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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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The Latest Shit That Looks Shit.

Waste of a modern engine, waste of supposedly retro gameplay, waste of a fantasy theme / settings. Most of the QUMP maps looked more coherent than this. 
No idea why people are hating on Amid Evil. I think it looks alright.

I'm enjoying New Colossus so far but I'm not more than an hour into the game. 
Amid Evil 
First I've heard of it, but looks in keeping with the goals behind DUSK. Whereas Dusk looks more like a retro-modern Blood, this looks like a retro-modern Heretic (which seems cool.) Gameplay looks fast and frenetic, graphics looks meh, but I've heard good things about DUSK Episode 1 so I'll probably keep an eye out. 
Probably Because .. 
.. it is said to be like Doom and Quake but it is more like Pankiller, Serious Sam big areas or a medieval fantastic Brutal Doom, similar to DUSK, and that what it is advertised on the video it is mainly the possibility of playing arenas against lots of low hp enemies and that it is made with the Unreal Engine like if that made it automatically a good game.

Me, personally, i think it is decent in what it tries to deliver for now, so i have not many complaints. 
Amid Evil Is Made By SJW Cuck Cancer 
Free Game: Watch Dogs 
Ubisoft is giving away their old AAA title Watch Dogs at:

Until 14th of this month. 

Says all the right keywords, so that makes me happy, but no game play so ??? Could be anything really.

Closed beta signups: 
Multiplayer only.
Arena combat.
Hugely generic gfx / characters.
No theme or coherence.
Desperately clinging to pseudo-retro bullshit to cover up for being awful.
A mash-up of the worst bits Painkiller / Serious Sam / Bulletstorm and Gears of Wank.

Or all of the above. 
I Hope You're Wrong 
but you may be right. 
Even if there was a game just like Quake, people would still bash it for the aforementioned reasons. 
Well They'd Be Wrong Then. 
Retro Re-release With Added DAZ Design 
Does Daz Still Get A Cut Of The Profits? 
Or is it prophets? :^) 
Amid Evil Gameplay "reveal"

I'm with Shambles on this one. Looks like bottom tier custom Unreal maps with a shit retexturing pack. Generally a complete absence of good taste.

Makes you wonder, if this piece of shit is getting this much attention... I wonder what a standalone game with the standards of modern Q1SP/mods would do if positioned and marketed correctly.

First we need to find a voiceover artist to deliver ball-achingly cringeworthy, pandering to the "retro" fanbase, shite fucking lines.

- £49.99 early access
And The Cease Tide Of Pseudo-retro Shite Continues To Spew Out....

Is there no stopping this geyser of diarrhoea?? Are appallingly awful looking games that utterly debase everything that made "retro" games remotely appealling the new AAA publisher-aborted military shooters?? Is it time to pick up COD85WW2 instead?? 
I think Amid Evil looks ok. This preview is by someone I trust on these things -

I can't say Apocryph looks good though, looks very slow and boring. 
Useful Video 5th. 
Some of it does indeed sound good - level design, pacing, and the power-up on the axe especially. For me the crux lies at 5:15, everything he describes about the look is jarring to one degree or another, even though it is actually themed (a rarity for this sort of game), the various graphical aspects: some fancy effects / low poly models / loads of coloured lights / semi-sprite weapons / pixellation, all are wrong in combination. Why not do exactly the same game with exactly the same action, exactly the same theme, but some sort of graphical coherence and fidelity?? 
Then don't play it? Amid Evil looks fun besides some of the colors and the HUD. The more I see of the game, the more I like. I wasn't interested in Dusk but Apocryph looks fine. The blobby monsters look stupid but other than that I think it's a bit better looking than Amid Evil.

I'm really happy you post your rants though, as I'd never find these little games otherwise. 
How about I post about your mom's face, and how much better it looks pressed into the floor when she's bent over??

Srsly tho. Okay I am going off on one about these games a bit, but they are particularly relevant to this board, my own narrow but dedicated interest in one retro game, and they seem to have an unerring knack of never hitting the mark (from degrees of "almost close" to "fucking miles away") despite usually showing some vague sort of Quake-relevant potential (again to wildly varying degrees). I replied to 5th not because Amid Evil looks as spectacularly faildung as the rest, but because it does have some potential but then shoots itself in the foot. With a sprite weapon. In a game with fancy coloured lighting. Etc. 
#10256 Totally Agree 
and disagree with the visual comments in that video.

It's completely incoherent. High res textures are really hard to make work with low poly characters and sprites. I know because I tried when making an idbase replacement set, and I found anything beyond 4x resolution was jarring and wrong. These look like the equivalent of around 16x.

The coloured lights are also awful. The reasons some old FPS have cartoonishly strong coloured lighting is because (1) it was a "next-gen" selling point of the early 3dfx cards so devs wanted to make the coloured lighting obvious, and (2) no one had figured out how to do it tastefully and realistically at that point. Literally no one looks back fondly on the time when no one knew how to set RGB values on lighting entities.

That UI! What the fuck is that font. Again, it's like a shitty font replacement for quakeworld. Again, it's not a thing anyone misses about that era of games.

Visually at least, they've totally missed the point. There's loads of things worth keeping from some of the best games of the Quake era, but a lot that is objectively worse than the average shooter of today. You just have to, you know, have decent taste and not just blindly copy-paste without understanding context. 
also, as someone who's made many shit speedmaps with no sense of scale... thats what this level geometry looks like. 
Thats the most jarring thing about the game for me: The sense of scale is fucked. Its like a Quake screenshot with the FOV cranked to 150 
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