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Map Jam 1 - "Honey" Theme Pack Released
Map Jamming is about creating maps of any size or detail level over a two week period using a certain theme and texture set. Check the readme file below for further details of what the Jam is about. Any questions or comments, please post to this thread only.

Deadline - 29th June 2014
Theme - Honey inspired map with plenty of platform / train setups Guidelines for Map JamTexture WAD files

UPDATE July 7th: Pack is released!

FINAL Honey Jam Map Pack - Download, Readme, Screenshots, 12 Authors - Arrrcee, digs, doomer, ericw, fifth, ionous/mfx, mechtech, otp, rickyt23, scampie, skacky, sock
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awesome jam! all maps rock, hurrah to participants!

personally i liked most, skacky's, scampie's, sock's and ionous'. 
Just found that on my second playthrough, LOLZor 
Qrack Video 
This will be my last post on Qrack (because I don't want to hijack this thread any further), but I uploaded my own Youtube video to show how I have Qrack set up. I do admit that I like a lot of high-res skins, textures, and effects - so purists won't like how I have it set up. Qrack can be customized to remove all that fancy stuff however, and is all personal preference. I just wanted to show what kind of effects can be accomplished. Obviously, I like a lot of customized content: 
Thank you for posting something that conclusively proves that Qrack does indeed look AND sound like DUNG. Did they just use treble on it's own to re-record the new sounds.

I shudder to think how these rather refined and tasteful Honey-themed maps would be spoiled with all that visual garbage.

Anyway well done that is a useful final post, ta! 
So I Was BSing About Having Demos. 
Skill 2 demos for ArrrCee, digs, ionous, Scampie, more will follow later.

Awesome and utterly mind blowing pack. I haven't played them all myself yet, but just from Daz's stream (which was peak Daz) I'm having a hard time deciding which map is my favorite, because every one is special and brilliant in their own way.

ArrrCee's was cute, and very fitting for what was essentially jam1m1. I enjoyed the jumpy parts. Check your jam 2 entry for leaks, though! ;)
digs' was puzzling, as usual, with a great layout. That SK "door" is the best SK door in 18 years of Q1SP.
DOOMer's had great shadows and big areas. I got some decent map ideas from watching this one.
ericw's was a nice reversal of the destruction theme from saint.bsp. Loved all the finicky brushwork.
Fifth's looked very refined. I want to grab a gravity gun and pull out all those huge chains. Liked the obligatory Quad massacre.
Ionous' was straight up beautiful. All those shapes, and vivid lighting. I felt like I was exploring a dirty cistern while on the outside was just the most perfect, brightest day ever. Felt a lot like apdm3 in that regard (and apsp2, of course). I think using the dirty textures exclusively helped a lot.
mechtech's had a more technological slant than the others, and felt all the better for it. That descending bridge was a thing of beauty, both looks and gameplay wise. Nice colored lights, too.
Ricky's was innovative in how it went outdoors for the final act. Pretty cool, reminded me of your coag3 map (sp00ky centerprints!!)
Scampie's was deliciously vertical and meticulously designed. The caves are brilliant, one of the highlights of the pack. I got some otherworldly vibes from that area.
skacky's I had the pleasure of testing a week (or two??) earlier, and it was as awesome as it is now. Great scale, tough and humorous gameplay. This dude puts brushes together faster than rabbits fuck.
Sock's was classic Sock. Lots of exploration and very clean design... maybe even too clean and neat in places, especially in comparison to ionous' dusty pit. But it was still an extraordinary effort.


onetruepurple's was the obligatory ugly duckling of every community map pack. It's pretty small, so it does it best to compensate. ;~)

I sort of regret connecting the unfinished areas in such a passive aggressive way, but you can partly blame Lun's post #179 and than's dm7rmx penis. Had I known that the pack would be out a week later than intended, my entry would be probably significantly less shit (but still shit).

The black fog was actually a last minute solution to the complete lack of lighting across the map, but then skacky and I liked how it looked. If I were to finish this I'd probably be keeping the blackness, and add some proper lighting... but to be honest, I've moved on from it the very moment I sent it to sock. Some brushwork is laughably bad and the plan is too ambitious for my current skill set, so I'll just let everyone fill in the blanks and daydream how cool the final map would be. :~)

Thanks to everybody who played it and enjoyed it, and to the rest of the Fellowship of the Jam! 
Lightning_Hunter is a cool dude and we shouldn't tar and feather him. :-(

I don't remember if Qrack has an easy preset for getting the combination of settings that provides a "faithful" look? It's good to have a lot of flexibility in an engine, but for folks that don't closely follow its development, discovering and properly tuning a lot of cvars can be a big hill to climb.

But anyway most SP releases are tested on Fitzquake-ish engines because that's the traditional engine that provides bugfixes and higher limits while not introducing a lot of unique behaviors. Basically just Quake but with some annoyances removed. 
@ Shambler 
Shambler, are you really being that much of a prick right now? I know you are a long-time Quake player and old host of Underworld's Single player site - but frankly, I couldn't care less at the moment. I flat out told you that everything in that video was customized by ME. you can customize Qrack however YOU want. Those sounds, models, textures, lighting, etc. were chosen by ME; they did NOT come with Qrack, nor do they have any affiliation with Qrack. I chose them myself, because it's how I like to play the game. My point was that Qrack can be customized to your hearts desire. People who like to play Quake with the default models and lighting CAN DO THAT WITH QRACK. My original question is why QuakeSpasm and FitzQuake is better - but evidently you would rather be an ass than build a case in support of those engines.

Have a nice day. 
Too boring, didn't read. 
I should be commenting on the maps. There are too many of them and I've got confused which one is which. I liked the one with the neat fog and strong lighting and knight ambush yeah. That one. Fucking good pack anyway. Will replay soon. 
I can't believe people are giving this guy grief over him wanting to mod his game. This is pretty much the essence of the community spirit that Quake is famous for.

I'm not a huge fan of the look of it (mostly because a lot of it is too washed out or flat).
Fitzquake or Quakespasm aren't necessarily "better", they're just faithful to the original game. 

Its a good time to be a q1sp fan.
Further praise/rants in demos.


Skackys, Socks and Scampies maps. And Ionous�s little gem :) 
For years, I always thought Shambler was a great guy and well-respected member of the Quake community. Alas, I have realized that he is no more than an nonsensical, egotistical oaf of whom I will no longer give the time of day to. Good riddance, Shambler. I'm sorry you turned out to be this way. 
Lightning_Hunter: If your engine doesn't support extended bsp limits, many maps won't work. Sorry, that's the fault of the engine at this point, because those limits don't even make sense anymore.

Mappers suggest Quakespasm/Fitz because those engines look and feel like standard Quake with no/minimal modification and have extended limits, but any engine with extended limits is fine.

Now let's move on, arguing about taste is pointless. 
What actually is nonsensical is: coming to a message board where it is widely known that most here are purists and use engines appropriately so AND...

trying to convince them, they already know mind you of all the engines, how awesome "your preferred engine/setup" is! And then when they come down on you, you get all pissy!

And the peeps you're getting pissy with are actual members who MAKE the freakin' awesome maps we get to play!

I myself use DP's and custom content but I also understand the mindset of the MAJORITY of this board. No need for me to bring it up..

The engines recommended don't need to be modified to look like stock Quake, they are that way by design. No fuss no muss.

I started using QS so I could make demo's as that seems to be the norm as a way of a "Thank You" and for laughs too! Mappers like to see how their designs played out.

That's my .02, refunds accepted ;) 
It's an engine.

Let's just move on. Shambler has always been blunt about his opinions. And completely uncompromising in his responses. For it is written and so it shall be. I mean don't take it personally.




OK, we get it, you guys both know which engines you like. I don't mind Qrack but I never, ever use it these days - I prefer Fitz because it's basically GLQuake but cleaned up a bit for the year 2010+ Which is nice for a mapper because you vaguely know what it will look like in stock GLQuake, because you have imagine that some people, newbies etc will use that engine.

I just like the look of standard GLQuake.

Some of these guys like the look of Winquake / DOSQuake more than they like GLQuake for various reasons, mainly nostalgia. It's been the topic of MANY very long and drawn out 'discussions', so I wouldn't worry about the fact that Shambler says Qrack is shit, no-one really cares which engine you use, as ling as the player likes it and it will run the map :)

So lets just forget about it, and move on.

The line
\ /
Wow, It's been years since I've been involved in a flamewar! All I asked was why people preferred Quakespasm and Fitzquake over other engines, and instead received verbal abuse about my engine of choice. Can you blame me for fighting back and getting "pissy" when I am attacked? Thanks goes out to the people who actually answered my question politely. The rest of you remind me of the Doom players who live and die by Zdoom, while all the non-purists are considered to be Heretics (I guess I fit that category for enjoying a modded Quake).

History has taught me that these flamewars never go anywhere, so I think a mod needs to delete all my posts related to Qrack, and all the verbal attacks in response to my initial post to end any further hijacking of this thread. Yes, I am polite enough to request all my posts be deleted. If Shambler and Damage_Inc have any honor left, they will want the same. 
Don't Worry About It Man, The Posts Crossed, So: 
New line
\ /
Back ON Topic... 
I played Scampie's an hour ago, I really really loved that one. It had just the "right" amount of everything for ME!

I love the boarded walkways that look like individual boards. It's small detail I know but love it. Also the holes in the wall with individual bricks jutting out around the edges is a cool touch to.

The monster placement(and types) was fantastic. The END battle.. OMG! I so suck at those horde setups but... I started well and then when I got to the bottom with the two big guys left and a few others I accidentally/frantically teleported to the TOP!!! Saving me :-P I killed what I could from up there and then drop down, twice, and finished off the map. Hehe, excellent.

skill 2 | 31 minutes | 114/118(I think) | secrets = no clue!

Also I played ericw's... the first time before I died I was trying like normal but I noticed something... all the monsters seemed to fight themselves so well that after I restarted I just "went for it"!!!

I don't know if that's a speed run but for me to finish anything off in under two minutes is something else...

Off to play some others... thanks guys, the maps are awesome in this pack. 
Come make Q1 maps! 
If ONLY!!!

I've wasted soo many hours trying, wanting to be a mapper but alas... my creativity sucks the big one. I have no foresight for design. I hate it.

I'm envious, and in awe, of you guys and I only play Quake to see your imaginations come to life on my screen right in front of my eyes.

I always wondered if I "dropped" some hallucinogenics if it'd "turn on" the creative centers in my brain!!! Hehe 
Ionous / Mfx 
OMG! Amazing feel. Want more :)

Will post demos when done, half way through now. 
arrrcee jam1_arrrcee
A bit bright throughout and pretty average looking.

digs jam1_digs
Couldn't finish. After getting the gk where am I supposed to go? Noclipped for 10mins, decided to move to the next map. Nice and big, similar to honey, but a bit dark and plain.

doomer jam1_doomer
Fairly cute and small. Nice layout.

ericw jam1_ericw
Kind of cool, I liked the scaffolding and weights bridge. Gameplay a bit unbalanced, no ammo early, too much later. Although it was

only 4 minutes to complete the map so more of a quick gimick map.

fifth jam1_fifth
The best so far if playing alphabetically. Some tough battles too, definitely the hardest so far. Maybe too many Shamblers. Good design

too, the last area was nice. I had to reload it a few times to get through - I somehow forgot I had the sng.

ionous/mfx jam1_ionous
Awesome. even better than Fifths. It's small and tight, but it has a really old skool 90s level design flavour and the level of detail is really


mechtech jam1_mechtech
Not so good, definitely needed a bit more effort put in. The first room started out thinking cool a unique twist on texturing, although 4

hps in 1 room made no sense. But once the doors open it's back to big bland brick walls. And then the very first ogre was floating in the

air followed by two fiends floating as well once I had the gk. Finished with 8/22 kills in a couple minutes.

otp jam1_otp
Nice to see some different ideas, but the level design was a bit ugly, I'm afraid. Needs more time put into detailing.

rickyt23 jam1_rickyt23
Decent. I think it started out better than it finished with the first corridor and cavern that was pretty good. The arenas at the end and

having to take out 10 shamblers felt a little tiring though, and quite plain design outside.

scampie jam1_scampie
Awesome. Best so far. Great design, lots of variety, good gameplay. This feels like a normal release not a map jam

skacky jam1_skacky
Another awesome map. Really good large scale design more like Honey, except less repetition and better lighting. Very good. Best in the pack.

sock jam1_sock
Lovely layout and detail. Good old style gameplay. Only disappointment was it suddenly ending after gk door with a single shambler when there were still about 1/4 enemies left remaining, obviously all in one secret area.

Overall though this is great and kept me entertained for a few hours. ionous, scampie, skacky and socks were the picks of the pack. 
I Have Demos 
Up to the S's.

Then died in Scampie's with my daughter screaming in my ear. So I'm gonna go parent now.

I'll upload all the demos in one go later, bit tired myself now... lot of maps! 
But I remember your Q2 episode... 
Skill 0 because I suck:

Basically an awesome map pack. I like ionous, scampie, skacky (although I need to play this properly, my first play was a bit gung-ho!). Need to find the rest of sock's map too... 
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