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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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lol RPG, I meant that the coke would be a prize, but I guess it could also fuel creativity. Maybe some people could do some really crazy shit mapping on coke.

I've actually had some weird dreams involving mapping - anyone else? If the subconscious can envision/design stuff without a lot of conscious involvement, maybe being drugged and in some sort of artistic trance could work for mapping like it has worked for music. 
maybe being drugged and in some sort of artistic trance could work for mapping like it has worked for music.

or just being insane. it'd be interesting to see what people who were like, psychotic or something, could make. 
My Small Consolation 
Although I'm not drunk I ain't exactly clean in a low mellowyellow way. Before I break out in my jaggery monoloog I have watched myself for the last three years and a strange habbit occured to me.

As soon as I start blowing this marjoni I get this onstoppable urge to fade into Quark and start mapping as if my life's time hangs on a wig. I don't care about anything and many months have passes untill I have concealed what I was spending at.

As soon as I start drinking beer, I stop mapping, watch football on TV for days and there is not a more stupid thing to do than to get crutched by this mapping minisculus offendings. And not in the slightest way done to give someone else the feeling of having a outragious event.

But as I regard times I was construkting maps for months later on, I get the same kind of glorious memory of these moments. Almost in the same way as making a painting, or composing music. 
do you mean like, a David Lynch of mapping?

because, interesting as his stuff is, given what our community is no one could possibly make a career out of being as pretentious as him. I mean, CZG got away with being a dick only because his work was brilliant. I've seen plenty of cryptic shit (Carnivale season 1, anyone?) and my conclusion after having been encouraged to look at Lynch many times and having done so - is that we are talking about an "artist" here who derives a great deal of fame by simply being foreign to logic. If we can derive Q1SP maps from the minds of madmen, I'm all for it. But my biggest question is based on the issue Madfox brings up: given this drug or that drug what would we do? And in my case, who knows, but mapping itself has been a drug for me. What is normality, what is weed, what is hard liquor. It seems a bit weird to condemn chemical escapism on a forum dedicated to artistic escapism. I am fucking happy to know that none of our art here relates to saving vixens from werewolves, but the art we create is still an escape from the office/water cooler/coffee maker/bottom line/customer/paperwork. Anyway. 
well, not really as david lynch himself isn't insane.
a mapper lacking sanity creating a map lacking sanity has an honest quality to it, though.

you lost me at the bottom half of your post though. your stream of consciousness posting is confusing. were you responding to madfox's post? i confess, i didn't understand that either. :S 
Half The Post Is Yours, Necros...I Wasn't Even Making Sense 
I'm not sure if ther's a difference between mapping on drugs and clean compiling. A logic map where nothing perculiour happens leaves a plain conclusion. A map done after a grass melt can look extraordinairy odd
and proceed an irrational feeling.

You call it DavidLynche as a director, putting fragments of a puzzle and leave the watcher in question. I think of Cortazar and his book Rayuela, where all the registering of time are gone and one can start reading on everypage to get in the story.

I mean, being logical isn't the goal of a good map. Something unexplain-
able must be there, something to hold the player on urge. And sometimes that feeling can be created by getting into a good mood. 
You're Untouchable Playing 
An FPS on cocaine.

Is it specifically screened for at pro gaming events? 
well I was pretty drunk at the time of making that post, but I think what my wasted self meant was, I'd find a David Lynch map both frustrating and fascinating, because that's how I find David Lynch movies - AND, I say this despite the fact that (a good point) Lynch is not himself insane, because an insane person's artistic output would obviously reflect their insanity HONESTLY, whereas lynch is what I (just invented this term) would call a sanity-tease.

Bah, this isn't making any sense. I love weird nonsensical stuff, but it really pisses me of when there's no framework (and in our community, LOVECRAFT is that FRAMEWORK, however weird things get) to interpret it. Anyway. 
In Other Words 
in other words imagine some unprecedentedly weird map - with no entrance, exit, etc.

actually, goddamn it, that's starting to sound like a better idea than it actually is.

fuck my brain. 
hm, i think we're not exactly on the same page here.

when i was talking about getting an insane dude to make an insane map, i didn't actually mean for it to be nonsensical.

there is an important distinction between insane and nonsensical. so let's just assume for the sake of discussion that this insane dude who's mapping understands the basics of gameplay and that the map he'd create would be playable (the map would have a start, an end and something in-between). 
Beer Is Nutritious, Attention Shall Be Paid When Drinking It 
Summer is the best season for drinking beer. In summer, beer is drunk for it is cool in hot temperature, however, it is never the more the better, and furthermore, it is not to be drunk extravagantly. There are some points to which attention shall be paid when drinking beer.
Beer shall not be drunk when eating barbecue. For during the period of baking food, 10 kinds of different carcinogenic matters will be generated. While at this time the content of lead in the blood will be increased, and combination of carcinogenic matters will easily lead to alimentary canal disease or even cancer.

It is not appropriate to drink beer when eating seafood. Seafood is something that contains purin and glucoside acid, where beer is abun-dant in Vitamin B1, which is key catalyst to the decomposition of these two contents, so if beer is drunk when eating seafood, the content of uric acid in human blood will be increased through the combination of such matter with matters inside the body so as to make them lose balance and unable to be discharged outside the human body on a timely basis, and will further sediment in the form of sodium and form the urinary stone that can not be discharged easily.

Care shall be taken to drink beer after violent sports activities. A glass of beer after violent sports activities can allay temporary thirst, however, since the pores are open when the skin is on sweat, which may easily lead to the block to the emission of heat inside the body, and even result in the increase in the concentration of uric acid in human blood, affect the drainage uric acid, lead to fever, arthritis and gout, etc.

It is inappropriate to drink beer when your stomach is empty. If beer is drunk when hungry, then the vein will be contracted quickly, physical function will be affected, and normal dieting and the digestion and absorption of food will be affected. Frozen beer protein and tannin will be subsided, and people will feel uncomfortable after drinking the beer, and they may lead to the disorder of digestive function and generate bad consequence of diarrhea and stomachache, etc. Hot liquor shall be drunk when drinking beer, for beer contains large quantities of water and carbon dioxide, while the concentration of alcohol in the hot spirit is relatively high, drinking of the two together will result in the infiltration of alcohol to all parts of the body and affect the safety of liver, lung and intestines and kidney, hinder the generation of digestion enzyme, reduce the secretion of stomach acid, and lead to stomach convulsion and acute enteritis and gastritis, etc.

Care shall be taken to avoid the loss of foam when drinking beer. When beer is poured quickly into the glass, large quantities of foam will be generated, and at this time, such foam shall be drunk quickly to reduce the overflow of its main content of carbon dioxide, while in daily drinking, the rate of drinking shall be accelerated to maintain the coolness of human body. It is undesirable to drink beer slowly so as to result in the loss of foam. In addition, thermos shall not be used to store beer to prevent hydrargyrum, cadmium, arsenic and lead, etc. in the scale from generating harm to human body. And at the same time, attention shall be taken to eat less fish, meat as well as oily, hot, sour, sweet food, etc. when drinking beer to maintain the health of your body. 
I'll never drink again... 
Neither Myself... 
... I have a massive headhache since this morning. We've got friends last evening for the diner, and we have drunk biers, 3 bottles of red wine, and some digestive alcohol... for 4 people... hence pain in my brain today...
I will never drink again... till next party :) 
for mixing beer and wine 
Never gonna drink again
Ceilings spinning, I got no feeling
In my fingertips my friend
Oh why'd we drink cheap boo-oo-ooze?

(Sung to the tune of Never Gonna Dance Again) 
Beer: Never had problems with it.

Only without^^ 
That Thing 
Above was from a Chinese website on public health. 
lets go pens............. 
I've lost track of how many of my homebrews I've drunk tonight, but I'm keeping one eye closed so I can still see the world. I need to work on my witbier technique (too thin, not enough body, too dry, too bitter, etc), but I think my kolsch turned out well (too dark in color, but flavor is great). 
no WAY
I still have your start map, in fact the episode with it should be released this year... and I always thought you were some kinda drunken grunge guy (like me - heh) - so if I'm not hallucinating this is some fucking awesome timing, since I'm also drunk, but in this case unintentionally (I'm not going too far I gotta get up tomorrow morning - but yeah). Anyway! 
Howdy RPG 
i haven't seen this thread in a while... has everyone been sober recently? :P 
not me 
not now 
Stupid Question... 
... stupid answer: not me ! 
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