#104 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/02/10 19:27:29
"Doom revenant"
You mean the archvile.
#105 posted by Preach on 2016/02/10 20:38:54
Considering the amount of unused animations on many other monsters I find it rather unlikely that there was no time to give the Vore a few inhale and exhale frames.
If they had intended for the vore to have a non-breathing stand frame, and had plenty of time to create animations, why didn't they create a frame for it? They just reused a frame from the standing animation. It smacks of a placeholder nobody remembered to revisit, not a conscious artistic choice.
#106 posted by Kinn on 2016/02/10 21:32:21
"No Vore idle" was not an artistic choice. In the same way, the axe having no impact flesh sound, and the rotfish not having a gib, were also not artistic choices.
When you are rushing to get a game out the door, certain little things just never get round to being done.
#107 posted by ijed on 2016/02/10 21:34:29
Loads of stuff gets lost and forgotten during development.
Six months later you're playing it on disc and see something "oh shit who left that in there?"
 On Sexualization
#108 posted by mankrip on 2016/02/11 17:21:31
Humans have a tendency to sexualize everything. Giger knew that, and his designs are actually a parody of the human mindset, I guess (something like �You want sex? Then I'll make it gross for you"). Just like Beksinski said that the morbid and depressed designs of his own art felt actually humorous to him.
However, in Lovecraft�s works the monster designs are actually serious. The twisted ones in his works are not the monsters, but the humans (the more human-like a creature is, the higher the chances of it being a mutated human). This may have to do with the monsters in his works usually having some kind of religious role, either as servants or as gods.
In Lovecraft�s work, the lost and the twisted are usually humans. Gods like Nyarlathotep may be chaotic to mortals, but they're actually following their own rules.
#109 posted by Killes on 2016/02/11 18:56:26
OK Warren yes the Archvile.
I hang my head in shame.
 DOS Quake 1.08 Has The Limit Too
#110 posted by primal on 2016/02/17 12:10:00
"Error: model progs/shambler.mdl has a skin taller than 200"
says the DOS Quake version that comes with the GoG installation of Quake. It's version 1_08 from Mar 11 1997. They must've upped the limit later than that, if it ever was changed for the DOS version at all.
I'm not planning on playing Quake with it, so it's not an issue.
#111 posted by Jaromir83 on 2016/02/27 15:43:42
can not wait for the revamped fiends!
 Long Wait
#112 posted by Skiffy on 2016/02/29 07:41:49
I wont be getting to the fiend any time soon. Once I am done with the Vore I will be taking a break to finish my Anatomy course which will take me till end of July before I will resume any personal projects sadly. Then again folks lasted this long so what is a few more months? :)
#113 posted by mankrip on 2016/02/29 19:01:24
No problem, take your time.
#114 posted by Jaromir83 on 2016/03/03 08:47:37
HD vore first? ok, looking forward to. good luck at the exams
 Vore Before...
#115 posted by Barnak on 2016/03/03 14:26:27
Yeah, a vore with a bloody dripping snatch with teeth, and puffy tits !
#116 posted by spy on 2016/03/03 15:02:40
 More Custom GIBS!
#117 posted by Skiffy on 2016/06/26 09:15:52
Well everyone I've finally got around to adding custom giblets for Arcane Dimensions to go along with this HD shambler release.
The above links have all been updated so the ZIP and readme "should" be the latest versions.
New Screenshot!!
Give it a try and tell me what you think.
 Looks Great...
#118 posted by Barnak on 2016/06/26 20:58:59
But what about a remake of our favorite bitch on three legs, with a bloody oozing snatch and puffy tits ?
#119 posted by dwere on 2016/06/26 21:09:37
Vore and shambler are among the best models in the game. I think of all the monsters they should've been remade the last (unless every subpar monster model was remade already).
Anyway, looks great.
#120 posted by anonymous user on 2016/06/26 22:34:30
The bones sticking out on those gibs are so effective yet so simple.
Loving it!
 NICE Gibs!
#121 posted by xaGe on 2016/06/27 07:54:20
Great job!
 Wow, Nice Job!
#122 posted by Kingold on 2016/06/27 11:05:44
Tasty barbecue material. Yummy yummy.
#123 posted by dwere on 2016/06/27 13:14:08
the axe having no impact flesh sound
Actually, it has, but it only works on other players, and is a horrible hack.
 Gibs Gibs Gibs.
#124 posted by Skiffy on 2016/06/28 02:04:47
Barnak later end of the year I will resume that project. But your dream version will stay a dream. I wont go down that path for the Vore. Feel free to make it yourself though.
Dwere - Nope the Shambler was the worst offender next to the Vore when it comes to a model that was lower that the most basic enemies in terms of polycount and pixel density. That is why I put them on my list first. You can find some notes of that in the text file.
Happy gibbing everyone!
#125 posted by dwere on 2016/06/28 09:24:21
Polycount and pixel density don't mean much to me.
 Bloody Pixels?
#126 posted by Skiffy on 2016/06/28 14:53:50
Thats ok it does to me and its the reason I made a new shambler and eventually I will get to various other members of the Quake cast.
#127 posted by mjb on 2016/06/28 14:57:37
Your HD Shambler is how I see the Shambler should have always been. I have used it since the day of its release!
Looking forward to future models and well done.
 Bloody Pixels
#128 posted by dwere on 2016/06/28 15:15:51
They aren't that bad, especially in engines that can display NPOT skins in their original resolution (judging by your preview/comparison picture, your engine of choice can't). Not that I'm trying to convince you.
If I was to nitpick anything, it's the overuse of dithering. It only looks noticeably messy where red meets brown, and pretty much only on the head gib, but still.