Glad To See...
everyone accepted gladly my pledge for demos in .zip form...
Thanks guys...
Here's mine. 100% kills&secrets, 37 something.
Plain boring(the demo, the map rocks).
BTW. At home, on a PC, i was able to savor the full experience. Great stuff. A little more attention to colored light intensity and placement would have made this perfect. As it is, it's only great! Love it! Thanks Ricky!
Good Base Map
#53 posted by generic on 2009/01/23 14:41:59
Like most have said already, I appreciated the scale, unique combat scenarios, and architecture. Compared to Than's flooded base map, things were a bit more clunky -- albeit more Quakey -- and the layout was waaay more spread out. I enjoyed the moving stairs/platforms and especially like the SNG secret. The end fight was a bit weak and I thought some of the lava areas could have been better utilized but, all in all, this was a monsterous success. Good job, Ricky!
P.S. As a player who prefers to hug walls and avoid open areas, there seemed to be an excessive amount of door opening/closing and out-of-sight monster sounds in this map.
Played It...
#54 posted by JPL on 2009/01/23 23:13:06
Well, what to say more than others said already. Huge map, good combat, some minor things to improve (colored lights... too much.. make it smoother) but, well: good base map, good architecture and design. Well, yopu definitely have a good Quake-ish sense of mapping :)
Keep it up !
#55 posted by Omus on 2009/01/24 17:59:21
Satisfying gameplay and solid visuals. The style of architecture, coloured lighting and new base monsters made it a very Quake2-ish experience. I enjoyed being able to mindlessly rush through the map and not have to reload or backtrack later, like a deathmatch game with monsters, because of the interconnected layout. On the other hand this approach did get me lost a few times.
Worthy of special applause is that you have broken that annoying habit of putting gugs at the top of long elevators.
Finished It Yesterday...
#56 posted by metlslime on 2009/01/25 08:29:56
lots of people have said what i would say; i think the only thing worth repeating is how deliciously nonlinear this level is. I think the techical term for this layout is a "braid maze" -- a maze with no dead ends, where you end up going in loops if you choose the wrong path. It was a series of loops, where you would either continue in the same loop, or find a passage to the next loop in the series. It's a good model to follow if you want to build a nonlinear map that maintains a sense of progression from start to finish.
Uff... What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been...
Oh, It's Skill 3.
I forgot.
NahkahiirR Has Done A Speedrun!
#59 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/02/03 16:44:12
<RickyT23> Do you mind if I post the demo URL on Func?
<NahkahiiR> Go ahead.
<NahkahiiR> Wait.
<NahkahiiR> I found a faster route.
<RickyT23> hehe...
<NahkahiiR> Nah, just post it, this trick is a bit harder. :)
<NahkahiiR> Double grenade jump off of an "edie."
<NahkahiiR> To the secret quad or whatever quoth name it has.
Anotherrrr Speedrun.
#60 posted by nahkahiir on 2009/02/03 17:55:53
I just did what I described above. A fiend boost was a nice extra.
Of course not optimal.
Nice One
#61 posted by Shambler on 2009/02/03 20:29:16
Good effort with the 0:49 Nahk :)
#62 posted by nahkahiir on 2009/02/03 23:01:45
Nice bananas. I have got it down to 36 seconds now. I found out there is a faster way to grenade launcher. Also the edie boost + gj works better than double gj.
If somebody finds a faster route, please tell me and I'll run it. :)
I'm now working on the Easy 100%...
I disliked quoth earlier because I didn't get used to monsters and such. Now it feels easier to play. Thanks Ricky for tempting me to speedrun your map!
Easy 100% In 6:02
#63 posted by nahkahiir on 2009/02/04 10:50:20
I'm getting somewhat used to quoth monsters. Still they are bigger pain in the ass than normal quake monsters. I directed all my aggression at them and did this speedrun:
NIGHTMARE 100% coming next...
#64 posted by metlslime on 2009/02/04 12:15:54
what engine did you record that in? crashes fitzquake and glquake after about 2 minutes, but seems to work in glquakebjp.
#65 posted by Trinca on 2009/02/04 12:32:01
joequake for sure...
nice demo Nahk you rock...
Yeah JoeQuake
#66 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/02/04 12:36:18
Its the 8oBs - they crash Fitz in demo playback if recorded in tomaz engines AFAIK - JoeQuake is OK though I guess
#67 posted by Shambler on 2009/02/04 13:50:44
Sweet dude, nice improvements.
Demo Crash...
#68 posted by jdhack on 2009/02/05 05:24:43
... is caused by the transparent effect on certain explosions (eg. the Bob's). The Quoth QC must set the .alpha field, which JoeQuake reads and then stores in the demo. So to play it back, you need an engine that supports alpha models (any Nehahra engine, or aguirRe's GL).
metl: haven't you added U_TRANS to the new FitzQuake yet? ;)
#69 posted by metlslime on 2009/02/05 09:12:11
ah, thanks for the explanation.
I have implemented alpha, which requires a protocol change, for which i sensibly set a new version number so clients wouldn't crash randomly when reading it. Seems that some people just put extra data in protocol version #15 and think that's okay :)
But I am interested in handling the nonstandard data if possible, so with the details you just provided, I will see what I can do.
Metl, please... Consider enabling full use of keyboard for us MAC users in the next Fitzquake release, not being able to map the command key is the only thing that keeps me away fron your wonderful engine...
I will never thank you enough...
That would be a feature request for me, as I am maintaining the SDL version for now. I'll make a note.
Thanks So Much, Sleepwalkr!!!
You made me an happy man!!!
#73 posted by metlslime on 2009/02/06 00:18:41
Seems that reading the U_TRANS data is pretty easy. I guess this is the bastardized version of protocol 15 used by nehahra, joequake, and aguirre's glquake. I looked at the Tomaz source too, but he seems to use a much different protocol, at least in tomaxquake 148. Maybe earlier versions of tomazquake use the nehahra protocol?
#74 posted by Vondur on 2009/02/07 10:30:14
Just played this level and it's amazing! Liked that it's all interconnected and at the same time it's easy to find a way there. Also fin and relaxed gameplay there. Good job!
Very Nice
#75 posted by rudl on 2009/02/09 16:08:58
Very large scale, good subtle use of colored light.
Cool geometry, especially the bridge. Always enough space to fight. Definitely your most perfect map.
Though I have to say that your last 3 maps had a bit more "character" and were a bit more experimental.
Really cool, haven't had this much fun in q1sp in years! Great job, really nice connectivity, took me a while to find places sometimes, but I was never frustrated. Top marks!