Doom 3 MP
Was actually a lot better imo
I Didn't Play Doom 3 MP
#792 posted by Zwiffle on 2015/12/05 14:59:42
But it's definitely better or worse or even.
Doom3 Had MP??
#793 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/05 15:49:20
Wait, Doom4 has MP?
#794 posted by PuLSaR on 2015/12/05 15:55:21
no and no
#795 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/05 16:33:08
Still hyped for pure SP experience then.
Why Is D4 What It Is?
#796 posted by killpixel on 2015/12/05 20:02:44
There are very talented people making this game whom I imagine have an affinity for Doom. It's bizzare that it's shaping up the way it is and I'm not sure what to attribute it to.
Regardless, I think it will be interesting to play, even if it's just to satisfy morbid curiosity.
#797 posted by Kinn on 2015/12/05 20:08:51
People are surprised in 2015 that a FPS designed primarily for consoles plays more like the Halo and CoD series than a PC game from 1993?
Come on, you should have learned by now.
I Get That
#798 posted by killpixel on 2015/12/05 20:19:54
And I have my own assumptions as well, but I've never worked in games industry.
It's just odd. I feel ZeniMax can afford to make the game that should</> be made and give the PC crowd a gift via the Doom IP. It won't really hurt their bottom line and that good PR will be seen and appreciated by console and PC gamers alike.
Why Is D4 What It Is?
#799 posted by Text_Fish on 2015/12/05 20:22:56
D4 is what it is because big games are designed by committee. This isn't so bad for a brand new IP because whatever comes out will seem more like a coherent vision, but as soon as you try to do it with a decades old IP you get a whole bunch of designers with alternative "interpretations" and memories attached to the IP, all throwing their two pence in. On top of that, Bethesda have been very vocal about what they think it should be, so there are money men to appease as well as die hard original fans and the potential new fans that they will be hoping to attract.
#800 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/12/05 20:27:41
Games are best designed when a few, ideally one, people have the vision in their heads and everyone else implements that vision. Otherwise what you get is design by committee and watered down games with glowing trails so players don't get lost or waste time exploring.
A team full of Doom enthusiasts actually has less chance of producing a good Doom game as everyone has their own opinion of what makes Doom what it is.
Mix all those together and it's a bland dish.
#801 posted by killpixel on 2015/12/05 21:28:06
A team full of Doom enthusiasts actually has less chance of producing a good Doom game as everyone has their own opinion of what makes Doom what it is.
Well put. I hope there will be little gold nuggets in D4 that I can at least appreciate.
Also, doing simple text markup from my phone isn't workin out so well.
It's Funny
That people are saying 'what do you expect'. I expect it to be good. Wolf TNO was excellent! So why not Doom?
#803 posted by Lunaran on 2015/12/06 10:01:46
because wolf TNO was made by a talented studio at the top of their game
#804 posted by Text_Fish on 2015/12/06 10:34:30
I suspect we've stumbled upon two very slightly different meanings of the word "expect". On a simple level, as a consumer you're entitled to expect (or demand, require, desire etc.) a quality product in return for your money. As a critic, you expect with somewhat more nuance, so expecting becomes predicting, or foreseeing in a way.
The long and short of it is, there's no excuse for a company like ID to create a bad product, but there are many reasons that they might.
#805 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/12/06 10:52:48
"because wolf TNO was made by a talented studio at the top of their game "
^^ Exactly this. Whatever make id work, is gone.
#806 posted by Lunaran on 2015/12/06 13:01:06
"When and where did it go?" is, of course, the perennial question.
#807 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/12/06 13:16:40
It's obviously not anyone currently there so we can start narrowing it down. ;)
Willits And Stratton Fucking Suck
End topic.
I Also Played The Doom 4 MP Alpha
#809 posted by starbuck on 2015/12/06 23:03:37
Anyone who hasn't, probably best to lower expectations for this game if this is still possible for you.
It's just SO bland. Holy fucking balls. It's every generic sci-fi online shooter you've ever had nightmares about. Those shiny panels and orange neon light strips will haunt my dreams.
Weapons are particularly shit. The plasma gun half-heartedly farts out little globules of WKD Blue, with the stopping power of your morning piss stream.
Gameplay is just your standard bouncy, flimsy, kinda quake 3, kinda halo bollocks.
Visibility is so bad. Can't stress enough how orange everything is, and how difficult it is to identify teammates.
I know this is "just the multiplayer" but it's not a good sign.
Hope You Guys Are Providing All These Feedback To Id....
#810 posted by Shambler on 2015/12/06 23:11:38
Cos if it's released and it is shit, we'll know who failed with the alpha testing >:(
#811 posted by starbuck on 2015/12/06 23:15:59
its a stress test
They might be saying otherwise but the truth is, they're not looking for feedback on the content. This is a global hardware test and nothing else.
Pretty Much True.
It's a network stress test... let me say I tested this on the net' and I got stressed. So I guess it was successful?
That Orange Post-effect Is Awful
#814 posted by PuLSaR on 2015/12/06 23:37:40
I really don't understand what artists wanted to provide to players with it.
How Does It Perform?
#815 posted by killpixel on 2015/12/07 00:16:38
I know you're under NDA. Just curious about the performance? I imagine it will be around W:TNO, maybe even less. I seriously doubt this game will be pushing current hardware anywhere near the degree Doom3 did back in the day...
Also, was there an FOV slider tucked away in the MP launcher somewhere?