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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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those hot libraries are really cool. i should have seen this page before! very inspiring for arcane project. 
Vulcan Foundry 
Uncle Sam's Photos 
Pictures of the Yucca Mountain Project (construction of a nuclear waste storage site):

My favorite pic:

Found on this site, which collects links to US Government websites that contain public domain photos: 
That Is 
a really cool door =)

Thanks for sharing. 
Great pics metl.
DaZ, that's not a door, it's a tunneling machine, use the same type to make subway tunnels and stuff. 
You Are Wrong 
Can't you see it's a gigantic donut? 
Interesting Pics Of Demons From Old Books (found on drawn blog)

I'd love to see a game with graphics in the style of these pics - there is something very haunting and horrible about them that I love. 
Excellent Stuff. 
Yeah, those old woodcuts and lithographs rock so hard. 
From One Of Pope's Posts: 
Wish more abandoned places had as large amounts of pink as this Japanese place: 
You All Hate My Posts 
I Don't Mind Your Posts... 
In fact, that one is kind of awesome.

I just hate you. 
Okay Anyone Near London Village... 
Do go to see Anthony Gormley's "Blind Light" exhibition. Very good, one of the best art exhibitions I've been to. It's exploring the space around and within the human form through a wide variety of mostly sculptural work, some of it harsh and metallic. I thought a lot of it was great on many levels.

Relevant to this thread, my favourite piece was "Space Station", a massively imposing 27 ton construct of perforated blocks chaotically joined and perched at an esoteric angle that does indeed evoke the atmosphere implied in it's name.

It was well lit from an adjacent exhibit, and I found it particularly rewarding exploring the dark side of the piece and finding all the random "passages" through it.

I defy anyone to go there, look at it in detail, and go back home and NOT open Radiant/whatever! 
Metal lego's!

Dunno, looks a bit random to me, but interesting none the less.

Also (sadly), I did not get the urge to open a level editor after looking at this :( 
I defy anyone to go there, look at it in detail, and go back home and NOT open Radiant/whatever!

Did you? 
Oh Sorry... 
I meant looking at it in reality. The pictures are like, nothing, compared to wandering around it.

Wrath: I got the urge for YOU GUYS to make some map with a similar theme :D 
Nice Digital Art Pix 
go map 
Lots Of Vintage Mag Covers
Weird navigation but you'll get to them. 
Da Plane Boss! 
Good Enough That You Might Lose Your Virginity 
That's A Cool Site. 
For a bunch of reasons.
He He 
lost mine on top of the hood of a Mustang.

Some interesting design here: 
Dubai like a hive of utterly mental construction projects these days, that hotel is just one of them. 
Competition For Method 
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