#10114 posted by necros on 2010/09/07 07:16:40
yes, dunno what 10112 was about but you can hear the water and wind sounds in e1m1.
note that the water and wind sounds are defined in the vis process, so if you've been messing with the bsps, i'd venture to say you probably wrecked that, although i can't imagine how if you were just renaming the maps.
The Whole Story
#10115 posted by Ranger on 2010/09/07 08:03:38
I reinstalled Quake, nothing.
Set ambient_level to 1, still can't hear them. But I can hear the drip and torch (and even fl_hum1.wav) sounds though from like e1m2/e1m1
I didn't edit the maps yet, they are still stock Quake's.
I'm using Joequake, but I also tried with Winquake and even Shareware Quake. I did the testing with my volume max, and did "snd_show 1" to double check if those sounds were playing. When I used "soundlist" it displayed that wind2 & water1 were precached. No errors were displayed in the console. I tried replacing the sounds with other wavs files even.
#10116 posted by negke on 2010/09/07 09:48:53
Tried a different engine then? Or a blank config? I can hear them just fine with Joequake.
#10117 posted by negke on 2010/09/07 09:53:25
Or are you running a mod? Or have the paks/wavs been tampered with - perhaps the loop information got lost? Shouldn't be the case, though, if you reinstalled the game from a clean source.
Try Installing Quake To A Completely Different Directory
#10118 posted by RickyT33 on 2010/09/07 15:58:01
Like "c:\games\quake\" instead of "c:\quake\".
That way you will be able to rule out the theory of mods interrupting the sfx
#10119 posted by Ranger on 2010/09/07 15:59:27
I tried with Winquake;
I don't know about the loop information hypothesis, because wouldn't it say "blah.wav is not looped" in the console?
I'm running stock Quake (at s_khz 22). I even tried running with the SW Quake's pak0 & Quake's pak1.
startdemos //demo1 demo2 demo3
cl_truelightning "1"
cl_bobbing "1"
show_stats "0"
cl_bonusflash "0"
skill "3"
ambient_fade "5"
ambient_level "1.0"
r_maxsurfs "6000"
r_maxedges "10000"
r_clearcolor "0"
r_novis "1"
r_wateralpha "0.5"
d_mipcap "0"
d_mipscale "0"
d_subdiv16 "0"
v_centermove "0.1"
v_centerspeed "400"
v_kickpitch "0.75"
v_kickroll "0.75"
v_kicktime "0.4"
showram "1"
showturtle "1"
sv_aim "1.00"
sv_idealpitchscale "1"
cl_upspeed "180"
cl_rollangle "2.5"
edgefriction "2"
scr_conspeed "2500"
scr_printspeed "16"
scr_consize "0.65"
bgmbuffer "16384"
cl_sbar "0"
_cl_color "22.000000"
_cl_name "Ranger"
m_side "0.8"
m_forward "1"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_pitch "0.022"
freelook "1"
sensitivity "4"
lookstrafe "0.000000"
lookspring "1.000000"
cl_backspeed "140.000000"
cl_forwardspeed "140.000000"
s_mixahead "0.2"
s_volume "0.4"
bgmvolume "1"
viewsize "100"
fov "90"
joystick "0"
vid_resetonswitch "0"
vid_window_y "0"
vid_window_x "0"
block_switch "0"
vid_windowed_mode "0"
vid_fullscreen_mode "3"
_windowed_mouse "0"
vid_stretch_by_2 "1"
vid_config_y "600"
vid_config_x "800"
_vid_default_mode_win "7"
_vid_default_mode "0"
_vid_wait_override "0"
vid_nopageflip "0"
_config_modem_hangup "AT H"
_config_modem_init ""
_config_modem_clear "ATZ"
_config_modem_dialtype "T"
_config_com_modem "1"
_config_com_baud "57600"
_config_com_irq "4"
_config_com_port "0x3f8"
saved4 "0"
saved3 "0"
saved2 "0"
saved1 "0"
savedgamecfg "1"
contrast "1"
gamma ".65"
crosshaircolor "79"
crosshair "1"
This is really bugging me, I mean I never noticed those 2 sounds were not playing until 2 days ago, I was thinking "I don't remember start.bsp's skill hall being this quiet"
Other Info, Might Help Dunno
#10120 posted by Ranger on 2010/09/07 16:01:37
I have Shrak, SoA, DoE, Aftershock installed too...
How does a mod disrupt it?
#10121 posted by Ranger on 2010/09/07 16:07:07
I don't really think it's that because I installed SW Quake to see if it only affected CD Quake - I'm pretty sure I couldn't hear those 2 sounds in SW Quake
also got -heapsize 256000 & -zone 65536
if that helps
#10122 posted by Spirit on 2010/09/07 17:31:59
tried running without that weird autoexec.cfg?
#10123 posted by Ranger on 2010/09/07 18:12:52
Hey, it ain't wierd - it squeezes the max outta Quake...
Anyhow, I figured out the issue: ambient_fade "5"
after making it to:
//ambient_fade "5"
Problem solved... the odd bit is that, I added that line to the autoexec to solve the amb sound issue in the first place - well it's fixed now so, ok
And The Lesson Is
#10124 posted by Spirit on 2010/09/07 19:46:57
Reinstalling Quake is worthless if you keep your config files.
^^ That
#10125 posted by SleepwalkR on 2010/09/07 23:02:29
what spirit said
Not Really
#10126 posted by Ranger on 2010/09/08 04:08:19
The part when I tried using SW Quake - It was just SW Quake with no cfgs or anything
#10127 posted by megaman on 2010/09/09 15:00:23
is it possible to make a func_door (or a plat?) toggleable in quake3?
Of Interest I Guess ;)
#10128 posted by JPL on 2010/09/09 21:25:40
Map Scale In Worldcraft
Hi guys, brief question: Using Worldcraft 3 atm. Is it possible to increase the space available for a map? Limited to about 8k or so units.
A further quick question, is it possible to do moving liquids? :)
#10130 posted by ijed on 2010/09/10 03:47:49
Has moving water volumes, search for an idgames2 mirror - should be in there somewhere.
Bigger maps have been explored - Necros built outside, but AFAIK the space can't be used to play in.
It's very time consuming to make the entire available space playable though, unless you just want a massive flat plain. I came close with one of my maps.
Unless you're making a mod going outside the limits probably isn't that useful.
#10131 posted by ijed on 2010/09/10 03:49:18
Well, extras has water trains and a vertical only door type.
Couldn't Find An Extras Link
#10132 posted by ijed on 2010/09/10 03:55:26
Maybe it's in here somewhere:
It was made by p0x and has a load of toys to mess with, like emissions.
Pox Mod
#10133 posted by madfox on 2010/09/10 09:17:45
#10134 posted by madfox on 2010/09/10 09:19:38
exploding barrels, stars, breakables, stairs, fountains, chaotic boxes.
#10135 posted by gb on 2010/09/10 12:39:28
Maximum map size is a question of engine support. You can build stuff outside 4096x4096 and it'll show up in old engines, but you must keep the player away from the "line" or a massive HOM-like effect will occur.
If you require Darkplaces, FTE or something like it, then you can simply ignore the 4096x4096 restriction. However, you shouldn't go too far away from 0 0 0. You should be able to go 6000 units or so away from the center though without any noticeable side effects.
It is a pretty arbitrary restriction, really.
Yeah I'm not making something that massive in geometry complexity or number of areas (it's very linear), just a lot of long or high areas.
Can hopefully post up a gameplay prototype soon, will really appriciate some feedback on the difficulty settings and such :)
8192*8192*8192 Actually
#10137 posted by negke on 2010/09/10 14:40:17
From -4096 to +4096 x/y/z
#10138 posted by gb on 2010/09/10 15:02:55
right, although I said 6000 units out from 0 0 0 which is outside of that.
The vanilla quake limit is 4096 units outward from (0 0 0) in all directions, correct.