Uh Triple Postie... Sorry.
#61 posted by necros on 2011/05/01 22:15:59
is there a way to get the injector to scan the /quake/id1/maps directory and mark any maps it finds there as installed or is this moving beyond the goal of the app? as a long time quake player, my /maps folder is filled with hundreds of map files and i often find i'm reinstalling maps that are already there.
mind you, i'm not saying that it should scan for mods, but i think simply scanning for bsp files in the /id1/maps dir is fairly straightforward.
#62 posted by Spirit on 2011/05/01 22:30:41
Tabs would be awesome. Generally more search/sorting options.
The Injector does scanning! Make sure you have the alpha2. "Check for installed maps" in the menu. Make a backup beforehand just in case (I don't think it could do anything wrong but you never know).
#63 posted by necros on 2011/05/02 00:30:29
haha yeah, i'm retarded-- it's right in the file menu. ^_^;
#64 posted by necros on 2011/05/02 00:33:22
it only found a small fraction of installed maps.
is it being picky and searching for both bsp and text files? cause in the old days, i would never extract the readmes, just the bsp.
Spirit Has Control Over That
#65 posted by megaman on 2011/05/02 01:19:38
each file gets a flag.
if your structure/naming is wrong or you modified the files (crc check), it can't find them though.
would be interesting if you could zip up a structure of files that it doesn't find so i can test (or take a look at it).
Oh Btw
#66 posted by megaman on 2011/05/02 01:25:43
spirit, do you remember how to filter for installed maps? :-) it was once possible, but i can't remember how, and maybe i disabled it (by mistake maybe)
#67 posted by megaman on 2011/05/02 01:26:57
i think a checkbox near the filter field "only installed" is the way to go
#68 posted by Spirit on 2011/05/02 09:36:46
It would need to allow showing "not installed" too imo.
I can't remember being able to filter for that.
Scanning: Yeah, I think text files are required. You know me. But to be honest I do not remember how it works. For the sake of userfriendlyness textfiles should not be required. If I recall correctly we only scanned for filename collisions, allowing overwriting "non-essential files" (eg readme.txt or file_id.diz), at least that's how I understood it.
This Is The List Of Files
#69 posted by megaman on 2011/05/02 11:02:43
essential="false" means that it won't be required for the install check.
Spirit needs to update it (I'm not even sure it was complete when I uploaded it).
#70 posted by Spirit on 2011/05/02 16:28:24
I'll integrate it properly into the quaddicted database. The flag is already an option there and that way negke can help too. I guess making all textfiles not required for a successful "hit" would be a start, correct? That way you can play the map even if you are a terrible person.
Megaman: it does get used for conflict handling too, right? Then we would make a mess if eg quake/reader.txt was not "essential" because it would silently(?) Overwrite on a conflict.
#71 posted by Spirit on 2011/05/02 16:29:18
#72 posted by megaman on 2011/05/02 17:38:00
but injector doesn't overwrite stuff (maybe we should implement a "*_org.*" rename option). So you can then still play the map without the injector being able to extract the replay.
Basically everything should be marked non-essential that's not needed to play the map. I'm a bit unsure how to handle optional stuff that's used in the map, though. I'm leaning towards marking that as non-essential as well. The bsp makes total sense without the .tgas, as long as it loads and plays fine.
Just Installed The Yahoo Toolbar
#73 posted by Spirit on 2011/07/15 18:42:40
The readme should be windowised. It displays no newlines on Windows XP in Notepad.
Also a .bat file (java -jar quakeinjector.jar) would be a good addition.
It is also quite ugly on Windows XP. :-)
#74 posted by Friction on 2011/07/15 19:07:39
Turn in your computer license, you're a loose cannon.
#75 posted by Trinca on 2011/07/15 20:05:34
Still exists W|XP?
Bat File Is Unnecessary
#76 posted by megaman on 2011/07/15 21:41:05
you can just double click on the jar icon.
readme, huh, never noticed :D
Java 6 Issue
#77 posted by peter tron on 2012/02/05 14:31:19
I can't run it.
I need Java 6, and I can't upgrade from 5.5 to 6 on my 10.5.8 PPC Mac. I would have buy 10.6 (Snow leopard) or above to be able to upgrade to 6.
Is there a previous version that ('Beta', maybe?) doesn't use Java 6, so I can use this tool?
After all, it was made to prevent newcomers from jumping off of cliffs due to the stress of the manual installation process.
I'm hoping there is a solution, somewhere..
#78 posted by necros on 2012/02/05 17:39:42
i checked and my old leopard mac was using 1.5 too. this worked for me.
#79 posted by ericw on 2012/02/06 01:09:20
I think the problem is, the official apple java 6 was never released for powerpc.
you could try this: (the "32-bit OpenJDK 7 Beta 1 for Mac OS X 10.5 PowerPC" download?):
btw, I was hacking at QuakeInjector a bit recently, and improving mac support. I got the build script set up to bundle the app like a normal mac application, added support for choosing the .app for your quake engine and having it find the executable, and storing preferences in ~/Library rather than the current directory.
here's a snapshot of the mac .app:
my fork is at: https://github.com/ericwa/QuakeInjector/
#80 posted by peter tron on 2012/02/06 05:48:23
I have downloaded that app., but I am just not academic enough to understand how to get it installed. It involves using the terminal. I left a blog owner a msg, hopefully he'll get back to me to try and help me out. he seems to know what to do.
All I know is that apparently Java 7 can be installed on a 10.5 PPC Mac, I just don't know how.
Is there an older version of QI using Java 5?
#81 posted by necros on 2012/02/07 01:48:19
does java 6 just not work at all on the ppc (non x86/x64 architecture) then?
sorry, i only got into macs after they swapped to x86/x64.
@ Necros:
#82 posted by peter tron on 2012/02/07 02:32:24
Apparently it can, but the fact that it is isn't common knowledge.
There is this download for PPC MAC OS X 10.5:
This should enable 10.5 PPC's to install Java 7.
#83 posted by ericw on 2012/02/07 08:14:18
from what I've read java 6 on ppc isn't available at all from apple - and not even for 32bit intel, either (core non-2 duo?) - so this soylatte was a community developed build to support these.
peter tron, here is a forum post I found that might help:
just replace the "/Users/Owners/desktop/soy/" with the path you extracted it to.
#84 posted by ericw on 2012/02/07 08:16:30
quakeinjector definitely uses some java 6 stuff.. not sure how hard it would be to back-port to java 5. it would be nice if QuakeInjector ran on PPC macs out of the box, though.
What Java 6 Features
does it use, anyway?