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Base Pack
oh wel i love base theme so much that i start making another map just want to ask if is anybody interresing in making a episode? maby with 4 or 5 maps?!?!
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:) hehe can be decompiled and fixed... sometimes decompilers dont fuck maps much 
Custom Entities 
I would be *absolute delighted* (hand flap) to have some proper, easy to use rotating entities... and a flashlight! :D 
what is it about flashlights? :)

I think we just need some more base enemies, that is it! 
A Few Little 
techniques can take something like q1sp a loooong way. 
Yeah So Basicly Inertia's Idea: 
Remake aerowalk for SP, but make it fulldark so he doesn't have to show off his nasty lighting skills. 
Base Enemies 
simply having variants of grunts would help.. palette shift for sg, ssg, ng/sng, and grenades. use the rocketguys from Quoth for rockets obviously...

a differently skinned Enforcer with higher health who fires the plasma from DoE, good medium/high level enemy just cause the plasma is powerful and takes more unique dodging when it impacts

sentry guns ala TF could be in some places as well...

differently skinned player model could be present to, perhaps wielding a lightning gun and strafing a little bit

if the weapons the enemies possess are accurate in damage to what you could deal with them, i like the idea of the player getting all their weapons from the corpses of enemies. changes things up a bit in weapon/monster progression.

sorry for the flighty post, i was just thinking these up as they came to me, rather than approaching with a full idea. 
re-skinned grunts and enforcers is a must, its been tried and tested and works well.

Sentry turrets could be ok if used properly, perhaps they could be triggered to turn on and off so you could use some floor panel activators and button deactivators etc. Would create some chances for different gameplay at least.

Still not so keen on the flashlight idea, but I geuss it depends how it was implemented and how the level was designed to use it...

I think we need a flying enemy, but I agree that bob from Quoth was quite annoying :) Maybe a doctor robotnik style thing (lol) ... 
nasty lighting skills.

Still not so keen on the flashlight idea

Amen. This isn't Doom 3, thank gods.

Can you all please stop with the crappy ideas and just do something simple that stands a chance of actually getting done, like a bunch of non-connected id base maps that support coop, and a start map that links them all together a la 100b contest?

Keep in mind that if you alter the progs.dat, the maps will no longer be playable in QW coop. Just include a few semi-base monsters like shamblers, fiends, vores, and ogres if you need more variety.

And if you want a non-id base map, then just go make a map in that other theme and release it elsewhere. 
If you're going to be such a downer, why don't you at least make a map for the pack? Sorry you've got a flaming pull up your butt, hun. 
:( :( 
Calm down guys. It would be shit if this thread suddenly went off topic because people started getting annoyed with each other, because a base pack is a cool idea, and judging by the enthusiasm the idea has received so far, there is a chance of something happening.

However, I have to agree that adding too much stuff is a bad idea. If we use a modified progs, then I think we should just take the best base monsters that already exist and use them, rather than doing lots of extra work to have reimaginings of the same ideas people have used in their maps for ages. As far as I'm concerned, the best grunt/enforcer mods are those in Quoth, the Zer Mega-Enforcer and perhaps the one used in Mexx10 (not sure about the skin, but I don't remember it 100% - also used in gmsp1?) If there is time, and I can recover from my current RSI problems, I wouldn't mind making some heavy weapons guy (similar to Doom 2) variant from scratch, but that's all.

If we don't use a modified progs, then any other monster but knights is ok to use. Whilst I don't really like ogres in base maps, they aren't quite as out of place as knights.

Maybe for now we should just concentrate on making some maps, which is what we do best ;)

By the way, it is possible to make floor turrets in Quake with no modifications. You could even make them grenade deactivateable like the ones in HL2. It's simply a case of setting up a func_door that rises out of the floor and some spikeshooters (firing lasers, not spikes) to shoot where the player is likely to be. You then trigger the door and shooters when the player is near, and have it retract when the player goes away. Also, leave a small gap for grenades to be shot into when the turret pops up and have a trigger with health 10 (or whatever) at the bottom of the pit the func_door is placed in that kills the activate triggers when used. Easy, and no mods.

BTW, Christmas release for teh win! 
BTW, Christmas release for teh win!

love that :) Christmas winter is always good for some sp at home :) u guys decided about monster�s i just want to play some base maps :) but i agree ogres and nights cant be fit!!! they dont supose to be in base maps :\ 
I Nominate THAN 
for the project lead 

I wouldn't mind, but it was Trinca's idea. Besides, I have two maps that I need to finish once I have recovered from RSI or whatever the hell is going on (it's only mild atm, but I am trying to reduce computer usage - especially at home). 
Hey Than, get yourself one of those padded mouse mats that elevates your wrist, and start taking some glucosamine tablets. Works a treat I've heard! 
oh i just bring the subject...

1� my english suck
2� me and qc = 0
3� this comunity got good projects leathers 
can use flying robot from OUM 
you know how quake episodes start with 1 base map and then the rest of the episode is fantasy/horror maps.... so, why not have map1 be a fantasy/horror intro which ends with a slipgate leading to an episode of base maps? 
and the player is not a ranger, but a knight. ;)

seriously though: why not (fantasy/horror start map)? could also be the boss map (gate only opens after all maps have been completed), with a boss area that mixes all themes with base elements. 
You rock. Can you make me up a example map of one of those floor turret thingies? You'd still rock if you couldn't, but damn -- would you rock if you could. 
what's the problem really? sure, quake is not doom3, but that's still no reason why such a thing shouldn't be done in quake as well. it's not like all maps of the pack have to be pitch black now.
if the flashlight is only available (and needed) in one map, it even adds to variety. coding it shouldn't be that difficult, and if there are custom monsters, why not some other progs, too? 
Maybe flares would be a better choice than a flashlight. 
You need a disco strobe light. That way you can have random colored lights, induce nausea, and require DarkPlaces all at the same time.

Keep in mind that the flashlight wouldn't work at all in default GL engines unless the user set gl_flashblend 0. Moreoever, you're going to require the player to bind and use another key, making the control scheme more complicated. You will have to choose very carefully which key you want to bind it to or else you'll mess up the player/mapper's existing binds.

Flashlights are gimmicks. There's nothing you can do with a flashlight that you can't do without, and more importantly it doesn't come across as a gimmick when you do it without. 
Already Mapping... 
and I think...

waiting for christmass? 
hehe i will finish my map sooner i think :) i will start another for sure... but now going to holydays 3 weeks i might map a litle becouse i got a small computer... 
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