Congrats on the first map. So I've created a demo for you:
Here are some things I thought were good:
-good use of Quake 2 textures, created a unique feel
-overall layout of map was ok, with some good puzzles
-enemy placement created decent challenge
-great idea with the portal at the end and introduction of base monsters
-creation of vehicles with brushes for detail
So, I read your post on Quaddicted and see that you made this in 7 days. In this case, that is pretty solid, and I find it impossible to really criticize a speed map, made in only a few days. If you spent more time however, months (years...), and had testers play it, some things could have been fixed:
-geometry around start had sky brushes covering some walls
-severe lack of ammo if player didn't find lightning gun, and this was hidden behind crates
-there were many "doors" that do not open and feel very strange, or give no message when they are locked
-some things that I felt must have been secrets, gave no secret trigger.
-the ending fight, while very cool, could have the player camping over the enemy spawn to kill telefrag them all.
Thanks for making the map!