#51 posted by
ionous on 2014/10/04 05:08:33
Well, I guess you're stuck with zer metal then.
On another front, I could have sworn that Zerstorer had forcefields in it, but looking through the FGD, I'm not seeing any such thing.
I saw an entity called 'misc_particle_stream'. Is this what they used for the rain in zer1m3? I tried using it in my map, but did not have much success. I guess it needs a target?
Um, Nevermind...
#52 posted by
ionous on 2014/10/04 05:14:27
Apparently, I am illiterate. There's a 'func_rain'. Still no forcefields though...
Turns out Zer has the hipnotic rotation code.
Necros, go jam!
Apparently. The devkit says:
It appears when triggered, like event_lightning. This entity is one end of the stream, target another entity as the other end-point.
Thanks OTP
#55 posted by
ionous on 2014/10/04 20:35:40
Checked it out myself today, and played around with it a little. I was hoping I was going to be able to use the particle streams to simulate forcefields, but that is definitely not going to happen after seeing the entity in action. Oh well.
All This Talk Of Zer...
#57 posted by
distrans on 2014/10/05 06:59:39
...so I revisited Bunker last night. Yum! I hope someone is going to lay some brushes with that set and some modern sensibilities.
So I've Abandoned My First Attempt...
#60 posted by Ionous at work on 2014/10/05 20:57:19
Due to frustration. Second attempt in progress. Zer metal. Metl, the viscera planetoid is all yours.
The fgd seems to be missing trigger_strip (removes all ammo and weapons except Axe and Chainsaw).
#62 posted by scar3crow on 2014/10/06 23:51:41
Zer as a theme is such a good concept (I actually said "Oh shit, son!" aloud when I saw the title... I don't use that phrase) that it is actually tempting me to try my hand at this one. I might even get a fully textured cube for it. I'll call it "The Murderbox Filled with Blood. Your Blood. Because you die."
#64 posted by
DaZ on 2014/10/07 00:32:51
a map jam is a perfect opportunity to flex those mapping muscles :)
#65 posted by
necros on 2014/10/07 01:13:06
...and that title needs to be affixed to a map.
#67 posted by scar3crow on 2014/10/08 04:04:41
The Murderbox Filled With Blood. Your Blood. Because you die. has begun production. Don't expect much. Other than maybe death. Yours. Because you die.
I Like Over-the-top Evil
#68 posted by Tronyn on 2014/10/08 04:13:53
Seems appropriate to the Zerstorer theme. Sounds like a whole map full of spike-wall traps like the one in e1m6.
#69 posted by scar3crow on 2014/10/08 04:17:45
That would be more along the lines of manson1 or 2 by Brandon "KillMe" James.
So I Finished One Room....
#70 posted by
ionous on 2014/10/08 08:35:29
This calls for a screenshot! A crappy editor one, nonetheless. At this rate, jam3_ionous will have four rooms upon final release. Oh well.