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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Vampyr Cinematic Trailer (E3 2017) 
Wolfenstein 2 Trailer 
Anthem Trailer 
Graphics look fantastic in this thing. Pity it's multiplayer, but maybe I'll be able to play solo. Shame about the character voices though. 
Yeah Dishonored was good fun. Nice watercoloury graphics.

I liked using blink, cut a fucker up then blink away and repeat. It's a bit like the Batman games but far more fluid and better. All other powers and weapons were pointless. I used the gun all of a couple times then decided it was shit and never switched away from blink/sword.

The DLC's (the two with story, I didn't bother with the challenge mode one) were good too. It's a shame they weren't part of the full game actually. A bit like COD sometimes does with switching to different characters to tell different sides to the story. It could have switched between the main guy Corvo and Daud the original assassin that realises his wrong. Which would have made the story a bit more interesting because it was lacking tbh. I'm not a fan of the dumb mute player character.

Perhaps the notoriety system would have had an effect on the game ending then, where being good or evil decides if Corvo kills Daud. Instead it seemed to have no effect at all except Samuel calling 2 bad guys over to you in the last level, of which you just ignore and walk past.

The witches were fun in the DLC too, much more creative and challenging than the normal enemies. 
It does make a difference. On high chaos (=lots of kills), he kills Daud; on low chaos he spares his life. 
Yeah in the dlc. I mean in the main game though, it didn't seem to make much difference to anything did it? I think the kid had a darker line at the end or something. 
Cut A Fucker Up 
is an awesome band name. 
GOG Summer Sale 2017 
and I can't find anything to buy. I look around for an hour and the only thing new in my cart is Witcher 3 and I'm not sure I want to pay $24 for it because I didn't like the first two all that much. Everything else I picked is old stuff that I only chose to get a non-Steam copy. 
What Exctly Didn't You Like About Witcher 1/2? 
I've played through Witcher 3, maybe I can help?

I enjoyed it immensely but man, what a "life suck" it is!!! I play super casual though. 
They were okay. I just don't like 3rd person fighting/shooter games. They're usually awkward for me to control. Mainly because the developers don't seem to do "strafe" correctly and the character can only turn in place. If I remember right, this is how the Witcher games are. 
Oops, Put @Rick In The Wrong Spot :( 
Yeah, I feel mostly the same way about 3rd person games... I tolerate it though for good games. 
The Last Night Best E 3 
Witcher 3 
Well I bought it. It's going to take over 2 hours to download though. Maybe I should install one of the other games I bought first, so I'll have something to do while waiting.

I now have over 50 games from GOG. It's probably getting close to exceeding the number I have on Steam. Funny thing is, many of them I already had on Steam and only bought them to get DRM free versions. 
Replayed RAGE 
A thoroughly mediocre game in every way... 
Hmmm Rage Must Have Changed Since I Played It. 
I found it a thoroughly good game for 90% of it. 
Crysis 3 
Sure is a beautiful game and engine. But it seems they decided to try and copy the COD method of chucking out a short 5-6 hour campaign, more action but perhaps more regular since this is only 1.5 years after Crysis 2. But COD usually has a much more in depth story and keeps things interesting with different environments and gameplay types. Crysis 3 added the alien gameplay later, but it was pretty rubbish (clunky weapons, fuck all ammo, bad AI). Bad final battle that I ragequit on. You find yourself relying on cloak too much just to skip every enemy in the later stages. The first half of the game was the best, but most of the guns in the first half are shit. Quite disappointing to be honest, especially when its over in half the time it took to complete the first Crysis. But damn, those graphics! I'd replay it just for that. 8/10. And it is still a FPS (my favourite genre). 
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance 
This is the first Metal Gear game I've played (first to PC). Fuck, if this is what makes a successful franchise in the Japanese market, they don't have very high standards for games do they? This is garbage. The graphics and design look years out of date, like 2009-2012. Story/script/voiceacting a juvenile mess, though not that different to a lot of action-oriented anime tbh. Gameplay fit for ADHD players that is far too demanding to get accustomed to its basically incompetent decisions around key configurations (parrying is what I refer to). Some of the character models are hideous, it's as if the designers don't know how human anatomy works with tiny heads, thighs bigger than their chests, goofy looking faces. Oh and the worst thing is the anorexic tranny main character you play. WTF is it? With 1-hit-kills on the gameplay was a little more enjoyable, and some of the boss designs were creative (the lady made up of hands), but that's all I can really say is positive about this game. Just very mediocre. I finished it in just over 3 hours according to the in-game screen, and at least an hour of that would have been cutscenes because they pop up every 10 fucking secons. 5.5/10

It seems there's a gap in the market for a good fast-paced hack and slash game. 
thighs bigger than their chests
A lot of people have thighs bigger than their chests... 
MGS Revengeance 
is an old game.
It's a decent enough hack and slash game, platinum are a good dev IMO.

Recently played a bit of a MGS Phantom Pain and it's pretty darned good. Give that a go :) 
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