Got It
#947 posted by ijed on 2013/01/02 22:47:24
Thanks for the help :)
 New Question
#948 posted by ijed on 2013/01/09 23:38:38
How do I get a flyer to prefer to be higher than the standard 'eye level' fly height?
Searching around, it seems that movetogoal is the answer, but this is in the C code apparently and I want to stick to qc.
I don't exactly want a B0b vertical dodge - although that could be useful as well for when it's in hunt mode.
#949 posted by metlslime on 2013/01/10 00:18:59
Look at rubicon 2 source, I have a hard-coded min and max altitude that can easily be changed. The trick is using an invisible dummy entity as .enemy to trick movetogoal into seeking the desired altitude.
#950 posted by necros on 2013/01/10 01:19:43
#951 posted by ijed on 2013/01/10 10:58:27
Thanks guys.
#952 posted by ijed on 2013/01/10 13:02:54
Lots of useful stuff to learn from.
Insightful to see two different implementations that work with slightly different approaches.
 Oh Dear
#953 posted by Preach on 2013/01/19 00:28:54
Oh no, another blog post. If you're using the hipnotic rotating entities, you might want to go grab this fix...
#954 posted by necros on 2013/01/19 01:28:00
Thank you!
#955 posted by necros on 2013/01/19 01:29:13
did you have an old version of hipnotic? mine already had that fix in.
#956 posted by Preach on 2013/01/19 11:48:52
I was working on Quoth when I noticed it, so that might have been out of date.
 Stack Overflow
#957 posted by madfox on 2013/01/29 21:20:49
I'm puzzled about monster behaviour.
After setting the qc for self.th_stand, self.th_walk and self.th_run, self.th_pain and self.th_die I'm left with the self.th_melee and self.th_missile.
As long as I take the "SUB_NULL" everything goes fine, except the monster can't attack.
As soon as I give these parms a function the game returns them as
stack overflow.
Maybe it is my wrong assumption a monster can be added with only changing the monster's qc and leaving the ai and fight.qc aside.
Earlier I added monster with the enforcer.qc and there were no console messages.
I know I have to change things in ai.qc and fight.qc, as I did by adding a CheckAnyAttack in ai.qc and a CheckAttack in fight.qc.
Still the compiler sees no wrong but in game the console hangs on stack overflow.
 Stack Overflow
#958 posted by Preach on 2013/01/29 22:16:26
Stack overflow often comes from two functions calling each other in a loop that cannot be escaped. CheckAttack will run any function you put in th_missile or th_melee. If monster_atk1 calls CheckAttack, then the QC just goes back and forward between the two. The fix is to make sure that you don't call CheckAttack in monster_atk1.
What can make it harder is that you might not run CheckAttack directly - you might run ai_run which runs CheckAnyAttack which runs CheckAttack. So post exactly what your monster_atk1 does and we can see how to break the loop...
#959 posted by madfox on 2013/01/30 00:22:45
The qc is a bit long so you find it here
As i started to make changes to the ai.qc with the CheckAnyAttack and the fight.qc with CheckAttack, I tried again with a cleansource.
Proqcc asks where def.qc 699 exp ; found
Ftecqc responds with no error, but on console
The idea was a quake1 Orb, that has a melee missile attack and a jump function like the demonfiend.
 Read-only AI
#960 posted by Preach on 2013/01/30 00:41:25
It's a good exercise to try and write a self-contained monster, which only calls the ai functions but doesn't alter them at all. It's also better for making a monster that "feels" like the originals. So stay strong, let's fix the file.
You are calling ai_run in all your attack functions, which isn't always the best plan. The problem with ai_run is that it looks like "this is the function I call to move n steps forward". It's actually more like "this is the function to look for something new to do, and run forward if I can't find anything".
So ai_run is looking for something better to do than just run, and it tries to attack. When it decides it can attack, it runs orb_jump1 to get the attack started. Then trouble: orb_jump1 calls ai_run again! So ai_run looks for something better to do that it was doing, and decides to attack...
...and the loop goes on until you crash.
If you look at demon.qc, you'll see that it doesn't use ai_run anywhere in the attack functions. When it needs to move, it uses ai_charge instead. There are other ways to get round the problem, but replacing ai_run with ai_charge in your attacks is a simple fix to start with.
#961 posted by madfox on 2013/01/30 01:36:46
That's what I was looking for!
I didn't see the ai_charge. I kept changing the ai and fight.qc with the loop result.
Thanks for your clear explanation, after a few days I thought the orb could only crash.
 Grr, Arg
#962 posted by Preach on 2013/02/24 21:08:21
Darkplaces is the Internet Explorer of custom engines - it has features that nobody else offers, but creates awkward incompatibilities at the same time. Today's bugbear: it changes findradius so that non-solid entities are included in the search results. This makes it possible to create invisible ghost monsters in Quoth with a rocket in the wrong place...
#963 posted by necros on 2013/02/24 21:19:40
yeah, i don't try to support it anymore. just too many things broken.
 Look Through The Sv_gameplayfix_* Cvars
#964 posted by Supa on 2013/02/25 00:16:04
The one you want to disable in this case is sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies
 Total Opt-out
#965 posted by Preach on 2013/02/25 01:51:16
Is there a cvar that says don't do anything present or future which messes with the QC? It wasn't hard to tweak the code to work around this - the cost is in spending the time testing in darkplaces for bugs that don't occur elsewhere, reproducing them reliably and working out what the engine does differently. I'd add "sv_gameplayfix_optout 1" to quake.rc in an instant.
 No Opt-out
#966 posted by LordHavoc on 2013/02/25 04:03:40
I have no plans for an "optout" cvar because it's like taking a sledgehammer to a nail, it isn't the right solution to the problem.
The right solution to the problem is one where users don't have to do anything.
I'm still evaluating the right solution.
#967 posted by sock on 2013/02/27 14:56:37
Is there a QC compiler that supports arrays?
#968 posted by Spirit on 2013/02/27 15:46:23
#969 posted by Spirit on 2013/02/27 15:46:23
#970 posted by ijed on 2013/02/27 18:39:02
Yes, it's great :)
#971 posted by sock on 2013/02/27 19:56:01
@Spirit, I am using that already, thanks :)