Played skill 3, 63/67 kills, 4/7 secrets. One of the few maps I didn't feel the need to scrub for secrets on.
First off, very challenging. I was under 10hp most of the playthrough. Monster encounters were constant and stressful. One of the spawns got stuck by the lift at the very bottom when you get the GK and I had to listen to his slimy ass jumping around the pools the rest of the game. But I hate spawns enough that I preferred listening to him jump in endless torment rather than go down and deal with him.
After you get the silver key and take the starting vent back up to the main floor, there's a shambler and spawn. I had 7hp and a quick save at that point. I died maybe 10-15 times just trying to get out of the shambler's range when I flew up. Unavoidable damage is never cool.
Your dynamic elements were hit or miss. The vents are cool in concept, but I didn't much like them here. Some of the more complicated setups you had worked maybe 50% of the time. I was crushed by the GK lift once for whatever reason. Why did you put the biosuits
in the acid? Just forces you to take some damage before you can grab them.
The overall vertical/cramped design made for stressful play. Thin walkways coupled with the side vents that push you off said thin walkways made me afraid to press my move keys. The very top space was just an absolute clusterfuck of fiends, vores, knights, and scrags. Definitely wouldn't have survived without respawning HP packs and MH.
It wasn't a bad map. The geometry was cool and the dynamic elements (when they worked) were cool as well. But the heavy use of fiends, vores, and shamblers made it stressful enough that I didn't think about exploring or even enjoying myself. I just wanted to survive.