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Fitzquake Mark V
I wasn't planning on doing this mini-project, it started as an effort to address some Fitzquake issues, fix them the right way up to Fitzquake standards (i.e. do it right, once and properly versus continual releases) and donate it back.

FitzQuake Mark V Download:

Short version: Eliminated most issues in FitzQuake thread, most issues I can even remember hearing of ever and marked every single one clearly with a very minimal implementation.

It may be the case that only metlslime and Quakespasm and engine coders may find this engine upgrade of interest.

Features: 5 button mouse support, single pass video mode, external mdl textures, alpha textures (like RMQ), record demo at any time, rotation support, video capture (bind "capturevideo toggle"), console to clipboard, screenshot to clipboard, entities to clipboard, tool_texturepointer, tool_inspector (change weapons to see different info), clock fix, contrast support, fov does not affect gun, gun displays onscreen, Quakespasm wrong content protection, external ent support, session-to-session history and .. (see readme).
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Just for the record: I don't have issues with MP3 playback on Win 8.1. My issues are purely about graphics. Curious to see if next build will be fully usable for me. 
Could Be A Driver Issue On My Side... 
I have never updated them myself... for the record quakespasm uses .ogg files which work fine. 
@fifth Re: Music 
I'm not sure why music isn't working for you, but I'll give the old college try to fix, and I have feeling it's gonna get solved.

Re: ogg and stuff

My understanding is that Quakespasm uses software rendering for MP3 music playback rendering.

It should be very reliable, but software rendering is slow and is quite a CPU hit. Mark V uses API that provide hardware acceleration.

An my opinion on music works like this: there is MP3 and nothing else and here's why:

1) The MP3 patents are expiring
2) Hardware API on every platform from Windwos to Mac to mobile platforms is optimized for MP3.
3) ogg is "free software" and I support free software, but the last decoding patent for MP3 expires in September 2015.

I think ogg was a great idea, but I don't think ogg has a rational use this in world in the year 2015.

Spirit and I used to have debates over video codecs and I favored free codecs while he supported the ones that worked well (H.264). Spirit won!

I see no place in this world for ogg.

/One opinion and I'm often wrong about these kinds of things. 
Oh, either I did not post a lot about how much I tried to prefer free video codecs or you forgot. I just gave up at some point. Maybe we talked after that. I can even spell Ptalarbvorm...

Ogg beats MP3 quality-wise. Opus would be even better. There should be nice libraries for all the Xiph stuff, including FLAC. 
Mp3 Vs Ogg 
I'm glad to see you're gonna tinker and hopefully fix mp3 support. As for the debate I don't know too much about the differences in the file format, although I did assume that .ogg was better quality even though the file sizes were often bigger (I doubt that matters too much these days). 
Every Time I'm Trying To Run That Newest Build 
it crashes

so i've just deleted my cfg files and started from scratch
i've noticed that my name is 'player' now
ok. i've changed that back to spy and the game has crashed
what gives?
and now changing the 'name' gives me a crush
typing the 'color' command and trying to switch it gives me a crush too

the latest stable version that i run without a troubles was the build from 07.13.14 
2015 April 13 Beta 
Windows OpenGL | WinQuake
Mac OS X OpenGL | WinQuake

Mac version runs on my Mac which has Mavericks. I imagine it will run on 10.8 and Yosemite, maybe 10.7 as well.

1) Should have sky glitch fixed which appears on certain graphics cards. Million thanks to Spike! But need confirmation it is fixed as I don't have right video card to experience issue.

2) Should render alpha masked textures with lightmaps correctly whether world model or brush models (aka Rubicon Rumble). Thanks ericw/Quakespasm for little tweaks in their source!

3) Spy's issue should be fixed ;-) I was hoping to get this update out before that little gremlin got noticed.

4) The levels menu having a couple of blank spots at end sometimes = fixed.

Getting far closer to a properly polished build, but more work to do ... thanks for feedbacks! 
Not Sure If This Related 
i'm running the mod(frogbot) that uses the crazy numbers from 'samelevel' cvar. Something like samelevel 627085, you know.

The new build(s) somehow borked that 'samelevel' cvar.
as it shows like
"samelevel" is "9.0112e+006" in the console 
That's how C represents the value of a large floating point number.

The value should be ok.

But I sure don't want it to display like that, isn't very human friendly. 
@spy: Fixed the display of large floating-point cvars. Above Windows download updated. 
Manual Saves 
I will test this tonight with my GF 770. On an nvidia GF 9500 GT, it's OK already, but as I said earlier, there haven't been any issues with that one before.

Noticed one thing with savegames, not sure if it's an error from my side or not. When I save a game (not quicksave, regular save through menu option), the savegame won't appear in the list when trying to load it. Quickload with F9 works, though. 
Everything Fixed (for Me) 
Game looks fine now on my Geforce GTX 770, also savegames work as intended with the latest build.

Good job and thanks a lot, Baker and Spike! ^^ 
Still Crashes To Me
theres my autoexec.cfg and config.cfg 
Most Issues Fixed For Me 
barring music of course.

Looking to see what audio driver is the most up-to-date for my surface pro is turning into a nightmare. 
Raw thoughts: the special characters in your name show as Russian or Greek or something in pastebin to me.

In the age of Unicode and UTF-8, if you manually did that in a text editor (as opposed to Quake writing the file) the text editor maybe have done strange things to your name and converted it to UTF-8 --- characters above 127 converted to escape sequences and such.

In that case, pasting the file to pastebin doesn't actually convey what the binary contents of your config really are.

You'd probably need to upload your config.cfg and autoexec.cfg to Quaketastic to get it to me as it really is in binary form on your hard drive.

Meanwhile, I'll play with the rest of the contents and try to imagine what could be causing the problem. 
Yay! I get the crash using your autoexec.cfg! 
tried updating my sound drivers to get the music to work... quake stopped working for a bit so I rolled back. Good times. 
No MP3 Music 
for me at least, mp3 not playing seems to be caused by not having a CD drive. If I move the "if (!enabled) return;" from the top of CDAudio_Update to after the if (using_directshow) bit, the mp3s play. 
If I remove the "map start" in the middle of the autoexec.cfg, I no longer have the problem.

However, obviously there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to change the map in the middle of the autoexec.cfg so I'll see what is up with that. 
ericw --- that makes sense! Great catch, thanks! 
fifth -- hopefully ericw's observation will allow me to get the mp3 going for you. 
I Wonder... 
I have a surface pro but it doesn't have a cd drive. 
@Baker - Almost There 
markv_dx8.exe "_glow" external mask works!

markv.exe ... doesn't

What's up with the GL version? 
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