I Like How My Browser Autocompletes Arrrgh As A Post Title
Lunaren's mdl export is at
I previewed to check which links worked, and then messed up actually fixing that one.
Also, to get the ball rolling on actual models, here's a pair of screenshots of the ogre I made ages ago based off metlslime's drawing:
Last time I posted it, it didn't have any blood splatters, and that criticism has been answered. One of the reasons the first version lacked them was that the entire skinmap was mirrored, and so any blood splatter on the chest ended up looking like a rorschach blot. So I carefully unmirrored a few polys here to do the chest.
The other reason I hesitated to do it before is because quite a few of the original id models rely on excessive amounts of blood to mask horrible UV failures. I wanted to make sure this model didn't do that anywhere, which is why the blood is a bit restrained. Hopefully he still looks like a butcher!