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Are Nigerians Not 
classifiable to males/females? 
Best Spam Ever. 
Or even the best func post ever. 
It doesn't even pimp a website to visit... 
Wasn't Spam 
I highly doubt a spam bot would be able to pick out the "cheese" icon for its post? 
Did anyone say it was spambot spam? 
whyyyyyyyy is fuuuuuuuunc so slooooooww agaaaaaaain


also, it was clearly a cheesebot. 
Yes, Scampie is a fucking piece of fag fucking shit. He's run away at least four people from #tf because people can't stand him. He's just upset his parents didn't pay attention to him and he likes the authority. You shouldn't leave func because of him though, here he's just another llama since he gave up mod status. Frankly, I dunno why people put up with his shit anyway. 
Metslime Is Killing The Community 
by closing the funny thread 
Wooh, IRC Beef. 
Tastes the best. 
Is right.

Best thread for a long time and he had to close it -_- 
go create some cool threads 
don't care about him, everybody knows he's an asshole, at least most of the time. He ran you know? 
[16:01] <Trinca> scampwork o filho fa puta
[16:01] <Trinca> scampwork o filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> son of a bitch
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:01] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:02] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:02] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:02] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:02] <MoALTz> stop spamming
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <bear> Trinca, calm down
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:02] <Trinca> same as filho da puta
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <MoALTz> you have lost all support you had (if any) now
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <inertia> yeah trinca shush
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Vondur> Trinca, calm down bitch
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:02] <Trinca> assshole
[16:03] <Trinca> assshole
[16:03] <Trinca> assshole
[16:03] <Trinca> assshole
[16:03] <Trinca> assshole
[16:03] <Trinca> assshole
[16:03] <Vondur> Trinca, stfu moron
[16:03] <Trinca> assshole
[16:03] * Trinca was kicked by SmallPileofGibs (Trinca) 
Oh! And Spawnpoint News... 
In the very near future, 'spawnpoint' will be returning... but as

I sadly lost the domain, so instead, I am going to go with planB, which is change SP into This means all links to the site should be changed to reflect this, and all the logins that my hostees use should change from @spawnpoint to @leveldesign and all that.

I'll let you know, should be a day or two. Thanks for all your patience guys. 

Partly for bringing SP back....but mostly for quoting Trinca ;).

Keep IRC drama on #tf, I say! 
WTF, my excitement got the better of me...

Keep IRC drama on Func, I say! 
That's pretty cool. I assumed you had left the community for good (despite working in the industry at a company famed for FPS titles) and had just decided to ignore spawnpoint because it presumably costs money to maintain.

How come spawnpoint has been taken, yet the more obvious leveldesign hadn't? That seems a bit odd. Having said that, spawnpoint sounds cooler and more underground :)

btw, I don't mind irc drama on func either, especially as I can't log into irc from Asia, because asia-pacific ips are blocked by quakenet, or whatever host you were using a couple of months ago. 
A Horrible Hideous Torrent Of Noise 
can be found at

A good four hours of it. You might like to tear out your lugholes before listening. 
spawnpoint only went down because the domain expired, and I had to wait to attempt to retke it. it was sniped from underneth me, and I'm not going to pay mucho buckos just to recover it from a domain squatter bastard. 
Damn, if Scampie won't pay me the $5000 to get back now where will I get this weeks crack money? :( 
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