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Modelling Help\Screenshots\Requests
It has always been difficult to get decent models for quake 1. So a thread where people can get advice on making models and post a work-in-progress for critiques is long overdue.

Any requests for models may well get met with silence. Specific requests will likely stand a better chance; "I'd really like a knight but carrying a shield" might be better received than "we need a mdler to join our mod remaking counter-strike for darkplaces".
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Has three state buttons and Quake itself does as well 'while pressed' for both. 
Unpowered is a state that you don't get in standard quake, yeah. I think the tristates would be more understandable in practice though, because you'd see a reaction (or not). The unpowered button would be inert until some external force turns it on, it doesn't move when you press it (you might need a text message when they try to push it like "Looks like you need to activate this first...").

Once it's been switched on, the brighter colour and animation should attract your attention back to it, and now it just works like any other quake button. You'd learn what the final colour mean by using it, the colour at the same time that the button moves - in response to the player using it. It then returns to the middle colour once it has moved back out, which is a convention players already recognise.

If you were using it as a direct substitute for quake buttons you'd probably just choose two of the frames you like and swap between them, so you might go with unpowered and ready (a la "+1mtlsw" buttons) or ready and activated (a la "+1base" but in medieval). That stuff about the animations was more thought-process waffle than actual expectation of how the player would understand the visuals....

If you only need two colours, you can also use the combination of "unpowered" and "activated" - the interpolation between them will not pass through the colour inbetween. Then again at that point you might also just edit the skin, and get the more preferable pulse animation. 
the colour changes at the same time that the button moves 
Part 3 
I said I was going to make up for teasing with models I hadn't released in three parts. Here's part 3: get you guys to finish the model instead! Kinda...

I teased a model of a torn poster a while ago:

One of the reasons I haven't released this model is that I'd like to have a good selection of skins to go with it - it's a pretty flexible model with lots of scope, and once you've released it you've missed the chance to add more. Also, my skins aren't always the best part of the models.

So I thought I'd try an experiment today, see if I get a response. I'm gonna link the model here on func_ but not put it on the blog just yet. If you want to play around with the model and try making your own poster, dive in and grab it. If you make a skin you'd like to offer for the final release, then please e-mail it to me.

Few quick notes: The model comes with two frames, the torn pose pictured above, and the plain poster below:
It is possible to create a skin which works for both poses, but don't feel obliged to, creating a dedicated clean/torn skin often works better.

The top 2/3 of the skin is taken up by the front of the poster, and the back of the poster takes up the remainder, rotated 90 degrees. The backside of the poster is there because this model is part of the window-kit pack, you can paste it on an invisible window to give it some presence, like in "tangerine dream".

The first skin on the model is a bit bright and weird, but there's a good reason. It's been painted with the colour of the player's trousers. This lets you use the trick from
to quickly create a base texture with the colours from any palette row.

Don't feel obliged to use my template though, in fact wildly different skins are what this is all about. Mine have a tech lab/base feel but if you can create some lovely medieval wanted posters, or elder runes on human skin, more power to you! 
I love that poster model. I was going to have a torn poster secret ala Duke 3D on my base map but I decided 7 secrets was enough (plus I will probably revisit the homage at some point) 
Meant To Give 
This some time today, leave it open for a bit longer? 
No Rush 
We're talking weeks here, don't hurry. 

Tin Tin
Flat Earth

Each has a _torn version. It's possible that fullbrights will rear their ugly head on a couple since I haven't tried them out in engine yet - I tried to avoid this issue but it might have got past me.

I'd suggest including a 'on floor' frame and possibly a 'big' one as well. 
Wkey02 Texture Static 
From the first moment I saw the wkey02 texture I wondered how it would look to have it animated. The latest models of Preach triggered the thought again so I gave it a try.

Got a bit lost texturing the thing while I wanted it to look like the original.
Here's the example

and here's the download 
Awesome man, just what I was after. I've added them to the build, and there weren't any problems shaking the last few fullbrights out. I've got a few more ideas for skins off the back of those, so I'll try not to take too long getting them together.

When you say a pose for on the floor, are you thinking one where the page doesn't curl off the floor? If it wasn't for that I'd see no problem with just rotating it to rest on the ground. Larger sizes would be fairly easy to do, and I also want to create a few more frames with variations on the torn poster. That way you could have two or three torn ones on the same wall and not make it too obvious.

While I get working on that, I've got another model coming out soon. Was about to post it but last minute fixes need doing, so hopefully tonight... 
Cogs Of Conflict 
Nice one madfox, that looks ace, didn't see it when I posted last. The more I check it out the more detail I find, like all the modeled rivets and the threading on the copper-coloured bit. 
That is very cool MadFox, I like how you got the rotation of the wheels working correctly. My only concern is the baked shadows on the wheels and the background not integrating with the wheel positions but that is a skin issue not animation. 
Glad you like them, they were quite fun to do as well.

Is there a way you could make the torn parts out of ploys instead of a modified skin? That would make it much quicker and cheaper to have more variation although it could get a bit more angular looking.

For the floor pose yeah I just meant rotated flat on the floor- I was actually thinking of dropped vox populi posters in bioshock (a poster that didn't make the cut actually, along with 'a man chooses, a slave obeys').

Madfox cogs - those are awesome. It's great linking buttons to their doors, it gives a level a physical presence and a visual clue to how it works. In base maps you can just put a cable in. But medieval maps are trickier since its always machinery. 
I printed the original tex on the wkey02 model, and in that way the shaded origin produces the odd behaviour.
I tried a slightly larger texture and kept on the vertice lines, but the skinfile needs a rather irratic treatment.
I'v spent some time on it but how more I try how more dazzeled I get.

For some reason I ain't have the patience for the texturing, while I know it can result in great outcome. 
Another weird model today. Like the buttons it's part of the "more medieval models" effort; in this case it takes a previous base-style model, the forcefield, and creates a mystical version.

The screenshot doesn't really do the model justice, as it's all about the animation. However, the animation itself is too long to make a gif for... 
Qmdl 0.2 
Another post from Preach, this time not a model but a tool update. It's v0.2 of the python module qmdl.

There are some little tweaks to the mdl module, proper docstrings and breaking up a few methods to be more reusable. The biggest change is the addition of a "helper" object which disguises some of the complexity of working with the module. An example script which adds skins to the model would look like:

from qmdl.helper import Helper
poster = Helper()
poster.load ("poster.mdl")
poster.append_skin ("tintin.bmp")

It's basically something that's accreted from using the module for a while; I kept copy-pasting these functions into every file, then realised I needed to fix a bug in all of them and it was time to make a module... 
I Found A Bug In Wordpress! 
By starting an article in July and finishing it on August 1st, the article gets a publication date of 1st July!

Oh, yeah, the article. This is a little history of how skin maps for .mdl files have changed over the years. So if you've ever tried to get your head around all the weird things .mdl format does with seams and backfaces, or you have a good grasp on front-back quake skins and want to understand how models with complex unwrappings work, then check it out. 
Awesome Article 
Really enjoyed this one preach, I plan on making some custom quake models so this info will be of great help!

If only I could get my brain around coding... 
Very good and informative read. 
I Know 
I've asked for this before, but my previous version got broken and I lost the backup.

I can't install Qme 3.1 (.mdo support) on my 64 bit system - can someone zip their already installed version and upload it somewhere? 
Qme Full Installed 
Sock sent me his version, here's a link to it for anyone else who want s a copy (from my dropbox): 
Poster At Last 
Yeah, the long awaited poster model is finally released properly:

Thanks to Ijed for contributing all those skins! 
New Article: Normals! 
So during the time that func_ was down, I got round to a spot of writing, and finally finished off that article on how normals work in Quake:

While doing this, I also discovered there is a bug in the md3tomdl converter, where it's incorrectly calculating the normal vectors of the MD3 file, and so is only using half the range of vectors. This explains why models like the ogre have appeared brighter in game than you'd expect. If you ignore the model on the right of each image
shows the ogre's shading with the bug, and
shows the correct shading once the bug is fixed.

Once the shub-hub comes back up, I'll be uploading a new version of md3tomdl, and reupload all the affected models. So you'll probably want to download any models you're using again once that's done, and you should definitely get the new version of md3tomdl if you use it. 
Request For Mirrors 
Hi guys. Does anyone have a complete copy of the modelling tutorial I wrote back for Qexpo 2006? has parts of it:

Sadly some of the pages are missing, although weirdly all of the tutorial images were archived. I didn't keep a local copy of the text, and thought it'd be nice to restore a copy to the live web.

So that this post isn't just a contentless appeal for help, I discovered a new thing involving QME and normals. You can turn on the lights in QME with the lightbulb icon, and then activate the torch to swing the light around, which lets you visualise how the shading is applied.

You might remember from the above blog post that QME overwrites the normals on a model. It looks like the moment that the normals change is when the file gets saved, so you can preview your smoothing in QME before that happens. 
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