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You can't be serious. 
Q4 has SO many bugs... its shit. for instance, no bunnyhopping -- wtf? thanks lun ;o 
I'd order it straight from australia if I had a comp that would run it... 
Inertia: chess on yahoo anytime? 
sure sounds delightful

but, yahoo kind of has buggy stuff that sometimes crashes my browser -- we shall see. 
Blue Names FTW 
Team Blue 
Scampie probably has a lot on his plate (I just hope it isnt any problems backhome as New England is getting drenched at this time) so, I'm going to go ahead and put a link up for my speed map for the sm107 cramped theme event. If anyone else participated wants there map up as well just e-mail me My site is craptastic, but for a small community it should not be a problem.

Theme: cramped, Aramagon Tech
Monsters: 47
Secrets: 3
BuildTime 4 hours -- two of which dealt with a stupid bug. 
is that ANOTHER version of 'The Edge' in those Q4 screenshots?

Problem with the silver key door but no problem because there is a handy clipping error nearby ;-) 
Clipping Problem, Dang 
Wow. Another miss for me. The silver key icon is a button that triggers the door. Thanks for giving it a spin. 
yeah, q4 has edge(ish) and q3dm17(ish)

Edge is good map, beaten to death, but still 
TF Comix 
Quake 4 
So, is it any good?

Can't say I've been literally sat in a puddle of my own piss whilst waiting for it, but the reviews/comments are starting to come in, and after ignoring all the trolling and reviews by idiots (PC Gamer) it sounds promising.

The comments on Bluesnews seem fairly reasonable. I like what I'm hearing about the impression that there is a war going on. As long as it's not a really fake impression of a war that dissipates after 5 minutes of play when you realise the AI is shit, and that all your squadmates are blundering idiots you can safely label as cannon fodder, and that only you can really make a difference to the outcome of the game... (sorry, couldn't help it after I played the CoD2 demo recently).

No idea when/if I'll be able to pick up a copy of Q4 here in Japan, and as PC games seem to be kinda expensive, not sure if I will.

Anyway, hurry up and post your verdicts, because I am eager to hear what people think about it.

I am especially keen to hear what you Raven guys think of it. I don't care if your opinions are biased, I just want to know which aspects of the game you are most fond of.

Lun, did you do MP or SP stuff? 
Quake 4 
Too busy playing the thing to comment fully right now, but lots of Strogg attacking you at once = good.

Looks better than the screenshots do it justice, but that's the d3 engine for you.

Runs a lot more slowly than d3 though, a quick r_showlightcount reveals why. Nicely bright lit environments but at a cost. :) 
Truly LOL inducing. 
Runs a lot more slowly than d3 though

i got 20~fps in d3, so i should get, what, 5 now? 
As far as I can tell there isn't much in the game that would need better hardware than d3, it's just that there are a lot more lights and much largers action filled areas.

It should be said that q4 (and d3 for that matter) aren't really playable at all on my computer at the moment...I got myself a 6600gt to tide me over until a new computer a few days ago, and I can't get it to run properly. Damn things are slideshows. :( 
I Would Say One Screenshot 
(Sandstorm) of a MP map above has some Lun signature brush style in it, but that is just an ill informed guess. 
On A Different Tip... 

Anyone tried this?? Lionhead RPG game, first on consoles now on the PC...

Any good?? Comments?? Any obvious cock-ups?? 
Tried It 
was decent. the much vaunted 'choose your path' is exagerated naturally.

also, it appears to be rather buggy and crashes often. which is more annoying because you can't truly save. that might vary depending on hardware however.

still though, good story, and was quite a bit of fun. 

GFX / Controls / Playability okay??

Anyone got any other views?? 
If find that it runs as good if not faster than Doom3, nothing I've seen thus far suggests to me that it runs markedly slower.

As for the game...well...I'll wait till I'm finished, My first impressions of singleplayer however went something like this,

"Well Raven have really screwed the pooch with Quake4"

Multiplayer is a blast, perhaps if you don't like Quake3 (seek medical advice) you may not like it. 
Quake4 Take2 Part1 
I guess runs as good if not faster than Doom3 could be a little ambiguous.

It runs as smooth as on both my machines, everything maxed, except for the "Ultra" settings, which are supposedly for 512mb vid cards.

P4 3.4GHz LGA 775
2gig DDR 400
6800 Ultra
Audigy 2 ZS

P4 3.2GHz Prescot
2gig DDR 400
6800 Ultra
Audigy 2 ZS
Fable: fucking loved it on the XBox - prolly my fave XBox game actually. I've spent about 50 hours in it, but sadly completed the main quest in only 14 hours. Cool thing is you can continue playing after that to finish any side quests and just continue dicking around in the world (and there's a lot of cool stuff to do - I'm slowly trying to aquire every building in Albion, by hanging around at night all dodgy like and waiting for the owners to come home and tuck themselves in bed, before I sneak in and murder them in their sleep >:{} ) I understand The Lost Chapters adds in a fair chunk of new content, so that should beef it up a bit.

I don't really know how well it would carry over to the PC though (the combat seems rather geared up for consoles), so I'll probably wait until TLC comes out on XBox (annoying that they couldn't tie it in with the PC release). 
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