#12 posted by DaZ on 2008/06/26 17:19:26
Its still too fast imo. I remember when the demo of UT2003 was released I thought there was something wrong with my pc that was making the game run too fast, and sadly they kept that speed since.
UT was no where near as fast and felt a lot better as a result.
I always play ut3 with the slomo mutator on, maybe im just getting old? :)
The maps do look great though, the authors have a real nice job, and I will download the pack just to have a better look at the maps.
#13 posted by ijed on 2008/06/26 17:34:07
Gears2 and the others mentioned are looking good.
Weather or not I'll buy them depends entirely upon how much time I'm spending in Q1, where most of my gaming requirements are met.
 UT3 Too Fast? WTF?
#14 posted by Jago on 2008/06/26 17:37:20
As someone coming from a strong Quake background, UT3 being a fast game is a very, VERY welcome change from UT2k4, which was noticably slower paced.
 I Must Admit
#15 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/26 17:50:07
After playing HL2, D3 and Quake4, playing UT3 was a l00t of fun because it's soooo fast! I mean making it a *tiny* bit slower wouldn't kill it for me, but personally I like the speed it's at now!
#16 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/26 18:04:52
We slowed it down quite a bit, actually. 2004 was crazy with people bouncing off of walls and boost jumping everywhere. UT3 is much closer to UT'99 speeds in terms of player movements and mobility.
#17 posted by Shambler on 2008/06/26 19:26:12
Felt like the double jumping was well toned down. The rest of it was pretty frantic. Still don't find, graphics aside (which can be too lush and too hard to appreciate in a fast DM game), that it's offering me much more over UT.
#18 posted by Jago on 2008/06/26 19:57:51
While the movement speed in UT3 was slightly toned down, it's precisely the reason combat gameplay speed went up by a margin.
If you ever watched demos of professional UT2k4 players, you surely noticed how often the fights turned into slow-paced hitscan-fests? Not to mention that with the faster movement, people could often put up the shield and just run away from you for ages. In UT3, it's a lot more about "kill or be killed" as there is little to no chance of escaping once you are engaged in a close-quarters firefight.
And I like it.
#19 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/26 20:00:04
Oh OK, I see what you're saying now.
 BTW, Willem
#20 posted by Jago on 2008/06/26 20:02:23
Is Inoxx still with Epic?
#21 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/26 20:08:29
No, he left awhile back. He's with one of our licensees now but I can't remember which.
#22 posted by nonentity on 2008/06/26 20:33:22
I play it at times (that and Warsow depending on mood).
And yeh; Guys, I Repeat; "at least from my point of view"
While I find your well argued and informed opinion useful and non-hypocritical, it would help if you actually expanded on your reasoning rather than just re-quoting tautological cliches (akin to 'no offence meant' or 'in my honest opinion').
(ps, employability of learning modern tech rather than an engine nearly 15 years old, etc, but People map for the games they enjoy..., each to their own)
#23 posted by nonentity on 2008/06/26 20:38:21
Half a dozen posts since load, I need to read faster ;p
Its still too fast imo
Um... CPM much?
I like the pace of UT3 a lot (enough 'realism' and it's bastard offspring), and tbh, I can deal with cluttered graphics a lot more now a days. I think it's a result of playing more on consoles where you can't cfg tweak, you just learn to cope with random detail rather than aim at bright green blob amongst the grey blocks.
Although tbh, anything is a welcome change from the pace of WoW >_<
 Did I Offended Someone?
#24 posted by CI475 on 2008/06/26 22:01:58
I don't like ut2 and ut3. I don't like textures models musics and so on. As for the gameplay in ut3 I feel like a free camera moving, and the places are too big.
I don't like ut 2 and 3 engines, there is too much stuff and the whole feeling is plane. Everyone goes crazy for Bioshock, well I don't like it. Please don't ask me to explain why, I will write pages and pages.
I still play a lot ut1 with oldschool mod (I don't like the ut look but I love unreal look) and all the customs sps, my favorite is DejaVou.
The new uts looks... I don't know, amatorial?
they are like "let's implement a lot of shaders, bigger textures and so on" I'm not impressed.
Instead I like the composure of the engines like q1 q2 ut1 doom3, less shining things but better look, more tangible.
Sorry if I bored you, but I think someone tried to point out my cryptical post.
Please Willem don't be offended, it's only that I see a lot of my friends becoming unreal fanatic and it's not a good thing. I mean, it's good if you like a game, it's bad if you are a fanatic, and unreal games tend to make fanatic people, at least this is my experience.
#25 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/26 22:07:46
"The new uts looks... I don't know, amatorial?
they are like "let's implement a lot of shaders, bigger textures and so on" I'm not impressed. "
And new game types and vehicles and better bot AI and ... I mean, none of this appeals to you?
"I mean, it's good if you like a game, it's bad if you are a fanatic, and unreal games tend to make fanatic people, at least this is my experience."
Well, it's not really the games fault if your friends love it a whole lot. I mean .. buh?
#26 posted by JPL on 2008/06/26 22:13:23
Oula, you didn't offend anybody... Just check "SpaceHulk256 Mapping Competition (cancelled)" thread....
 Williem, From My Point Of View
#27 posted by CI475 on 2008/06/26 22:45:27
Better ai, vehicles implementation and gametypes are amatorial, they are not part of the game, they are external.
A game is composed from (for me, I'll never stop saying this, I'm not judging, I'm only showing how I feel about video games)
Models or sprites
The rest is external, if the game has bad models and a good graphic engine this does not mean that the game is a good game.
If I don't like the gameplay of a game, implementation of vehicles is usless, I will still don't like the game.
A better AI will not make a good game, if I don't like to shoot with the new Flack cannon I will not like to shoot neither a stupid bot or a smart bot.
#28 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/26 22:50:35
You don't have to like the game. It's cool if you don't, no hard feelings. I was just trying to make some sense out of your complaints which I have to admit it getting harder and harder with every post you add.
 I Honestly Have No Idea What You Are Trying To Say...
#29 posted by czg on 2008/06/26 22:52:04
 ^^^^^ C-guy, Now W-guy
#30 posted by czg on 2008/06/26 22:52:31
#31 posted by nonentity on 2008/06/26 23:06:38
OK, this is bugging me, wtf do you mean by amatorial? immaterial? amateurial? (I don't think that's actually a word, but etymologically it should be).
Also, just gonna circle and eyebrow raise here;
A game is composed from (for me, I'll never stop saying this, I'm not judging, I'm only showing how I feel about video games)
Models or sprites
So that's the art content (which for sake of convience we'll call 'graphics') which you feel is most important to a game. OK.
Better ai, vehicles implementation and gametypes are amatorial, they are not part of the game, they are external.
So that's the way the game plays in terms of believable opponents, weapon/vehicle mechanics design and gametypes (ie, the... um... game). For the sake of convience we'll call these 'gameplay'.
So from that we can deduce that you feel a game should be judged on 'graphics' only, regardless of 'gameplay'. While I can see where you're coming from, personally I would rather play something fun, regardless of art content (see Q1).
I know, I know;
If I don't like the gameplay of a game, implementation of vehicles is usless, I will still don't like the game.
But that seems to be contradicted by every other point you've made in your posts, so I'm going to have to assume that by gameplay you mean 'overall art style/direction'.
#32 posted by - on 2008/06/26 23:20:52
I play UT3 here and there with friends. I really don't get why no one likes it, it's pretty fun and it's the closest modern game to the old school speed and chaos of Quake1 DM.
#33 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/26 23:23:27
It really is a great game. We had a ton of fun playing it during development.
#34 posted by nonentity on 2008/06/26 23:24:00
I really don't get why no one likes it
They herd it was bad
#35 posted by Kinn on 2008/06/26 23:51:55
I've been meaning to give it a go. I'm scared it's going to run like cack on my new laptop though.
Loved UT, more so than Q3 by a long way - got some wonderful memories duelling my brother in instagib, and out-sniping each other on that Morpheus level.
I didn't get into UT2003/2004 as much, but then again I never really had the time to invest in playing them properly.
#36 posted by nonentity on 2008/06/27 00:16:11
It runs surprisingly well on my 4 year old piece of shit.
2k3 was a terrible, terrible game (100% absorbion armour, brilliant idea ;)
2k4 was what 2k3 should have been, but by then everyone had already played 2k3 and even the rebate couldn't get them to take the same risk again. Shame. (I think UT3 suffers from a similar problem)