay.
I've only played a few games this year, nothing since July, until right before xmas, now I've got a bit of free time so getting through the queue.
Bound By Flame - 56% (metacrtic) / 6.5 (me)
Started out pretty decent, good rpg, but really started to go downhill by the mid point with horrible linear maze levels. Combat was fun, although dual-wield with light magic appears to be the only way to go so not much replayability. Supposed to be a fairly hard game but I think I cracked build perfectly. It was very linear overall though, unlike most modern RPGs.
Thief - 70% / 7/10
Reminded me of Dishonest but with more straightforward gameplay. I quite enjoyed it although certainly not on the level of Thief 3 with story.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - 82% / 6.5/10
Shit some of these story-games are quite overated aren't they? By the time I realised there's actual objectives here and I started doing them, the story was a little difficult to piece together, and then I couldn't be bothered going back to the beginning. I got it in the end though, decent story. Nice looking game. But come on it's a 1 hour walking game. I see the developer second game is a dark fantasy FPS oh fuck yes!
Am really looking forward to this one
Child of Light - 77% / 7/10
I played on the lower difficult which is supposed to be really easy, but I still found it too hard and needed cheats to finish it haha. Fuck I feel pathetic sometimes. Nice dark watercolour style art, it's a flying platformer with turn based combat, which was okay. Turn-based is normally not my thing but I was playing it for the art anyway. A bit long though.