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Mark V - Release 1.00

* Nehahra support -- better and deeper link
* Mirror support, "mirror_" textures. video
* Quaddicted install via console (i.e. "install travail")
* Full external texture support DP naming convention
* Enhanced dev tools texturepointer video inspector video
* IPv6 support, enhanced server capabilities
* Enhance co-operative play (excels at this!)
* Software renderer version (WinQuake)
* "Find" information command (ex. type "find sky")

Thanks to the beta testers! NightFright, fifth, spy, gunter, pulsar, johnny law, dwere, qmaster, mfx, icaro, kinn, adib, onetruepurple, railmccoy

And thanks to the other developers who actively provided advice or assistance: Spike (!), mh, ericw, metlslime and the sw guys: mankrip and qbism.

/Mac version is not current yet ...; Linux will happen sometime in 2017
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Actually on reviewing the GL extension it doesn't seem to provide "tweening" capabilities, being limited to blending matrices instead.

So this seems to be another of the ARB's "we don't need the telephone, we have plenty of messenger boys" moments of glory. Sigh. 
Isn't something necessary or anything, just wanted to raise the thought. There may be a lot to test anyway ;-)

Looking at the code there is a per vertex color component that comes from a table depending the lightpoint value (dynamic light color where player is standing). I don't know how that easily gets into a color array, haha. 
IIRC stock Fitz does a lot of multipassing on MDLs

I think the fitz0.85 MDL code actually gets away with one pass, if you have the extensions:

if (gl_texture_env_combine && gl_mtexable && gl_texture_env_add && fb) //case 1: everything in one pass

Looking at the code there is a per vertex color component that comes from a table depending the lightpoint value (dynamic light color where player is standing). I don't know how that easily gets into a color array, haha.

Yeah - what I concluded when planning QS's r_alias.c updates was that, if I was going to go to the trouble of lerping in a vertex shader, the color calculation had to go into the shader as well.
Otherwise, I figured having the CPU still calculating lighting on every vert per mdl per frame (and still uploading data to the GPU every frame) would mean low performance gains for a lot of programming effort.

So what I ended up doing is passing in "shadevector" to the vertex shader - that's the fake light direction calculated from e->angles[1] and quantized, as well as the color sampled from the lightmap, and the lerping fraction. Then the shader replicates the lighting calculations that the Fitz code does on the CPU (except using MH's reverse engineering of anorm_dots, instead of the table itself, for convenience). 
aye, lerping verts on the gpu is kinda pointless if you're not also calculating lighting based upon it too.

ideally, use drawelementsindirect and throw 512 ents at the gpu per draw call, with atlasing/texturearrays or whatever for textures and SSBOs for the vertex data. you should get some awesome framerates that way at least when compared to other engines trying to render 10+k knights at a time.
actually using it without breaking everything else is more of an issue. yay compat... 
Makes sense, in the past I've wondered how much that calculation matters for objects other than the view weapon or extremely close items. In fact, I've wondered for interpolation whether or not floating point (0.0 to 1.0) is overkill for interpolation. 
In fact, I've wondered for interpolation whether or not floating point (0.0 to 1.0) is overkill for interpolation.

Floating point is likely going to be faster than alternatives on modern CPUs. By which I mean anything in the past 10 or so years. 
Window Resizing 
That is very nice. 
Window Resizing 
As it turned out the wrapper supported it anyway (aside from changing a window style to allow for resizable borders in the reset code), it was just engine code changes that were needed.

The version of the wrapper used by Mark V also lacks one function (other versions of it had that function) that can reset the mode without having to recreate the window, but that can easily be provided if Baker wishes to retain D3D8 for any reason. 
Include brush models in lightpoint calcs so that if you stand on a plat, train, etc you pick up light from that bmodel rather than from the underlying world geometry. 
I've been fiddling around with some batch files that could use Mark V and its install command as an "easy button" for getting some popular Quake SP content installed. I've come across a bug/quirk in the command behavior:

Sometimes a zipfile does not have any top-level folder, and also does not have any pak or progs, but does have things other than maps (so it likely does need/want to be in its own mod folder). and are examples of this; they contain lots of content aside from the bsp files, but the installer just puts the bsp files into id1\maps and throws the rest of the zip content away.

There's a few different ways to fix that if you want to. FWIW my own preference would be for the install command just to always put installed content into its own mod folder (or have that option available). 
Also something interesting I just noticed with installing I see that there an "FMOD.DLL" file in the original zip that gets extracted as a file named "dll" into the warpspasm gamedir.

Haven't really investigated this yet, but this may be because most of the extracted files are in the "warp" subfolder of the zip, but FMOD.DLL is not. So when doing path-munging to get the base file name, Mark V may incorrectly skip over too many letters of the path. 
I wonder if there is a tutorial somewhere to add a better modelformat to FQ?
Im thinking to add a (simple) MD3 loader based on JoeQuake or even IQM..

Would it hard to add IQM to FitzQuake? 
I added IQM to the RMQ engine, which was based on a much older build of QuakeSpasm that was nearer to FQ.

The big constraint of IQM in the context of Baker's stated goal to not go beyond GL 1.2 is skeletal animation: it's just far too slow to run this on the CPU. Even as few as 3 to 5 moderately complex models in view will pull your framerate down to a significantly low percentage of what it was. Stock FitzQuake is already CPU-bound and the last thing it needs is even more loading.

MD3 should be easy enough I think (I've never coded it up myself so can't comment more) and MD2 should be very doable (it can even share data structures with MDL). 
@mh -

true lightpoint

I would be interested in using your implementation of getting the light from brush models as a cvar or a worldspawn key to activate it. There are existing maps that this change alters the lighting in an undesirable way so it was removed from Mark V, but also I never quite 100% trusted my 2012 implementation. But I can remember pulsar wanting such a feature and activating it via a worldspawn key (name? "true_lightpoint" "1"?) would be ok for sure for a map wanting it.

dx8 build after dx9

Yeah if you have an enhancement for dx8 ... I expect the dx8 build to existing in the project as unused separate build since it's just 1 file

I've been slowly trying to wrap up implementation of the other platforms I want to have builds available for one example.


Thanks for the heads up on how certain specific files that don't contain primary playable Quake content or that weren't planned for in the installer.

About batch files, this reminds me that I should make sure Mark V can play demos via file association ...

c:/quake/mark_v.exe +playdemo "c:/path_to_file/mydemo.dem"

... which in theory I wrote, but in practice I have never tested. And since untested things rarely work ... I would expect it to not work ;-)

Same for ...

mark_v.exe +capturedemo "c:/path_to_file/mydemo.dem"

... which allows bulk capture of demo to AVI. But I haven't tested it recently and as untested do not necessarily work right, it may or may not do so.

@steve - Mark V won't be doing IQM, etc. and isn't suitable for total conversions, etc. Why not use an engine like FTE which does fancy model formats and can even run in a web browser and is built to support total conversions? 
Why im currently using FitzQuake is because my current project is based on an abandoned psp project which uses a customized engine from crowbar and porting it to pc would be basicially just copy/paste/modify my own modifications (so it basicially becomes a stand alone game using fq).

Using FTE would be a nice alternative ofc, but i dont know anything about csqc.. 
@mh - True Lightpoint 
If you could, could you also have your alternate truelight point throw the (msurface_t *) it hit to a pointer and the distance?

Without looking, I think lightpoint has to return at a minimum the color rgb (which I think it puts in a global). It would be preferable for it to also return the distance, the model (model_t *) and the surface (m_surface_t *) to globals as well.

No obligation, of course. ;-)

/I figure since your knowledge of the .bsp is a few tiers of above mine, I'd mention this. My understand of the .bsp is not too bad at all, but is not on the level that I could write map compile tools in a timely manner or spec out a new .bsp format ;-) 
@gunter - I made a stab at making the blood fullbright dark red, but the existing particle texture is not suitable :( Not even reversing the colors, etc. The textures in question are rather hard-wired for "subtractive blending". So that imperfection is likely to live a while, unfortunately.

@steve - I hear you. And empathize. There are csqc tutorials at insideqc, I suspect you already know this. If even mh has trouble fully implementing iqm at a good framerate, any mere mortal (including myself) has a 0.0000000000 chance (plus my interest in iqm for Mark V is also 0.0000000000).

If I were in your position, I'd start learning csqc and switch to fte. 
If you could, could you also have your alternate truelight point throw the (msurface_t *) it hit to a pointer and the distance?

Without looking, I think lightpoint has to return at a minimum the color rgb (which I think it puts in a global). It would be preferable for it to also return the distance, the model (model_t *) and the surface (m_surface_t *) to globals as well.

They're all trivially easy & I took the opportunity to clean up the code a little too.

Interesting thing: this should also work for putting shadows on bmodels (because "lightspot", used for positioning shadows, also comes from R_LightPoint) but currently it doesn't. I'll need to debug that a little.

There's room for substantial optimization in all of this code. With r_shadows 1 R_LightPoint is actually run twice for each entity; cull tests and a few other things are also run twice. There's a whole block of work that should basically be done once only much earlier in the frame.

Again, this stuff is such that it's not going to grossly impact ID1 maps, but start ramping up the entity count and it will make it's presence known. 
the engine supporting csqc doesn't mean it MUST be used, you can still get quite far without it (eg: smc, tenebrae etc). 
@mh - Awesome 
Thanks, MH!

They're all trivially easy

Then here's a quick question. Would you be interested in making SV_RecursiveHullCheck return the (m_surface_t *).

I have a hilariously awesome and clever idea for traceline and SV_Physics.

But I need traceline to return the surface because if it does, the check is "free" (no extra cpu).

/If this is possible. Also obviously, no obligation, now or ever. Keeps engine coding more fun ;-) 
Would you be interested in making SV_RecursiveHullCheck return the (m_surface_t *)

Not quite the same; the server code doesn't have access to this data, it just uses clipnodes and planes in the hull, not even touching regular nodes. 
I suspected as much :( At least I can mark that off my "investigate if this is possible" list. 
More Words About "install" Stuff 
So the reason I was looking at the install command: I was thinking about building a "Quake singleplayer newbie quickstart" package around Mark V and the Simple Quake Launcher. It turns out there is still a LOT that has to be explained, but the menus and install feature of Mark V do help a little. A quickstart package would be a nice thing to have handy for sharing if for example Quake goes on sale in the Steam winter sale tomorrow.

I wanted to provide batch scripts that would help install a sampler of custom Quake content. I laid some ground rules to pick highly-rated and/or influential or classic stuff from Quaddicted, rather than just trying to pick my personal favorites, and ended up with almost 30 selections.

I thought the batch scripts would be pretty simple buuuuut it turns out not so. There are sometimes mod patches to install, sometimes other things to fix about the mod (like if it includes an autoexec.cfg file that overrides your own), etc. And then there's the Mark V install command issues. At this point I'm not sure if the effort was worth it :-) but it's done and it is what it is.

The Mark V issues so far are just in the two buckets that I mentioned in previous posts. Either 1) failing to install all the files (because no progs.dat or pak file in the zip), or 2) mangling some file names because of subfolders.

Of the content I tried to install, these were in the first bucket:
arcanum, apsp3, func_mapjam2, mapjam6
and these were in the second bucket:
nehahra, warpspasm

The second bucket is fixable from the batch files just by doing file commands. Although in one case a file with a short name actually gets completely nuked by the path issues, but that's OK because I didn't want it anyway (the fmod.dll in

The first bucket I can also fix in the batch files by extracting the stuff from the zipfile myself instead of letting Mark V do it, but to unzip files I'm using a feature of .Net 4.5 which is only installed by default on Windows 8 and 10. So that's not ideal.

Anyway that's a lot of typing about install issues. To help break up the wall of text I'm going to stop this post and then have two short posts with some questions. 
Thing 1 Of 2 
OK so FYI, here's the installer batch scripts as they currently stand. The "installers" folder should go into your Quake folder next to Mark V:

The .bat files are the ones to run. Ignore the .cmd files as those are just common code shared by the .bat files.

If anyone wants to try them out I'd be curious to hear about problems you encounter. I probably will share these around during the Steam sale, likely bundled with Mark V and the Simple Quake Launcher and a bunch of readme files. I'm sure only a few people will make use of them, but even so it would be cool to get a tiny bit of advance testing.

Even if you are on an earlier version of Windows and don't have .Net 4.5, the installs of the "problem child" mods like arcanum should fail gracefully with a nice message about how to manually fix them.

So if anyone gives these a try, please let me know if they work or if they don't. If it's an interesting issue you could post it here, or otherwise to avoid cluttering the thread you can email me. Use the email address that's in the page footer of 
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