Ankh: Unfortunately I think it's too much work to zip all the demos on SDA as we're up to 10368 in total by now. I don't know if someone could write some sort of script to automate the process or something, but there's also the issue of filesize though it's not that big a deal anymore I guess, but 10368 demos certainly adds up.
metlslime: You're right, bullet-point summary will be sufficient :-)
Since this board is mostly about mapping, I'll list the mapname and the mapper in bold letters.
So here goes:
e4m6 -
The Pain Maze by
Sandy Petersen
- Easy 100% in 1:32
- 2 player Easy 100% in 1:04
e3m2 -
Vaults of Zin by
American McGee
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:53
perssp2 -
Return To Dust by
Chris 'Fern' Ploran
- Easy Run in 0:27
terra1 -
Schumann Resonance by
Christian 'czg' Grawert
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:07
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:55
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:07
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:55
hotel -
Welcome to Hotel Kique-Asse by
Andrew Turner
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:21
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:24
scream -
Star Scream by
Dustin 'Tronyn' Geeraert
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:12
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:12
sm28 -
Structured Chaos by
John 'DaMaul' McCann
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:34
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:36
msacro -
Manslay's Acrobatics by
Dmitry 'Manslay' Dementjev
- 2 player Easy 100% in 0:37
- 2 player Nightmare Run in 0:12
royalwar -
the Royal Warriors by
Scott McNutt
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:26
- 2 player Nightmare 100% in 0:59
tchak -
The Tomb of Chak Toh Ich'ak by
Rui 'Trinca' Neto
- 2 player Easy Run in 0:12
I wasn't quite sure wether to list the runner of the demos or not, I chose not to since it took up a lot of space, but if someone wants them listed I can easily do that.