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I Couldn't Imagine 
someone leaving because of something someone said. There has to be some other reason. 
I'm sure he decided to leave cause czg doesn't love quake anymore. I think we can pretty much just shut this message board down now, as well as #tf. 
did czg finaly had is first women? 
Yes You 
i�m honored!!! chif but i�m not gay or shemale :\ guess u must get another one! 
trinca is a werefemale 
first spam since i put up my spam countermeasures. I wonder if this batch was from a human? 
Likely Was, 
according to my bro who does contract IT work for the US Mint among other interesting things, factories of human bots are all the rage now. Our honey selling little buddy is most likely one of these. It is a phenonom tied to gold farmers and Zero Sum Wednesdays (Microsoft security updates are typically released on Tuesdays, a certain pernicious Nation has hundreds of hackers working to crack the updates within 24 hours). 
Misc Questions Regarding The Site 
I got this site from a friend of mine. Now perhaps it's my lack of intelligence, it probably is, but I find it difficult to navigate. I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, just trying to get a few pointers on how to make my stay here more pleasant. Here we go:

Is there a forum index page? Where the forum is divided into categories and each category has it's own forum?

Is there anyway for me to get a email notification when a reply to my thread, or a thread in which I replied myself, is posted? 
For your first question, the "Forum" page (see link at the top of any page) lists 1. permanent or "sticky" threads, 2. latest discussion threads, and 3. latest news threads. The only threads not listed here are old and inactive, and they can be found in the archives. There is an archive for discussion threads, and another one for news threads. Both links can be found on that forum page.

As for email notification, there is nothing like that. However, as a logged-in user you can see how many new/unread posts are in any thread that you've already visited at least once. Obviously this doesn't work as well when you area new user who hasn't read most of the threads, but once you get settled in, it should be possible to tell what's new and what you've already looked at. 
Thanks for the info!

I take it you reply to ongoing threads instead of being able to create brand new ones in a permanent thread? 
Try to use threads that already exist if they are appropriate to your post. General Abuse is a good catch-all for random things that don't fit any topic.

You're allowed to create a new discussion thread, but you should only do it for a topic that you expect will have many responses, rather than for a question that only needs one answer. 
Everything is clear now. Thanks a lot. 
Inf questions probably relate well with
new viewers, post the last series of Q&A as a primer in the Faq. 
Good idea. I'm used to phpbb boards and this is a tad different ;) 
I'm Just Trying 
to win that congeniality award that has been alluding me for all of these years. 
How about making the creation of new Discussion Threads work the same way as the News Threads?
So newbies would not create useless new threads. 
Pressed The Button Too Early 
^ with moderator approval I mean. 
maybe i just need to post some guidelines on the new thread page. 
Quotes In Post Title Scrozzlings? 
i just posted with the title "frame" "1" in worldspawn in the doom3 mapping help thread and it left the title blank. 
did you preview it? It seems to work fine if you don't preview it. If you do, then yeah, it erases that part of the message. 
or just use two ' 

^^ Do you think they're creating accounts automatically or are they going to the trouble of doing it by hand? Might be something to look into 
now there's the title of someone's next map :P

blitzsp2: Rabbit Vibrator 
i was just going to say we should leave rabbit vibrator. :P 
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