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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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hearing about that crazy brit McNutt (iirc correctly) who's claiming that alcohol is more harmful than heroin and that the war on drugs is stupid lies? As an alcoholic, I'd rather be a pothead. Imagine - a scientist -trying to talk about public policy! haha, imagine, a scientist - a person professionally dedicated to finding out what is true about reality - trying to have some influence on - the governemtn! ha ha! 
Oh Yeah 
well, X-mas is like X-men, but not. 
Christmas Party 
I am so drunk. I am too drunk. Will try to wake it out. Be better. 7-8 shots of whidkty on top of whatever I had tonight. Like 6 beers + 1 whiskey sour. I am so god damn drunk. Viva las company christmas parties. How much of this will I remember?? 
My friend once woke up to find a note addressed "to his sober self" that he had no memory of :-) It turned out that another friend had forced him to write it... 
Game Over 
2 bottle of red wine
1 bottle of Champagne
and we are starting after-dinner "digestive" liqueur (so to say "Chartreuse").. :P

I am already "dead"... night will be hard I guess ;) 
*slowly Claps Hands* 
Unexpected !! 
I am not sick this morning... but my wife is vomiting her guts in the toilets :P 
Christmas Party 
Well I had to miss this year's company christmas party due to having the most awful cold. Probably for the best considering last year we just ended up hideously drunk and taking pictures of our rude bits with the free cameras that they placed on everyones tables. Sadly, those pictures didn't get published it seemed :( 
hehe JPL my wife never drink more then half a glass :p

she never was drunk... she don't know what se is missing :) 
Like For Example 
mishaps, embarrasment, irrational aggression, hangover, sickness, vomiting, remorse 
negke that depends ;) I rarely stays like this.... I always try to control!

God, This Is Like High School! 
Go and rape a bible or something. Troll. Go start a new thread "The High Brow Thread For Sophisticated Mature Adults and God Fearing Christians, Virgins and Tee-Totalers". 
Calm Down... 
.. there's no reason to fight here ! 
I'm a virgin... :( 
On A Serious Note 
I'm pretty sure this thread was put in place to corral all the sporadic drunk posts that littered other threads so that you can go to, say, the Speedmapping Thread, and not find some drunk ramblings. Whether you will actually find discussion of speedmapping is a different point entirely, but you shouldn't find drunk posts there. Yes, it is a childish thread, but it lessens the childishness (theoretically) of the rest of the threads, and thus you can skip this one single thread if is not your cup of tea. 
Drunk Postings++ 
sober postings with ppl bragging about how much they can drink--

"Go rape a bible" - LOL 
Heh - Shame We Can All Meet Up And Have A Beer Drinking Competition 
I always win! HAHAHAHAHAAA! Last man standing every time. Usually. Most of the time. Except for the times I get all sleepy..... 
Except for the times I get all sleepy.....

don't leave drinks unattended! 
Win, Loose, Or Draw. 
I once convinced myself, that drinking till I couldn't, would help me ever drink too much.

So I was in a nightclub with friends, and we would drink untill we would reach the end, and then paying the shared bill.

The only thing I can remember was that I stood at the bar, lots of talking and drinking, untill I got biologged (?) by a door behind the bar. I was quiet sure it didn't excisted when I started drinking.

It was the most volume of beer I ever drunk that night, and I still I'm sure that door didn't excisted.
They have an expression for it, I think.
As drunk as a door. 
story of my life...

You mean you walked into the door?
I've definitely done that move. I got a standing ovation, hahaha! 
knew drew had to draw

I was so paralyzed by the impression that door could not excist I even didn't try, knowing my head would be of wood after trying.

And indeed, my head knocked as wood afterall. 
"full as a bucket" is a common expression here. 
woman are exhausting XD 
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