Actually, That's 9
#10213 posted by Mugwump on 2017/10/27 16:16:36
 Wolf 3D 1.5?
#10215 posted by Scragbait on 2017/10/30 15:25:28
Spear of Destiny
 Deus-Ex Mankind Divided
#10216 posted by Scragbait on 2017/10/30 15:45:24
I recently finished it and the three single player DLC addons and I agree with Shambler - it is the exploration and looting that makes the game great and if you're going to dig through all sewers, apartments, storage bays, maintenance passages etc., it turns out to be a very deep and long game (or short if you chose to just push on with the main story.)
I did not like the hacking but I did max out my hacking skills because, despite the tedium and slave to chance nature of it, hacking to read emails and open locks gets you valuable XP and a lot more of the parallel stories and mini dramas scattered throughout the game, not to mention big loot.
Good game for nosey petty thieves with enough conscience that they don't want to kill anyone (which also gets you more XP over kills.) I did like this game despite some bugs and visual booboos like hair sticking through bodies and clothes.
#10217 posted by Shambler on 2017/10/30 17:55:59
Good game for nosey petty thieves with enough conscience that they don't want to kill anyone (which also gets you more XP over kills.)
Well said.
#10218 posted by path0gen on 2017/10/31 13:04:33
...is receiving a lot of mixed reviews :| Apparently the amount of cutscenes is significantly increased, but the story and the writing isn't on par with TNO? The base gameplay hasn't changed, but they introduced some side mission filler?..
Considering I need at least a brand new video card to even try the game, this seems like a deal breaker for now, at least until a sale :/
 Ask Vondur....
#10219 posted by Shambler on 2017/10/31 19:27:03
#10220 posted by anonymous user on 2017/10/31 19:40:15
well yes, base gameplay is nothing special, it's your usual shooter with fun moments and eyecandy viduals.
but they raised the bar with storytelling indeed! i'd say some places made me lol so hard i got tears, rly. this is the first game where i didn't want to skip the cutscenes, honest! the story kept me interested till the end.
so basically when fps part is still there and there's alot of it (near the end atm and 16hrs played), they made it funnier with cutscenes. so it's a solid game in my view.
 Fuck It Was Me Above
#10221 posted by Vondur on 2017/10/31 19:40:37
#10222 posted by scar3crow on 2017/10/31 19:43:37
Also playing Wolf2, I'll post a review a few days after I finish it, most likely. Anyways, uh, it isn't worth an upgrade for. Upgrade per your desires, but, this game doesn't warrant it. I've not finished it yet, but so far the story is massively below TNO's in quality, and the gameplay is also worse. Pretty buggy too, a lot of little problems which stack up that I didn't run into with TNO/TOB.
 Vondur Confirmed For Anon Poster???
 I Guess I'm Too Old
I'm just not interested in Wolf2. I prefer serious storytelling and characters with real stakes as in Last of Us, Uncharted or the Walking Dead games.
All the marketing and irreverent over-the-top stuff they've pushed out on this game just turns me off. Plus it's a fucking FPS. Do we need long cut scenes? Do they give the player a rest from the intensity as in HL2 or is it just the devs are wannabe film directors?
I played TNO but haven't played the Old Blood... was that any good? A friend said I'd like it.
 Wofl Cutscenes.
#10225 posted by Shambler on 2017/10/31 22:35:04
Icing on the cake. Not important / necessary, not going to make up for bad gameplay, but a pleasant extra if they're good.
IIRC TOB was good. Which was the one with flaming zombie nazis falling from the sky? That bit was ace.
#10228 posted by path0gen on 2017/11/01 17:13:52
TOB was pretty decent, yeah. A couple of questionable designs, but quite worthy as an expansion.
#10229 posted by anonymous user on 2017/11/01 18:07:24
in a quake, doom, or serious sam, you have to actually learn how the game works to progress. you are actually "playing" something which provides a fair challenge. Hl2 started the fps-as-a-slideshow experience, where the point was to make the actual game as easier to beat as possible, to make as many people as possible watch all the cutscenes and setpieces. This became worse and worse in the following expansions.
How is wolf2 in this regards? Is the game actually cool to play? Or is this all about the cutscenes?
 HL2 Cutscenes
Well at least you could run around the level during the cutscenes and do silly stuff if you were bored. I never saw the HL2 and expansion scenes as too long or "in the way" at all.
But when a game cuts away from your POV and plays a cutscene for more than just a few seconds it drives me nuts. I want to play a game not watch some developer's dream movie.
#10231 posted by Shambler on 2017/11/02 10:16:02
Great game. What was the question again?
#10232 posted by DaZ on 2017/11/02 11:25:24
I found that Wolf:TNO had fun gameplay and story was ok, but with too many cutscenes.
Wolf2 on the other hand, has an amazing story and there are more cutscenes but I don't mind watching them because they are crazy fun. But the game play is really bringing the whole thing down.
Lots of enemies appearing behind me and killing me, without warning. Lots of tiny corridor bottlenecks. And it's hard to see many enemies due to grey nazi bunker + grey nazi's :P
There are also teleporting robots that love to teleport behind you.
The sound mix feels totally wrong too. You cannot hear enemies well enough, hence the constant death from behind.
Visually though, god damn it's fucking beautiful. The hub map is some serious eye candy of the like I haven't seen before. Runs crazy fast considering the visual detail too.
#10233 posted by MrKilles on 2017/11/02 12:28:33
Are all Wolf2 custscenes remaining in first person pov at least ?
I think proper FPS which want to express their humour/setting/geist whatever (unlike FPS who opt to just dump you in and let you make your own out of it, al la Quake) do best to do it right in the middle of the the gameplay.
The Build games did this plenty and its part of their charm, at most a separate video "cutscene" per episode.
This cutscene stuff always feels cheap to me in a FPS.
These half story custscene heavy FPS's are simply something else, not sure if it is so great though, story is better delivered in other mediums.
Or why not just go whole hog and actually film / pixar level animate a blockbuster and have moments where the movie pauses and lets you play out the next action scene ??
 W2 Cutscenes
#10234 posted by Vondur on 2017/11/02 15:49:28
are rly new level of fun, they're not from player's pov though. but i never wanted to skip them, they nicely fit into the gameplay.
just look at them on youtube ;) though i'd recommend against that cuz it's best to watch them in game's context.
 Nioh """PC"""
#10235 posted by Shambler on 2017/11/03 16:03:41
 New Colossus
#10236 posted by erc on 2017/11/03 19:10:47
Was a letdown for me. Gone are the varied and mostly open levels of the original; apart from Evas Hammer and Ausmerzer, most of the levels are run-down tenements or uninspired corridor-heavy bases (a missed opportunity really, considering the fact that the theme itself is the liberation of USA); revisiting them over and over due to filler side missions don't work in their favor either. The original's story goes hand-to-hand with its level design, here it feels like it only takes place in the cutscenes. I also missed the emotional impact of the original greatly, it was what made it so remarkable for me in the first place - this one has its moments but lacks the overall feeling. The core gameplay's still satisfying once one gets into the rhythm of it though.
Overall, I was expecting much more from it. Let's see how the season pass content turns out.
 Deus Ex 5 DLC : A Criminal Past.
#10237 posted by Shambler on 2017/11/04 22:09:36
100% recommended. If you like DX5 then you will almost certainly like this. It's DLC / mission pack exactly like it should be done - more of the same game you enjoyed, but with a different setting (which gets increasingly stylish) and plot (decent), and neatly self-contained like the full game in a micro-cosm. 10 hours or so and all good.