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Three Old Quake 3 Maps Released By Bal
Well, I finally got around to releasing all these old maps that have been lying around my hard-drive for the last 2 or 3 years now...
Hope someone still cares. =)

Bal3dm5 - Junk Data (aka, "soon")
Well, almost everyone on #terrafusion has already played this, but here it is, finally officially released...

Bal3void1 - Peaceful Holidays in Egypt
Some funky Pyramid map thingy I made while chatting with Sock on IRC years ago, probably not playable... =D

Bal3void2 - Malfunctioning Nano-Constructor
Some other funky giant piece of flying brushwork, not sure what I was thinking, probably not playable either... =D

Well, that's it for my Quake 3 mapping career, was a good engine to work with.
None of these maps have had so much beta-testing for proper gameplay, but thanks to Nanospawn and Ironhammer for doing a final check on them.

PS: Rejoice! For all three of these maps contain a large ammount of TRIANGULAR LIGHTS! yay.
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Is there any kind of fix for it or am I basically screwed? 
"ati Skybox Bug" 
what? there is still no "ati skybox bug" fix?

blitz what u do
bind anykey "r_texturemode gl_nearest; wait;
r_texturemode gl_linear_mipmap_linear"

should do ... afair 
1 More Thing 
oh yeah, press that key every time u start q3 
Fuckin' Ay 
bal3dm5, very nice, love the looks, layout and the flow of the game, only one problem, the bots, but never mind. Can't wait to try this on a lan, trying to get it together this weekend.

Prepare to be dissapointed
Definitely no disappointment here. Haven't tried the other maps yet, but to me they are just a bonus, a side dish to the main course. But I will get around to them, that is a certainty. 
A Game 
A few people got together for sock's awesome map, let's try and do the same for this. I know some of you have played it already, but for those of us whom Bal doesn't like enough to have shown an early copy, let's try and organize a game.

Any day time and place is good for me because I have no commitments. So let me know if anyone is looking forward to some free time, and they wanna kill it by playing this with some people. 
Thanks for all the comments people! I'm happy most of you seem to like them, visually at least. =)

...for those of us whom Bal doesn't like enough to have shown an early copy...
I sent it to everyone who actually asked me for the map blitz... (as opposed to, asking me to release it =).
And yeah, the skyboxes all look fine on my machine, but it is true that q3 skyboxes are b0rked compared to other skyboxes (Sock has tutorial on how to fix them on his site, but I guess in your case you'd need to unfix them).

Scampie thanks! And sorry! =( I forgot to thank him for also doing a final test before yesterday, I suck.

Blackdog, doh, I could barely hear the ambient sounds on my machine compared to the rest of the usual game sounds... =\ 
Awesome Stuff 
I don't play much Q3, but I keep it installed for checking out little architectural masterpieces such as these. The void maps were a nice surprise too; these both look ball-bouncingly good ^_^ 
re: skybox bug--I've seen different "fixes" on the mapping side that work to one degree or another, depending on the skybox in question. I just talked with Sock, and he explained that there are two different issues, one involving simple texture overlap (which is fixable via the method on his site, which involves altering the six skybox textures), and the other which creates those shitty black lines.

I've never tried Slope's keybinds, but will when I get home. :) 
You don't know codpiece dickgirl porn? According to scampie, it's a prerequisite for working at Raven. Ask him to explain it. 
ding bing ding! 
She Wrote 
the maps are cool 
Not bad at all. Nice architecture, good horizontal/vertical gameplay and a nice - although buggy on my comp - skybox. Item placement was pretty good although A level of this size could use a Quad. Also the Railgun spot is a bit unfair against bots. 
Nice Maps. 
I love the architecture in dm5. I'm not sure about having RA up on the top, but there are a few quick ways up there (and I haven't actually played it) so I could easily be full of crap.

I love the void maps. Both are sort of fussy to move around (2 less so than 1)--I'd love to see versions that are scaled up quite a bit, or at least on X/Y, but the design of them is very unique and cool. 
The two void levels indeed play bad with bots. They just keep falling into the void or you can find them just standing somewhere. I guess it might be fun with real people. But anyways at least they look cool - excluding the skybox bug. 
Stupid skyboxes look fine on all of my machines... =\
Thanks for the comments people. =) 
Mikko, the skybox bug is not Bal's fault, that is Quake 3's fault so it's mean to bring that up against Bal :(

Yeah I know. 
this is cool 
To quote Vondur

"si teh rock of my life"

The maps look awesome, especially bal3dm5 and bal3void2 (tho I have doubts regarding the gameplay of the latter). Too bad I don't have access to my PC and can't play Q3 on it either even if I did :P 
Pretty spiffy maps. Void1 & 2 are freaky. 
Looks great indeed.
Can't you just simply compile it with -skyfix? 
I'd never heard of that, and I didn't really have any reason to look into it cause the skies were fine on my machine and on the machines of all the people who tested the maps for me... =\ 
My Take 
bal3dm5 is a good map, well made with a decent layout. The scale (especially of the corridors) seems a bit large to me but then again I havent played a full game on it yet. The brushwork, lighting and texturing are well integrated but nothing really seems too original. Still, looks like a keeper anyway.

bal3void1, definitely not very playable. Scale's too constrictive to allow any real play. Nice showcase map though, lovely brushwork and texturing.

bal3void2, this one's even better. You could probably get a game going on this one but dont know how much fun it would be. I agree with pjw, if this was slightly larger in scale, it could be interesting as a playable floater. Looks wise, it is phenomenal. The brushwork is really well done and the lighting is fantastic. Another awesome showcase map.

Also, a special mention of the skyboxes used, very very good choices. and they work fine this end, but then again I have an nvidia card. 
No worries, I don't even have an ATI card. :P
But, I always forget if it's in the -bsp stage or -light stage but one simply add -skyfix as a compile parameter, and that's it. ;)

Bit surpised if I'm the only one that knows about this here, since it was widely known on q3w. 
Nitin, happy to have your opinion on these, hehe, guess I should have released bal3dm5 3 years ago, maybe it would have been a tad more original back then. ;D
And yeah, I didnt really even try making void1 and void2 playable, cause it really didn't seem to me that many people played q3 much now days, not to mention even less people playing custom maps. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have turned them into some RA style map...
Thanks for the comments. =)

Fjoggs, well, I haven't been interested in quake 3 for the last three years, so I'm not surprised I've never heard of it, not to mention back then everyone had nvidia cards anyways. =D 
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