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Is Anyone 
interested in doing *some* (whatever amount you want) work on the first map for Unforgiven?
It's a combination of beachfront/terrain and city sections, basically a series of scraps (including Necros') that I'm slowly welding together, using mainly the Daikatana Norway textures. Some fresh creativity brought to this map would be really helpful, as I've no inspiration to fit these sections together in any cool or coherent way. I'm not demanding anyone do lighting or gameplay or anything like that if they don't want to, but yeah some inspired cramming of sections together would be good to help this thing progress. 
Vondur... Frogbot Again... 
It seems that the 3d link is broken... anyway, my problem is after unzipping and, it seems that the most important thing misses: a pak0.pak file !!! Where could I find the stuf ?? 
bleh, dunno
try using google ;) 
I've just did, found many links, tried it, download many things, unzipped many files, but no pak file appears.. and I still don't knoe if it's required or not (???) So wtf ?? Errr.. Other idea should be you send me a zipped file containing all the frogbot directory stuff ?? Or is it too much asked for you ???... please ??? .... 
Uh Ok 
will send you the pak later as i get home 
Thanks, you're a noble man.... 
How Long... 
since I last posted here? damn, should get back for the sake of it =(

/me abuses all the #tf'ers 
Go awaey spaniard!
And someone let me login... 
Bleh? Bleh! 
no, you go awaey with your girlfriend =(

You know we love you (and Vondur too, but secretly) 
Go glue together Tronyn's map pieces. 
QExpo 2005 
We're planning to have another QExpo this summer. We're still working on the details of date, length, etc, and it would be nice to have the func_msgboard folks give their say. We're also trying to decide whether it should be a Q1 & Q2 event, or to focus purely on Q1 like previous expos (and perhaps the Quake2 community can do a separate expo on the date of Quake2's release?).

Last expo there was a huge scene because we didn't want to include Q2. We may have been wrong, but at the time we felt that Q2 should do their own expo, since they weren't struggling to get the publicity they wanted nearly as much as we were. To put things overly bluntly, we didn't feel that the q2 community should just hijack our expo and shove us out of the way - we were after all starting the expo to get attention for our own engine. Q2 was popular enough that we felt Q1 would just get squashed. This didn't go over too well...

The flamewar between the two communities didn't help much, and now there's kind of this bad blood between I3D and the people on the q2 side who got involved.

This year we (some of us anyway) are trying to patch things up and we're doing a sloppy job of it. Already I've offended evilpope and the flamewar begins anew. Despite that, I'd like to try to patch up relations between the q1 and q2 community. Admittedly I'm not good at it -- I don't know much about the current q2 mods in development, or the best maps to play, or even what new engines are available. I don't even know who's who in the Q2 community (evilpope by his own words is apparently some kind of god? 0_o ). I figure a QExpo that features both games, or a separate Q1Expo and Q2Expo, would be the ideal medium to get that info out, and let the two communities get to know each other.

I've said some rude things in my previous posts, and I'm not really good at correcting myself. We've probably offended everyone and guaranteed that nobody will post. However, I do know a few people here and I hope they'll be interested in participating in the expo. Level design is an important part of all things Quake, and we really want to see you guys there.

I encourage you to come show off your current projects and best work!

You can visit I3D's forums here:
The General Discussion and Quake Events forums are where the QExpo threads are at.

And here's the thread for the Quake2 vote:

(and btw, long time no see! I haven't been checking this forum regularly like I used to.) 
See post #6770. 
QExpo 2005 
Quake 2 (especially SP) is cool and all, but I think mixing both Quake and Quake 2 for an event like QExpo is not a good idea. Why not have a separate event? 
uhm, time.. i need more free time :( 
here goes my zipped frobo dir
unzip it into your quake/frogbot
run quake with this command line
glquake.exe -listen 16 -game frogbot +map dm4

to add bots there's command addbot (use tab to see available bots)

that's it 
Er. Frogbot works with NetQuake now? 
Er, Doh 
I've just realised that I've been using FrogBot Clan Arena all this time (which is a mod for QW, mixing frogbot and ktpro) and not "vanilla" Frogbot (which is apparently for NQ). 
Firstly not all of that made sense being copied and pasted here.

Secondly, politics, don't you just love it! Well done to you lads creating some long-running BEEF between the community, lol.

Thirdly, I don't know about the modding side either. Nor for the Q2 mapping side these days anyway.

Fourthly, but I personally think it would be cool to include Q2. I think Q2 is/was great both for playing and custom maps (might have been great for mods too if you like that sort of thing). I think given how old both games are now, hopefully most people have grown out of the "OMG Q2 suxXxors cos it's not a true sequel and has footsteps and other s4wk". Not that they should be lumped together, but they should be respected together, and that's what QEXpo is about right?? 
Tell Evilpope That 
blackpope wants his bum 
Yeah, Shambler Is Right 
I say mingle and cohabitate. Live together in sin. If the Quake material that is present at the Qexpo is good enough it will stand up on its own merits, and it shouldn't get overshadowed.

So does this mean there are people out there who avoid playing Quake maps because of sour grapes over a flame war that the majority of the Quake community did not even know existed? 
Qexpo2005! ^_^ 
yeah, q2 with qexpo this summer, why not!
i think it's great that we'll be surrounded by quake goodness this summer! :) 
Thanks All 
Hmm... I can't seem to log in, even with my password. :(

Anyway, thanks all for your comments. Be sure to say as much on the I3D forums too to encourage the folks running the event, and if nothing else vote in the poll to change the results.

BTW, Shambler, my post wasn't cut-and-pasted. It was hand-crafted for this community. Sorry it didn't make sense, I'm just really tired lately. :) 
I've just download the frogbot stuff... I will try it this evening... Thanks again man ! 
I think quake 3 should be part of qexpo too you elitist pricks! 
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