this is my first singleplayer release, I used to make DM maps for UT back in the early 00's (though I don't know anywhere you'd be able to grab them now, I don't even have back ups).
I always wanted to make Q1 maps, which I was using worldcraft for until Trench came out. If it wasn't for Trench (and the huge amount of info and research for the game) this map wouldn't even be half as good as it is.
For example, Than's little tutorial on AND, IF, OR triggers helped me set up the gold key lift.
this demo only has 1 run as far as I can tell, is this correct?
I managed to get through the dog trap a couple of times myself on testing but it was so rare that I chalked it up to some weird quirk of the engine.
I tried to do a speed run involving a grenade launcher jump over the 3 bars near the gold key but I am terrible at GL jumps, but clearly your way is much faster.
#53 posted by Orbs on 2013/05/29 23:57:36
Should be 3 runs in that rar. first route is over those bars indeed. skipping the dog trap is realy easy to me, i get a succes rate of like 80%
do I play the other 2 runs? I'm using fitzquake mark 5...
#55 posted by Orbs on 2013/05/30 00:04:31
playdemo "demoname" in console,
but i doubt thats the answer you are looking for
 Im An Idiot...
I didn't notice the multiple files.
I enjoyed each method! I did consider that the open plan of the map might allow for good speed runs. I think some mappers would try and make up hard deterrents for it (like completely blocking up areas) but I personally believe it's part of the game and fun to watch :)
 Completly Agree
#57 posted by Orbs on 2013/05/30 00:18:18
especialy when different routes have very close times like route 2 and 3, you get an excelent map for speedruns. The dogtrap would have been more fun i you would have needed to block it, or a bit harder to get through. But its best when tricks arent realy designed on purpouse but just "happen" to be there
#58 posted by nitin on 2013/05/30 00:18:39
what were the UT maps?
Like I said, I was happy with the trap as-is simply because I only managed to get through like 10% of the time. Besides, I had already set up a couple of ambushes before the dog trap so most players will be cautious by the time they get to it.
I made a map called dm-ruiner, a ctf version, I remade "the very end of you", I made a DM6 remake for UT, I also had a slew of uncompleted maps also.
I also made a couple of maps for UT2003 for a 2D mod (which someone then converted into maps for the Overload mod which made it into a PC Gamer article).
To be honest though this is the first map I'm really happy with in terms of quality.
#60 posted by nitin on 2013/05/30 00:37:47
just went through my UT maps and cant seen any of those. Was trying to see if I had anything else you had made.
hope to play the sp map on the weekend along with mfx's.
#61 posted by Orbs on 2013/05/30 01:15:10
not realy satisfied yet but got to work tomorrow so this will have to do
#62 posted by Cocerello on 2013/05/30 01:24:26
Where you got that tutorial you mention? I've checked Than's website and had no luck, and i don't remember it in other places ...
 Orbs Nightmare Run..
Haha, very fun to watch. That last room is definitely more fun with the quad, though I tend to press the exit button and drop to the quad to get maximum usage time. Also my tactic with the silver key shambler is to bounce a grenade off the crate to get its attention (that way I don't have to get into melee range).
#65 posted by Shambler on 2013/05/30 10:25:02
Thirdroute you could:
GJ out of the first secret.
Grenade the Enforcer above.
Pretty sure you could get a much higher double GJ onto one of the bridges.
Maybe worth a try?
#66 posted by Cocerello on 2013/05/30 10:30:50
Interesting ideas in there.
 Good Demos Tho.
#67 posted by Shambler on 2013/05/30 10:31:37
Optimised NH could be great too.
 W/out Secrets.
#68 posted by Shambler on 2013/05/30 10:56:37
On hard is fun. Only difficult bit is the GL area. Wouldn't be fun for a first run tho.
 I Tried
#69 posted by Drew on 2013/05/30 17:04:34
and failed do do exactly that on my 2nd run demo. coming... eventually.
#70 posted by Drew on 2013/05/30 17:10:09
I wondered why you were skipping stuff on that second run, then I came back to the thread and saw why.
The shambler spawn on the top deck is an anti-camping measure, makes me smile to see it working properly :D
 Great SP Version
#72 posted by negke on 2013/05/30 21:06:09
Works well, good detail as before, nicely expanded and cool secrets - most of which I didn't find on my first run, however... Got to say I played in a quite derpish style overall. Skill 2 didn't seem overly unfair, although this is the second version, no idea how it was before.
What sucks is that the map is a single model over the limit. This could have been fixed easily. Requiring an increased source port for this map is unacceptable in my book.
Hope you'll get around to making more levels.
I rather enjoyed your demo, it kind of made me pull my hair out when you walk right past a secret (like the biosuit one, you looked up in the wrong place!) and the fact that even though you found the entrance to the secret under the lift you still managed to miss it!
As for the 257/256 model problem I had actually gone through and deleted a bunch of things to try and correct it but I couldn't figure out why the model count wouldn't decrease.
You'd probably need to use an increased source port to run the map anyway, half the map disappears when you use the standard engine. :P
 Shambler Spawn.
#74 posted by Shambler on 2013/05/30 21:48:39
Can camp behind the crate easily, just have to dodge enforcers and scrags a bit. Actually makes a really fun fight duck and shooting against 2 shamblers and the vore.
 Third Route
#75 posted by shambler on 2013/05/30 23:04:39
ye that way i got a 38 from a safegame, vs a 39 in hfr on the other route. i coudlnt realy find a good way to throw the firstgrenade early though