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Map Jam 7 - Back To Base
The time has come once again.
The time to go forth and map, IDbase style. More specifically, Than�s APSP2, a loving ode to water, pipes and plumbers. Map Jamming is about creating maps of any size or detail level over several weeks, using a certain theme and/or texture set.

For this seventh of maps jams, the Quoth mod with be employed. Grab it here:

Any questions or comments, please post to this thread only.

Theme � Back to Base
Deadline � August 11th, 2016
Texture Wad - There are texture wads for this jam that include many theme related textures. It is not required to use these textures in your level, they are provided for inspiration and convenience only! Check this texture repository for more wads :

Compile Tools - It is recommended that you use EricW's updated Quake compiler suite as they add much new functionality to lighting and visibility. It even has surface lighting!

Download EricW's tools :

Download worldcraft / Jackhammer fgd for these tools> :

Quakespasm / Fitzquake. The usual suspects.

Theme reference images:

Download the Map Jam 7 zip:

Please post WIP shots of your maps. There�s nothing like a few constructive words to fuel one�s inspiration.

Lastly, a list of mappers streaming their mapping skills: (Ionous) (Daz)

If you want to be added to the stream list, just post below.
Thanks to Daz making the introduction video (which shall be forthcoming).
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Wierd Glass Rendering Problems, How To Fix? 
I'm currently having some problems with my jam map, when I started placing clips*, skips*, glass* and make a glass like daz made it in that text map. But I'm having wierd rendering problems, it draws black lines/dots.

here is picture: 
looks like z-fighting. is the glass surface overlapping a floor surface? 
Maybe 10% finished. Hoping for 50% by the end of the weekend. 
Reply #77 
Yes, they're using the shared space/position, there is multiple brushes in one spot. One with the glass* special texture, one that has clipping texture and also skip.. that way it was made in daz's example map "" or maybe I'm just blind. Glass was func_wall also I remember correctly - just continued working other parts of the map meanwhile. 
Wasn't My Example Map 
(Reply #80) Transparent Textures? 
I apologize ~ map in a pack** wasn't really sure about the actual mapper.

Is there way to use transparent textures like in Arcade Dimension? By that I mean, I had immediately errors while compiling. I just placed them like I would normally do, but maybe it needs more setting up before it works? 
Reply To My Own Post 
Nevermind, I just needed place them correctly >_>; 
Got Some Nice Stuff Going On 
Breezeep: Good to hear. Keep at it!

Qmaster: Sure, give it a shot.

Zwiffle: Really liking what I'm seeing so far. Seems like you've done a lot of work.

Shamblernaunt: Good luck to you.

Pritchard: Sorry to hear. I hope your inspiration returns soon.

NewHouse: Ha, I've yet to try making the glass, though it looks like you solved the problem, so that's good. The example map was made by Than.

PrincentVice: Good to hear. 
Oh, And The Mapping Shall Soon Commence

Starts in about fifteen minutes. 
In-Game Pic 
very nice light 
Need Feedback 
I am beginner and I need feedback. Can you help me?
I made items and monsters layout (prototype).
Here is my jackhammer map link: 
Any Good Blue Base Textures? 

I'm working on blue themed base map, but haven't found actual blue/grey textures that much, is there any even? I have had searched through many wads, but there is just so many to remember. Maybe if someone has worked on the same theme or something? 
I might have seen a recolored idbase variety somewhere, but I'm not sure where or if at all. There are some blue base textures in Malice.wad, and of course Neil Manke's Starship. I really like the style of Anonca3, though it's more abstract than actual base. Quake2.wad should have some as well, possibly even Daikatana. 
Quake 2 has a few blue-ish/grey textures you may find interesting, for example used in lunsp1. There's also the map bsdm8 that has pretty kickass grey base textures. 
Let The Jamming Continue 

I went to check out the map file, but I can't seem to open it, as it crashes Jackhammer every single time. Is anyone else having this problem?

Skacky: Very classy indeed.

Seconding Skacky on LunSP1. Check it out here:

Oh, and I'm going to be mapping in about an hour: 
It opened fine for me in Jack 1.1, could it just be a version issue? 
Ah Yes... 
Now I remember why I stopped working on this base map o' mine. So. many. compile issues! It's like I need a .map utility to auto align vertices to nearest grid unit based on threshold value...and then of course verify that its still a valid brush and oh hey presto! turn it into! Now that would be nice.

Anyhow, off to rebuild offending angular brushwork. What lunatic put all these detailed hallways at 60 degree angles!?! Oh ya me. 
Just checked through the map. A few things you want to think about.

1. You have a lot of pillars that have the same texture as the wall. Try finding a different texture for the pillars.

2. The number of monsters seems to dwarf the amount of health and ammo. I would seal up the map, and try to play it through yourself. Is it too hard? Do you need to add more items? It's hard to exactly tell from the map file; you have to play through it yourself.

3. You have to place light entities in your map. Play around with different styles, find out what works the best for you.

4. I would put some of the monsters on paths, using path_corners. It randomized play slightly, and it helps to make the monsters seem active rather than just stationary bullet sponges.

Good luck. 
It's like I need a .map utility to auto align vertices to nearest grid unit based on threshold value...and then of course verify that its still a valid brush and oh hey presto! turn it into!
TrenchBroom 2 has that command pretty much.. Edit->Snap Vertices to Grid. 
Cathartic Rocks

There's a lot of level hidden in the walls and behind the dam, so don't take the greybox for a lack of progress.

Rocks are really a lot of fun to work on, really relaxing to start carving out what you want.

skacky: I know from twitter/IRC that pic is all set on 45' :O You're a nutter and I dont know how you do it.

Zwiffle: That's looking really cool man! The 2nd 7/28 shot really appeals to me, love the industrial rail/underpass vibes.

ionous: Lots of detail, really keen to see how nice your map is gonna look with lighting.

Keep up the good work guys. There's still plenty of time so don't sweat it, just keep plugging away. 
these rocks are sexy! 
Volunteer: Thanks man! Appreciate the positive feedback as this is my first serious Q1SP endeavour.

~ ~ ~ ~

Texturing and detailing has begun. This took some time, and is probably one of the more fiddly items, but I'm really pleased with how it has turned out. 
Keep It Going, Guys! 
So far I've mostly been enjoying myself slapping brushes together in TrenchBroom; no complete layout/flow in mind yet. I'm hoping it'll come together in the following days. This will be my first serious attempt at a Quake map since the nineties. 
cool stuff everyone! 
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