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Quake Speedruns On SDA
I get the idea that quite a few Quake mappers love to watch speedruns on their own maps, and us speedrunners have always liked new (and old) maps to speedrun, and we've all been fairly good at supporting both communities, but I also get the idea that most mappers aren't really checking for news at SDA, at least not very often. Maybe I'm just completely wrong here, but I was thinking it was a good initiative to put a post here whenever we did an update. Just listing the map name, the mapper, and the demos without all the text that usually goes into an update on SDA. If one wants to read the entire update, one can go to the news page on SDA:

Also, a quick explanation regarding the use of "demo tags" (for those that aren't into the SDA-termology) like ER, NH, EH2, etc etc.

- ER is short for "Easy Run", meaning a pure run through any given map on skill 0 (easy) without having to kill any monsters or find any secrets.

- NH is short for "Nightmare 100%", meaning a run through any given map on skill 3 (nightmare) getting ALL kills and finding ALL secrets.

- EH2 is short for "Easy 100% 2 player", meaning a cooperative run with 2 players through any given map on skill 0 getting ALL kills and finding ALL secrets.

I think you get the picture...

Let's do a quick roundup of the latest update on SDA (April 2nd, 2009):

e4m6 - The Pain Maze by Sandy Petersen

hip1m3 - The Lost Mine by Hipnotic Interactive

hotel - Welcome to Hotel Kique-Asse by Andrew Turner

wrld11 - World 1-1 for Quake by Mattias Berggren

msacro - Manslay's Acrobatics by Dmitry 'Manslay' Dementjev

tchak - The Tomb of Chak Toh Ich'ak by Rui 'Trinca' Neto

e3m2 - Vaults of Zin by American McGee

dragon - Lair of the Dragon Ogre by David 'Death Method' Duncan

e4m7u - ynogA eruzA by Jaakko 'NahkahiiR' Alakopsa

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I was actually kind of hoping for some speedrun action in my sm143. Did it just suck too much or are speedrunners afraid of tarbabies? 
I haven't been the one posting maps on SDA in ages, so my guess is as good as yours as to why they haven't been added to the archive. I don't see anything wrong in adding both your maps from the sm143 pack though, they both play fine, though they're definitely not "speedrunning friendly" :-) 
No Speedrunning Friendly 
If you say so, then that's probably the reason why they haven't been added it (the space map).
I just though multiple routes and strafejumps from button to button would be interesting - but then again, I don't know enough about both the theory and practice of speedrunning to be able to tell what it takes (for a map to be worthy). 
FFS Spelling 
So, uh, any plans for Travail Done Quick, by the way? 
The most likely answer to that would be no. We almost never add maps to the SDA archive with custom progs/models/sounds. There's a good reason for that though. QdQstats need to be integrated into maps with its own progs, and that's a lot of work, unfortunately. We've made a few exceptions over the years though. I can't remember when the most recent one was, but it's been several years :-/ We've been discussing if we could somehow integrate the QdQstats progs into Quoth2 as you mappers seem to really dig that.

Well, your sm143 maps aren't neccesarily "bad" for speedrunning, they just don't "encourage" speedrunning very much. There's no explosive weapons, something we like a lot. We also like barrels from which we can boost. In fact, anything from which the player can gain speed in some way or the other. Too many obstacles and narrow corridors are annoying when trying to run the game fast. 
Just To Add To My Last Post 
Anything that slows the player down is considered "bad" for speedrunning, like water, slow lifts, stairs on which you have to jump, etc etc :-) 
that's good advice Stubgaard, since there was talk about a sm pack with a "speedrunning" theme.

Explosive stuff, slopes, and pretty open and obstacle free maps then, I guess.

Have to look at some dedicated speedrunning maps sometimes... 
Four Updates In One 
We've had four demo updates since I posted the last one on Func on April 13th. Here's all four merged into one:


e1m5 - Gloom Keep by Tim Willits
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:29
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:48

e4m3 - The Elder God Shrine by Sandy Petersen
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:32

end_pre - Shub-Niggurath's Pit by id Software (modified by Bengt 'AguirRe' Jardrup)
- Nightmare Run in 0:09


d1 - First Camp by Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:06
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:28
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:06

d4 - Dark Tower by Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:17

d6 - Path To Light by Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:29

dmc1m5 - Domination by Alex 'Pingu' Moore (modified by Connor Fitzgerald)
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:28

jzblue_1 - The Castle by Jason Zukowski
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:08
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:09

jzblue_2 - The Chamber by Jason Zukowski
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07

terra3 - Shotgun Experiment 1 by Christian 'czg' Grawert
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:06
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:06


2run5 - 2run5 by by John Cook (modified by Phil)
- Easy 100% in 0:51
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:35
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:36

aow - Around the World by Rutger 'Azuki' Baks
- Easy 100% in 0:40
- Nightmare Run in 0:13
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:18
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:25
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:26

ballshft - A Few Balls 'n' a Couple of Shafts by Marc Reilly
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:11
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:11

beach1 - The Beaches of Hell by Kid
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:18
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:07

climb - Climb by G.Ancheta by Glenn Ancheta
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:18
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:29

coagula2 - Flesh by Tim Elek
- Easy 100% in 0:47

colony - The Colony by Mark Turner
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:15

digs03 - Digs03 by Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:07

elden1 - The Eldencross by Ludovic Texier
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:11
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:11

flyer - The Hanger by Phil Hammond
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10

jesus - Jesus Wants You by anon
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:13
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:40

mortal - The Mortal Environment by Marc Roussel
- Easy 100% in 0:56

msacro - Manslay's Acrobatics by Dmitry 'Manslay' Dementjev
- Easy 100% in 0:57
- Nightmare 100% in 1:20
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:29
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10

polygon2 - Polygon Base by Rick Lipsey
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:05
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:05

sm82 - Rubicondom by Various Mappers
- Easy Run in 2:48
- 2 player Easy 100% in 2:22
- 3 player Easy Run in 0:20
- 3 player Nightmare Run in 0:20

sm94_zwiffle - Get Your Drink On, Smabler by Zwiffle
- Easy 100% in 1:07
- Nightmare 100% in 1:06

sm135_ankh - Different Reality by Damian 'Ankh' Kulot
- Easy 100% in 0:48
- Nightmare 100% in 0:56

tchak - The Tomb of Chak Toh Ich'ak by Rui 'Trinca' Neto
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10

watrways - watrways by Unknown
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:06
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:15
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:06
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:19


- May 12th
- May 23rd
- May 30th 
Next time, feel free to start a new news post for this kind of stuff, since it is new stuff. 
Quake Contest 
metlslime: Alright.

We're running a Quake contest over at SDA at the moment. It's the "easiest" one we've ever had, seeing as the demos will only be 2-3 seconds long, so I think it's safe to say anyone can enter, top notch speedrunner or not :-)

Would be cool to see some func regulars having a go at it.

Contest page:

Contest forum thread:,10286.0.html 
Three Maps Added To The SDA Archive 
Three maps have been added to the SDA archive:

- czg00 - Tower Of Obscurity by CZG
- q1tm2_czg - Hard Traffic by CZG
- ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis by Kell

Both of CZG's maps aren't of the highest quality if you prefer pretty looking maps, but at SDA we only care about speed (mostly) ;-)

Kell's map is kickass material, and it's a mystery to me why we haven't added it to the archives until now. Better late than never though.

More maps will be added soon. 
Oh, I Forgot... say that if any of you mappers have a suggestion for a map we should, feel free to give us a nod in the right direction. Quoth maps aren't supported at SDA, at least not yet. We prefer vanilla .bsp maps. 
were there any plans to add more videos to the youtube thing? after the initial update, i haven't seen anything else added... 
Yep, I just haven't gotten that far yet. We've had a ton of stuff on our plate we needed to wrap up first, but I will catch up with the encodings and such soon :-) 
That's Good News 
Demo Update 22nd July 2009 
metlslime: I've been thinking, I don't think SDA updates are fit as a separate news post here on func. It's a mapping forum (mostly), not a speedrunning forum, so I'll keep posting in this thread whenever something new happens on SDA, if that's alright with you of course?


e2m6 - The Dismal Oubliette by John Romero
- Nightmare 100% in 7:46
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 6:55


hip1m5 - Military Complex by Hipnotic Interactive
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:35
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:36


p_se_4 - Sombre Citadel by Dario Casali
- Easy 100% in 2:58
- Nightmare 100% in 3:33


2run5 - 2run5 by John Cook - Modified by Phil
- 3 player Easy Run in 0:23

altus2 - Altus Mors by Travis Pease
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:24
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:30

beach1 - The Beaches of Hell by Kid
- 3 player Easy 100% in 0:15

bub2 - Bubbah's Slate by Tan Sian Yue
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:11
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:18
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:11
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:18

cbfspq2 - The Temple Of Gaia by Steve Towle - Modified by Connor Fitzgerald
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:24
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:28

cjhsp1 - The Katagean Redoubt by Chris 'Simulacrum' Houston
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:39
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:40

compugib - Welcome To Compugib! by Fred Hite Jr.
- Nightmare Run in 0:30

cult - Cult by Viper
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:14
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:14

dm1m2 - Stronghold of Battereds by Alex Andreu
- 2 player Run in 0:35
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:55

doom2_01 - Entryway by Peter Lomax
- 3 player Easy 100% in 0:14

dragon - Lair of the Dragon Ogre by David 'Death Method' Duncan
- Nightmare Run in 0:21

drakopf - Drakopf by Steve Rescoe
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:10
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:10

e2m1rmx - That Other Installation by Spirit
- 3 player Easy 100% in 1:06

e3m5rmx - Lose Tunnels by Speeds
- Easy Run in 0:53
- Nightmare Run in 1:00

e4m1rmx - The Sewage Problems... by Richard 'RickyT23' Trowbridge
- Easy 100% in 2:09
- Nightmare 100% in 2:44

fatal-error - Fatal Error by Tiddles
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07

flyer - The Hanger by Phil Hammond
- 3 player Easy Run in 0:09
- 3 player Nightmare Run in 0:09

hayduke1 - Ephemerality by Malcolm Sailor
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:32

ih1m4 - Castle of the Bad Die by IronHammer
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:12
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:12

jailbrk - Jailbreak by Psycho
- Nightmare Run (cheap way) in 0:03

msacro - Manslay's Acrobatics by Dmitry 'Manslay' Dementjev
- Nightmare Run in 0:18

obiwan3 - Blood Of The Martyrs by Obi-Wan
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:24

sgodrun2 - Tale Of Abbot's Rune by Rain Rannu
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:26
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:26

sm64_zwiffle - T'were Death Poetry by Zwiffle
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:26

sm135_ankh - Different Reality by Damian 'Ankh' Kulot
- Easy Run in 0:11

All demos in glorious .ZIP format! :-)


Also, I've set up a torrent page for the Quake done Quick movies: 
Demo Update 1st August 2009 
Necros: Some new videos are up on the YouTube page, mostly iD runs though. I'm trying to only upload high quality (both demo wise and encoding wise) videos as they look best, so it'll be a while before I get uploaded an entire bunch, but there's a few new ones worth watching :-)


e1m8 - Ziggurat Vertigo by American McGee
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:54

e2m4 - The Ebon Fortress by John Romero
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:55

e2m5 - The Wizard's Manse by John Romero
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 1:34

e3m5 - Wind Tunnels by American McGee
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:32
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 1:20

end - Shub-Niggurath's Pit by John Romero
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:51

end_pre - Shub-Niggurath's Pit by id Software - modified by Bengt 'AguirRe' Jardrup
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:08
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:08


d2 - Captivity of Demon by Artyom 'Digs' Glazkov
- Easy Run in 0:29

dmc1m2 - Acrophobia by American McGee - Modified by Connor Fitzgerald
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:15


cjhsp1 - The Katagean Redoubt by Chris 'Simulacrum' Houston
- Nightmare Run in 3:09

czg00 - Tower Of Obscurity by Christian 'czg' Grawert
- Easy Run in 0:34
- Easy 100% in 0:43
- Nightmare Run in 0:33
- Nightmare 100% in 0:45

e3m5rmx - Lose Tunnels by Speeds
- Easy 100% in 2:40

ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis by Kell
- Easy Run in 2:21
- Easy 100% in 3:51

q1tm2_czg - Hard Traffic by Christian 'czg' Grawert
- Easy Run in 1:46
- Easy 100% in 1:59
- Nightmare 100% in 2:33

runthis - RunThis! by Tim Elek
- Easy Run in 0:06

sm26_necros2 - My Eye Is Growing by Necros
- Nightmare Run in 0:21

sm135_ankh - Different Reality by Damian 'Ankh' Kulot
- Easy Run in 0:08

All DEMOS DOWNLOAD (.zip format):

Demo Update August 10th, 2009 
p_se_xxx - Endurance by Dario Casali
- Nightmare Run in 1:14

e2m1rmx - That Other Installation by Spirit
- Nightmare Run in 2:49

ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis by Kell
- Easy Run in 1:36
- Easy 100% in 3:13
- Nightmare 100% in 3:37
- 2 player Easy Run in 1:12

q1tm2_czg - Hard Traffic by Christian 'czg' Grawert
- Easy Run in 1:38
- Easy 100% in 1:57
- Nightmare Run in 1:58
- Nightmare 100% in 2:32

r_noname - r_noname by Rutger 'Azuki' Baks
- Easy Run in 0:19

All DEMOS DOWNLOAD (.zip format):


YOUTUBE CHANNEL (new videos are up):

Demo Update August 15th, 2009 
ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis by Kell
- 2 player Easy Run in 1:11

r_noname - r_noname by Rutger 'Azuki' Baks
- Nightmare Run in 0:19
- Nightmare 100% in 0:37
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:15
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:18
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:15
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:20

lostwrld - The Lost World by Matt Sefton
- Nightmare Run in 0:40

tspe - The Grinding Of Teeth by Rudolf Kremers
- Easy 100% in 0:52

deso - House Of Desolution by Jim Lowell
- 2 player Easy 100% in 1:03

All DEMOS DOWNLOAD (.zip format):


Winning demos in .avi format:
- Easy Run: /

YOUTUBE CHANNEL (new videos are up):

Ahh Crap! 
I hit the submit button instead of the preview button. Most of the links are all screwed up, so here's the rest of the update with links fixed:


Winning demos in .avi format and YouTube streams:

Easy Run:

Nightmare 100%:

YOUTUBE CHANNEL (new videos are up):

outstanding demos!!! my computer crash and only when i get from vacation i will be able to post my demos!

:( i wasn�t last ;) had some fun demos!!! will upload then monday when I will be back home
trinca has a new pc :) 
the new one is at home spy ;)

I took the hand computer to vacation :p 
Awesome triple GJ :) 
Demo + Map Update August 22nd, 2009 
We've added Speedmap Pack 155 to the SDA archives. That means four new maps courtesy of Trinca (the one we used for the most recent contest), Ankh, Zwiffle and negke. Yay!

hip1m5 - Military Complex by Hipnotic Interactive
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 2:17

r2m5 - Wizard's Keep by Rogue Entertainment
- 2 player Easy 100% in 1:55
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 2:37

bc2 - BC Dwellings by The Partisan
- Easy Run in 0:33

deja - Dimension Of The Diminished by Flavio 'GinKo' Quadros
- Nightmare 100% in 1:52

ksp1 - Libris Vertiginis by Kell
- Nightmare Run in 1:38

r_noname - r_noname by Rutger 'Asuki' Baks
- Easy 100% in 0:27

sm135_ankh - Different Reality by Damian 'Ankh' Kulot
- Nightmare Run in 0:08

sm155_trinca - The Stairs of Death by Rui 'Trinca' Neto
- Easy Run in 0:05
- Nightmare 100% in 0:17

All DEMOS DOWNLOAD (.zip format):

YOUTUBE CHANNEL (new videos are up):

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