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Yes, Festive Mappage 
I'm figuring out Hammer in between oversized meals. Displacement surfaces fucking *rock*. 
Please Tell Me If I Suck 
At mapping. I am not a good judge of my own skills, so if I am embarassing everyone with my lack of skills, please tell me so I don't waste anymore of my life. Thanks, and may Christ caress and stroke your genitals until climax. 
Fog. Yeah, I've been testing out the fog in FitzQuake as well today (freaky :P) Anyway, I think it makes Marcher look quite cool:

Yeah, I was replaying Nastrond earlier today ( freaky :P ) to see what fog looks like with knave. Vondur tried it, but wasn't so keen :/
Fog is very cool and people should use it more, but like fullbrights and overbrights, the inconsistency between engines makes it unreliable. Shame.
I'm also mapping today. And modelling. And skinning. Except cool things in the very near future.

Merry Pagan-Winter-Festival to all. 
Complete Lack Of Engine Standards 
like fullbrights and overbrights, the inconsistency between engines makes it unreliable.

Add skyboxes to that list. It seems almost every engine has it's own different opinion of how to orientate the skybox (like what direction is left/right etc.) I found this out the hard (and extremely pissed off) way. 
I think it makes Marcher look quite cool

WOW! *salivating* 
Heh, that looks like something out of Morrowind. That is a good thing =) 
Christmas Dinner and Afternoon Nap out of the way and therefore back to the desktop.

Kinn, the fog looks just about right: early morning mist just before the Mongol hoardes come thundering across the steppes, perhaps after sacking some caravan on the Silk Route. 
I'm impressed! It is hard for me to switch gears between applications on a single day. Yesterday I was designing a tat, and I kept trying to hit [control] + [alt] + [z] on my sketch pad. Damn analog reality. 
That is mindblowingly awesome. Cannot wait to play it. 
i suspect i will spend all of today boning.
er... that is to say rigging. ;) 
Oh yeah... I still have some Arcane coding to do, as well as finishing the Library. *kicks trigger_read viciously*

*puts Morrowind away where he can't find it easily* 
kicks trigger_read viciously

You are still working on that entity? o_O
Poor guy. 
I've just replayed Zerst�rer for the first time and many years and was reminded how great it is. Truly amazing atmosphere, good maps, good gameplay and all that done in 1997 :o If you have somehow managed to miss it, get it now:

My Site: 
AND... case you really have been living under a rock, Zerst�rer is an add-on for Quake. 
Monsterfree Project 
I started to work at a map I wanted to make a long ago. It an experimental and unusual map. The main idea is that it should contain no monsters. The whole gameplay should consist only of traps and puzzles.

I just think that if anyone is interested we could release it as a small pack.
I plan to release it to January 7-8th. It's some kinda turtlemap for me. Me only?

If anyone is interested in such an unusual project let me know. 
i dunno how interesting a map like that would be, at least, not with the limitations of q1sp (if that's what you were talking about)

i think a newer engine with more alternative means would be in order like d3 of hl2. 
i dunno how interesting a map like that would be, at least, not with the limitations of q1sp (if that's what you were talking about)

I just want to check it out, we'll see how it turns out in a week or so.

i think a newer engine with more alternative means would be in order like d3 of hl2.

Unfortunately my pc is too poor for these engines 
I'd be interested, but not that early. I've already got Sm40 to finish by the 9th, and Kell has a project planned which he has yet to announce (which sounds REALLY fun) so you might want to speak with him so you don't get conflicting projects. If it was sometime after the 9th and Kell didn't have his project/event going then I'd map for it.

I'm ALWAYS up for a good Q1 mapping event. Unless I'm not. But I usually am. 
The reason of such an early deadline is that I'm moving away on 10th of January to the place where I'm not sure I will have pc or at least internet access.
I came back home for few weeks and decided to make such a map during this period.

I wanted to make this map just for myself, but then decided to make it of a good quality an release it. And then I thought to ask people here if they wanted to do something like that, cuz I've never heard of such things being done before (exept of one speedmapping event with this theme suggested by me, but it turned out not the way I wanted it to be).

And I want to repeat: this is just an experiment 
Lack Of Engine Standards... 
really sucks when i try to add these in-demand "features" to fitzquake. I'm suprised that fog is different across engines though, as the density value should really be passed directly to opengl unmodified. Oh wait, i think darkplaces might do fog some weird way (in software.) Not my fault :P 
I Got Half-Life 2 In My Stocking 
nah nah na nah nah 
Just to shed a bit more light, necros and I have narrowed down the specifics of the comp and have most of the content completed. We've penciled in January 15th for the start date, which leaves a week to cool off after SM40 has finished.

This should be an interesting event because of the new stuff and the general theme. The rules are more generous than for either the Winter Pack or SM40, partly because we want to allow mappers some room to get to grips with the new stuff, but it will have restrictions. So if it looks like many of you wouldn't be able to contribute because of other commitments over the next couple of months, speak now so we don't end up playing to an empty theater.

the only features that are 'in demand' for FitzQuake afaik are -
fix the skybox bug
bumped edicts
model interpolation

iirc, you said you'd implemented the skyfix already. This hasn't been an important feature before because mappers are only beginning to use skyboxes for Q1. I'm obviously biased here cos I want to see/use my own skies, but the framrate benefit of skyboxes over scrolling clouds should also be noted here.

The increasing of limits seems to be a bewilderingly contentious issue. I don't have any intention of making highly populated maps, though I would like to play Kinn's forthcoming epic in FQ rather than any other engine.
Unless increasing these engine limits has a significant impact on other features, I honestly don't know what all the fuss is about. Coders confuse me.

Model interpolation is nice and there will be - ahem - lots of new reasons to want it. But it is ultimately eyecandy, so I'm easy. 
thanks for the comments. I think you're right that those are the only remaining much-requested features, but there were actually a number of others that used to get asked about, such as fog and skyboxes and colored light (and some of the major glquake problems, too.)

Anyway, I have a version that has been very close to completion since last summer, but i've been having a really hard time fitting fitzquake in my schedule since then. I hope to get it out soon just becuase I hate having a bunch of new features and fixes coded but nobody being able to enjoy them.

P.S. skybox fix and edicts bump are already in it, but model interpolation will not make it (this time.) 
Sounds great.

i've been having a really hard time fitting fitzquake in my schedule

And by schedule you mean "John Fitzgibbons is now the soul property of EA Games"
Do you think they called it 'crunch' time in reference to the sound one's social life makes as it dies?

I hate having a bunch of new features and fixes coded but nobody being able to enjoy them

We hate that too ;)

skybox fix and edicts bump are already in it, but model interpolation will not make it (this time.)

I can live with that :)
Your efforts, as always, are much appreciated. 
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