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Coding Help
This is a counterpart to the "Mapping Help" thread. If you need help with QuakeC coding, or questions about how to do some engine modification, this is the place for you! We've got a few coders here on the forum and hopefully someone knows the answer.
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More Stubborn Monster 
Thanks for the advice!

I have to read the tutorial, but parms like move to goal and velocity are lucide to me.
Not that I don't understand them but the referring code doesn't fit with my knowhow.

It is almost a jack-in-the-box to me how to define a working statement.

As soon as I change the parms the monster works alright,it only comes out swimming on land and I just have to shoot it back in its walk pose.
This works and for sofar I should be glad.

That it is not the bugfree method is something I'm trying to overcome. 
Practical Problem 
OK, here's a genuine issue faced when creating the next version of Quoth. A mapper who I will not name has released a Quoth map which uses some entity hacks. In particular they've created a backpack model using the modelindex hack. The new patch precaches fewer models, and so changes which model appears for the modelindex which the hack uses. This breaks the map (from a visual point of view).

Which approach would you choose?

a) Let this entity-hack remain broken to discourage future hacks

b) Insert a piece of code which detects this particular map and fixes the models within it

c) Reorder the remaining precaches so that the backpack occupies the same precache slot in this map

d) Revert the model precache savings, as they are incompatible with existing maps

Remember, there are no right answers. Only wrong ones... 
create a lookup table that matches the old precache numbers to the new ones?

haha that would be painful to do. :P 
name it quothX.Y and tell people to state the tested quoth version(s) in their readme from now on. consider all existing maps requiring quoth2. 
Not Really Related But A Selfmade Problem: 
releasing quoth2 as quoth was annoying already (from a quaddicted viewpoint). I really do not want to replace it again and pretend comments and ratings are for the new version.

I guess one would need to add an dependency option of 'provides', so eg quoth2 provides/fulfills the dependency 'quoth'.

or how about calling them "quoth_pak1", "quoth_pak2", etc. 
Look-up Sir, Arrgggh! 
That's more or less what option c) is, except you only match this particular model to the index it once had. If you're precaching fewer models, it's obvious that you can't do that for every model, so the solution would not be sustainable if this hack was common.

I thought the backpack would be reasonably easy to fix like this because it's in that big list of guaranteed precaches in world.qc. You'd just look at the list and move the backpack precache down as many precaches as it takes. On looking at it, this might not work; unfortunately the backpack is one of the last things to be precached. The number we'd have to give it would belong to the "variable precaches region" which changes depending on which entities the map includes.

You could try to add a wrapper to the precaching function which counts the number of calls, and then precaches the backpack after the right number of entries. There's two problems: First you need to filter out multiple calls to precache the same file (which is hard given QC's lack of support for arrays). This can be done with some effort though, because we know exactly how many precaches we need to remember - the number between the guaranteed precaches and the desired precache value for the backpack.

Then you need some way of dealing with the possibility that not enough models get precached, and so the backpack is never precached either. In QC you don't have any way of telling how many more entities there are to spawn, and when the last spawn function has run, you no longer have the ability to precache models. So you can't predict ahead of time you're in the state where the backpack won't get precached. Any solution for this case would need to be based on the idea of working round the backpack model missing its precache, which is actively detrimental.

So the only proper way to get this trick to work is to sniff which map is being loaded by some other means, and fix it up then. At this stage b) is probably more attractive. 
There are lots of enhancments in new versions of a mod that benefit existing maps - like the rebalancing of annoying monsters, or the fixing of occasionally occuring bugs. So we need backwards compatibility. 
Said mapper may also have included two versions of the hack to make it work on both Quoth 1 and 2, so if a new release were to address compatibility issues, it would probably need to take care of two modelindex shifts (unless Quoth 1 didn't change anything about it). 
I noticed that, and wondered if that might have been a hint to whoever it was not to indulge in that kind of behaviour. For the record, using a mapobject_custom is a much easier way to get the model you want (they aren't static entities by default). That would only require the hacky version in quoth 1, and then using a designed entity for other versions will be forward compatible. 
Rebalancing monsters IS breaking backwards compatibility!

(Aaaaahh change!) 
There should have been an item_custom entity to begin with.... Which new model does it display anyway?

Btw, since you're working on a new version of Quoth, do you have a list of desirable features mentioned over the years or something like that? Obvious things that Quoth is missing for no good reason. Not going for a public feature request discussion, just interested. 
The List 
To make clear, the current patch is limited in scope, and the specific limit I am sticking to is no new entities. I do have other ideas for what might go into a future version of Quoth, custom items is not on it though...It currently displays a head gib with a very weird skin.

Spirit, backwards compatibility is not the same as identical behaviour, else fixing bugs is prohibited because the new patch doesn't crash to the console. For gameplay, I take backwards compatibility to be: from any map or set of circumstances that a player could complete a map in the previous patch, they still can in the new patch with no more difficulty. As someone pointed out in the Quoth 2 thread, making monsters weaker does not affect that. Obviously there are other measures of backwards compatibility that have to be considered, and visual fidelity is one. 
Is the protocol 15 precache limit really that big of a problem in 2012? 
I'd hazard a guess that the majority of people with quake installed right now use protocol 15, because they bought it bundled on Steam and don't know anything about custom engines. I'm not imagining that every mapper will create maps that run on all engines. Still, if some mappers might want to, the mod should do all it can to enable that. 
That's true, but if they know about custom maps in the first place, then knowing about custom engines is just a few inches away.

Unless it's not possible to run a custom engine with Quake on Steam? 
I think you can, but each extra barrier to running the map is gonna turn away some fraction of your audience. 
If you did want to design a mod where it was clear to mappers what they were free to touch and what you were reserving for future modification, then you might be able to use some of the tricks in an article I've just posted:

For people who think that it's all a bit crazy and worry for the future of Quoth, don't. Firstly it's too late to do all of this for Quoth, you'd need to have done it before you release the first version and people start making maps. Secondly, Quoth probably doesn't need it because it's fairly slow moving. The private fields stuff would be more useful when you're releasing new versions each month or something, keeping new features private while you're messing with the design, like an "under construction" gif.

If you still think it's a bit paranoid, hold on, because there's a much more interesting use of these field name tricks coming up. 
That... Is very interesting. Would have been useful to protect stuff for sure. Although if you're going to limit things in that way then you should try to provide ways to do those things explicitely. 
Could someone explain mechanically how Quake's monster stun effect works? Is it like Doom's where monsters have a percentage chance to be stunned, or does it go off the amount of damage cause etc? 
I think it happens on specific animation frames 
(i Guess You Mean The Sudden Attack Cancelling Effect) 
It's something that varies from monster to monster, and it depends on a lot of things:

Random chance
Amount of damage
Time since last attack
Skill level

Each monster has an individual function to decide what to do, I'll explain two contrasting ones:

The grunt is on the weakest end of things. The first hit it takes will always send it into pain. At that moment one of the pain animations is selected, and it's pain_finished field is set so that it can't go into pain again for a short time. The pain_finished time for grunts is barely long enough for the pain animations to complete. Amount of damage has no effect.

The shambler is on the opposite end of things. When it takes a hit, it generates a random number between 0 and 400. If the amount of damage is less than the number generated, it ignores the hit. Otherwise it goes into pain, and sets pain_finished to 2 seconds into the future.

In between these two extremes there are lots of variations. The pain_finished time is unbreakable, but after that there is usually some amount of damage which guarantees a pain animation (e.g. we see the shambler takes 400, the death knight is only 30). Nightmare skill has a global effect - the minimum gap between pain animations is 5 seconds for everything. 
ic, interesting. It certainly seems somewhat random but a lot less so than Doom's...

Cheers :) 
As promised, the second half of yesterday's article, with a more sensible use for private and hidden fields, after introducing overlapping fields. 
Re: Practical Problem 
I know this is a hack, but could you not add special consideration to 'info_notnull' that when it has a 'model', you search for other entities with the same 'model', and set it's 'modelindex' the same?

So if I have a:

"classname" "info_notnull"
"origin" "# # #"
"think" "PlaceItem"
"nextthink" "0.2"
"touch" "BackpackTouch"
"model" "progs/backpack.mdl"
"modelindex" "#"

We'd look for another entity which already was 'model' 'progs/backpack.mdl', and use it's modelindex as our info_notnull's. This means the info_notnull would have to be later than an actual backpack (or whatever we were trying to copy)... but wouldn't that make the designer setting the correct modelindex irrelevent, and all he'd need to do is set a correct model? 
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