And About A Year Later ...
The Undergate
A map I made based pretty much on the Underworldfan site's classic Hall of Fame, recent reviews and recommended maps with QuakeC assistance by RocketGuy and Lardarse.
1. Screenshot and teleporter for every map.
2. Skill level selector buttons
3. Author name, Map name and map title for every map
4. Underworld site rating or Hall of Fame rank where applicable.
Download of map and required progs.dat only:
The Undergate map goes in c:\quake\id1\maps and the included progs.dat (and the QuakeC source is included).
The progs.dat was coded by RocketGuy and Lardarse (except the map overrides, which I coded) and has several nice touches:
1. Fish count fix
2. Returns to undergate.bsp upon completion of a map, except where it is a sequence of maps
3. Notification of skill level upon spawning in the undergate map
There is a thread with some more information on the map at:
More or less, the map works as a nice user friendly map selector that I hope can make it easier for trying out single player maps.
On the above thread there is a download link for the map and the supported maps, the only maps used/displayed in the Undergate are ones where the readme.txt didn't have text stating the archive name couldn't be changed or something else that would preclude inclusion.
If you are an author and I made a mistake with the readme.txt, please let me know.
There is one map that did have a readme.txt stating the archive name couldn't be changed, Alcatraz by Tyrann, and I emailed him for permission only to find out he had GPL'd the map.