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I like your short and no-shit link list, it's good to keep it short for newcomers. 
When I read unread posts, it would be quite handy to have links on the page that say "go to next undread messages in thread XYZ," instead of going back to the forum page... is that practical? 
that might be a little weird, but if I do more with RSS on this site, one of the feed might show all unread posts for a user. 

would keep me from refreshing the fucking board every 30 seconds ! ;D 
would keep me from refreshing the fucking board every 30 seconds ! ;D

me too :) 
if you refresh that often, surely there is only ever one new post in one thread that you need to look at. :) 
Feature Request No. Stfu666 
Would it be possible to use some dhtml/ajax voodoo to get the forum page to indicate when new posts are posted? I know there was a page that had that feature while it covered a recent and huge mac event... saved on bandwidth. 
Sounds Like... 

I'm looking for an excuse to make something with ajax, but I want something that actually justifies it. 
retroquake is inactive too, btw. 
well both retroquake and ten four are pretty lazy about updating, but they have both reviewed at least one map during 2006, and neither one has said that they are officially closed. So I'll wait a bit longer before proclaiming them dead. 
Is it me or has func become super slow again since a few days? 
I Noticed The Same... 
it varies depending on how much spam Globat is sending to its customers. 
Forum Page 
is taking an absolute age to load recently, but individual threads are the same as always, thought you might want the headsup Metl.. 
These last few days the access became slower and slower... Do you have any idea of what's happening ? Did Anybody notice that, or am I alone to face this issue ? 
I Have It Too 
Same Here 
Yeah, Me Too 
But as usual, I don't know anything about it. The hosting seems to get faster and slower at random.

If sleepwalkr still says it's okay, I'm going to move to fov120 when my current hosting plan runs out. 
So I'm not crazy... 
eheh i would like to be in this forum privet msg option :) could be very nice!!! 
How do I cancel my account? 
Ask metlslime to do it for you... or quit this place for ever ;P 
You Just Leave And Never Look Back 
you could also try changing your password to something hard to remember. 
He wants to change his nick to something cool like Thumphead, or Rearshot, and has to cancel his current account so the cookie doesn't override. 
Now func loads like smooth glass. Nice! 
nice theory, but all you have to do to change your name is to just edit it on the Account page and hit submit. 
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