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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Shadow Warrior 2013 
Well worth it's recent price. Numerous minor flaws as well as the headbob including overly-arenay combat and boring bosses culminating in a final boss I simply couldn't be arsed to get through, and sometimes crude "gamey" designs. BUT then again numerous things it does right - good movement, fun weapons, useful sword, useful loot / minor upgrades, really useful quicksave, balanced combat, tolerable humour, skippable cutscenes, good variety in locations, a proper theme, decent enemies. In short as game that encourages you to shoot the shit out of a lot of things, it hits the mark far more than themeless and/or overly cheesy stuff like Painkiller, Bulletstorm, etc. Still not sure it's worth the £30 full price it's back up to but maybe if you like the style. 
I Heard The Sequel Is Better 
I Heard The Sequel Is Bullshit 
Is It Kim K Under That Helmet? 
Stumbled upon this today. No idea what the game is worth but the player character looks like a total wet dream for pervs, complete with kardashianesque silhouette, buttcrack camera shots (remember the original Tomber Raider? That was nothing!) and exaggerated boob sway... xD Oboy!

Just in case some of my fellow quakers would happen to be said pervs, be aware that the game is still available @ half price for about 3.5 hours on Humble Bundle
Did We Have This Yet? 
Japanese theme, got "Shadow" in the name, but somewhat different:

Got a demo to try to. I'm sure someone must have posted it already? Not a big fan of the theme, really don't like the cartoony outlines, a little bit too isometric.....but it seems pretty damn good in general. Proper easy to grasp hard to master style. 
Shadow Blah 
Never been a fan of the Commandos style of gameplay but it looks niceish (it's more the waterfalls than the rather light cell shading that bug me). Medieval Japan is a theme much less used in videogames than WWII so that's fine by me. This isn't isometry BTW but real 3D: you can see the cam rotate at the end of the trailer. 
I played a couple of hours of the demo last night night, I know it's not true isometric. BUT most of it is on quite squarish grid and you can't move the camera angle in the vertical plane. Not a big deal TBH but iirc something like XCom feels more natural (although it's still very griddish). 
Shadow Tactics 
looks like a game I really want to enjoy but something that I will not enjoy. But I can appreciate the aesthetic. 
Why Not Dude? 
Also did anyone else play Satellite Reign? Not as tactically deep as ST, and a bit repetitive, but a very nice cyberpunk style. 
Promos On GTA V This Weekend 
on Humble Bundle. 40 to 60% off. 
After More Than 20 Years In Development, Grimoire Is Finally Released

Cleveland Mark Blakemore's Magnum Opus! The ultimate classic style turn-based roleplaying game in the tradition of Wizardry, Might&Magic, Lands Of Lore and Eye of the Beholder! A game that took over 20 years to produce! As much as 600 hours of play with hand-painted graphics and old skool goodness!

This is basically a huge CRPG of the blobber type made by an insane Neanderthal living in a fallout shelter. Perpetually delayed, the game was a running gag until a demo was released a few years back and impressed everyone with how great it was. 

Started playing it this morning and it's absolutely gorgeous. Gameplay is so-so. 
I've seen all the physics comparison videos on the internet and read all the stories about how GTAV is a gameplay-wise step back from GTAIV.

Yet, it looks so good and it looks like it's got a huge map so I'd really like to try it.

Should I get it and get a savefile so I can cheat and play they whole map from the start? 
Never heard of it before. Watched the first hour of the video, looks lovely (I dig the cartoony design) and relaxing but I wonder about the game's interest in the long run: you seem to do quite a lot of running from point A to point B and back, it looks like an open world at first before you realize it's very linear and the puzzles don't offer much of a challenge. That said, I did spend one full hour only watching the vid and I didn't feel bored at all. Might be worth checking out after all... 
Rime Looks Very Very Zelda Breath Of The Wild Like... 
I'm enjoying it so far. It's like ico and myst's little cousin. The puzzles are very simple, even more so than, say, portal. My work is mentally draining, so I'm glad the puzzles are straight forward - I just want to relax, explore the world and soak up the phenomenal aesthetic anyway :)

If challenging puzzles are what you're looking for this game probably isn't for you, if not, I'd say check it out. 
Dusk Episode 1 Looks Cool And You Can Kill The Klan 
it's no wonder otp hates it 
Dawn Of War Collection 75% Off 
this weekend on Humble Bundle. Includes DoW GOTY, DoW 2 and all add-ons, DLCs, race & skin packs for 27.49€ instead of 109.99€. DoW 3 is sold separately for 44.99€ (25% off) here. Both offers are still up for 1 day, 9 hours and 26 mins. 
Neverdead A New Old Scool Shooter ! 
The Bullshit Is Strong In This One. 
It looks hideous 
End Of HL 
Former Half Hife writer Mark Laidlaw releases possible Half Life 3 plot summary on his website:

Pastebin with names replaced: 
I really don't get this new "retro" shooters and their commercial success. What's with the shitty art? Do they really think that's retro? It's just plain lazy. And the plain levels? Outraging. 
- A retro shooter doesn’t require a team of 80 people working on it.
- Define "shitty". A lot of people actually prefer Quake, for example, with big fat pixels instead of clean HD textures. Also, low-rez textures are usually patiently hand-crafted pixel by pixel vs. hi-rez textures generated from a set of params. How's that for laziness?
- Plain levels? If you're referring to Strafe, that may be the procedural generation, which often produces bland results. Play Arcane Dimensions and see just how plain a retro shooter's maps can be... 
No The Anon Is Right In This Case. 
90% of them look like fucking gash, not just GFX-wise but more prominently theme and design wise. The other 10% is killpixel's thing in the works.

If any of these retro-bandwagon-jumping-bullshit-a-thons had the tiniest fraction of AD's theme and design qualities, they would be a lot more appealing. 
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