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Jobs & Mappers Wanted
Need level designers for your amazing new mod? Or are you a game developer looking to hire? Maybe you just heard about some job at some company, and want to pass it on to the gang here at Func. Or you're just doing some fun little one-man project and want a little help from a level designer. This thread is the place to announce paid positions at companies, unpaid positions on mod teams, or even just ask for a few maps for your mod.
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Effect Sounds For Your Mods Can Be Also 
I've already combined the mission packs into my mod.

No its not finished yet, but close.

I released a secret early version in my map Terracity if I recall correctly. Check it out, might already have what you need: 
Thank you, but I think my qc compiler sucks, so I don't know what to use now :P (in mac)

(I will play that attractive map) 
You might try fteqcc.exe in Wine: 
I Think It Was My Compiler :P 
Thanks anyway :) 
Quake 1 Model Needed - Very Quick 
I have an immediate need for a Quake 1 model of a Mario-style fireflower. I know this would take the right person literally 5 minutes - I just do not have the right combination of tools and skills to make one myself. The freebies I have found online are not converting in a cooperative manner with what I've got. I have been working on a brand new Team Fortress map, and this would really make it, I think. Please contact me at 
.mdl needed, or does a .bsp the job? 
<- Fire Flower 
Here's the product of about an hour messing about this morning

The model isn't at all an attempt to design a Quake-style fire flower, it's just what a fire flower usually looks like. The skin is pretty basic, flat colours and a touch of shading, which I pretty much painted entirely in the 3d view of QME. You can argue it's stylised, or just lazy. In any case, I wouldn't be hurt at all if you decided to rework it. 
Thank You! 
Awesome! Thanks for your help! And basic is exactly what I was looking for, anyway. 
You're Welcome 
Don't forget to post again when it's done, I'll put something on the blog. I did play around with some palette swaps to make a blue version, would a team colours version be any use for the map? 
I Am Looking For A Quake 2-mapping Friend 
Hi, I am looking for someone to make Quake 2 maps with. I am currently working on a SP-unit but I am quite ronery and would like some company when mapping. It would also be great to have someone to make maps with too, be it SP or MP (but I prefer SP). It's also nice to have someone to talk to about it that knows the game etc.

You can find me on my Level Design Discord here:

Or if you want to add me on Steam:

Thank you very much in advance for your interest. :3 
Andrea Rosa here is the author of the Citadel mod for Q2, of which he/she's just released v3.0. Maybe he/she would be willing to help, or at least provide some insight. 
I've attempted contact. Let's see how this goes. 
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