* ctrl + e: ExpandSelectionToPrimitives (select group entities w/o parent node)
* ctrl + m3 texture painting by drag
* Tab + mWheel in freelook: offset focus distance with dist2origin/8 step; exponentially, if moving far away
* m2 drag in cam = sideways+updownways strafemode; do not enter/quit freelook, if long button press (>300ms)
* m1 drag in freelook = sideways+updownways strafemode (mainly for visual editing)
* ctrl + m3/drag = seamless brush face to face texture paste; works for any faces in BP mode, only axial ones in AP
* ctrl + shift + a: select all visible brush faces and curves, textured by selected shader
(more obvious way, than existing ones: components mode::faces->shift+a and find/replace to empty)
* shift during creating brush = quadratic brush
* drag clipper point + shift = constrain to axis with biggest move amount
* view->show->Entity boxes (always show bbox for ents with model)
* Misc->Colors->Themes->Blender/Dark color theme
* fix: QNAN texture projection after scaling cuboid on Z axis (brush primitives + texture lock)
* preferences->display->entities->Names Display Distance (in cam) def = 512u
* always show selected/childSelected entity names (unselected is optional)
* fix: mouse texture grab/paint commands ignore filtered faces (caulk filter)
* fix name case sensitivity in shaders (non plain textures) loading during map/model loading
* all patch prefabs are created aligned to active projection
* preferences->display->entities->Names Display Ratio (2D): hide names, if view_size/bbox_size > value; def = 64
* surface inspector: renamed poorly named Axial button to Reset
* arbitrary brush texture projections in brush primitives map format: axial, from ortho view, from cam
* frame 2 frame time render stat
* renamed confusingly named command GroupSelection to RegroupSelection
* fix: changing clipper color via theme loading doesn't require restart
* fix: changing CameraSelectedBrushColor, SelectedBrushColor don't require restart
* -gamedetect command line option to enable game detection
* don't disable aero by default; -aero command line option disables one
* "Don't show" (during session) checkbox in Light Intensity dialog
* fix: show-grid toggle hides grid, when snap-to-grid is off too
* region mode: draw out of region part of grid in subtle style
* restrict unwanted angle(s) keys commits on moving generic, eclassmodel, miscmodel entities
* reverted angle(s), origin, scale entity keys save format from %f to %g
* fix uniform rotation operations for generic entities with angles key
* use more precise meth for rotating point entities with only angle rotated
* snap tiny inaccuracies in angle(s) and origin point entities keys
* workaround: don't discard empty group ents, having origin key
* entity class convertion: prevent converting worldspawn; prevent converting point entity to empty group