Posted by negke on 2012/02/05 21:50:12 |
More remade Quake:
A medium-sized brick/cistern-themed level for single player and deathmatch based on the Quake's stock levels DM5 and DM6, with an underwater DM4 beneath, using the GPL sources.
The maps are joined together retaining the original layouts, and they are touched up with additional detail. Gameplay is pretty much the same deal as the other DM->SP conversions I made - prepare for some good carnage.
It was started as a simple semi-turtlemap project to be released for Christmas, but got delay until now for various reasons and urgent Dragonborn duties. I tried to keep it relatively simple which could be held for or against it (e.g. didn't change the original maps where I probably should have), and the new detail impacts on the performance considerably in comparision. Oh well.
FISHMOTHERFUCKINGFIX This fixes the "solid fish" bug and makes them now non-solid like other monsters so they don't block the water tunnels.
Have fun. |
#41 posted by jt_ on 2012/02/08 01:11:24
drew didn't have any problems with the vore, neither did I.
it just occurred to me now (sorry it didn't happen earlier): if there was a non-respawning suit before entering, the player would feel less pressured to look for a place to go.
Yes - this was kind-of my experience. God damn, that was a tricky maze. And i'm almost at the point of not even looking for secrets on Negke's maps. 2/5 but i noclipped to the ***** quad. Nice to play a map again :)
I **** that ***** beside the gold key door, but didn't find the secret till wandering around lost at the end!
So 3/5 isn't too bad i guess. Was there a Necros was here secret ?
#44 posted by negke on 2012/02/08 10:42:44
If you put it that way...
Then again, you chose Hard and you got what you've asked for, so you're probably just butthurt and choadsucking.
But yeah, that area could have used more work still, and more testing. It can serve as an example for future maps.
Putting another suit in the entrance tunnel was actually suggested before, but I considered it unnecessary after the changes I made in the room.
#45 posted by RaverX on 2012/02/08 23:29:17
Difficulty is PERFECT. I played on skill 0 and I never died, I never was in real danger. So for me it's simply perfect. I played a lot of games and quake maps on easy and almost always I had some problems, that's *not* ok, easy should be easy.
Now if you play on normal it's ok to have some problems, the game should be challenging. And on hard it should be HARD, you shouldn't do any mistake.
On "mightmare" it should be impossible to finish the level without using "pro" skill (rocket jumping, making monsters kill each other, etc). Conventional gameplay should kill you fast.
#46 posted by Shambler on 2012/02/09 10:00:04
Was spot on on Hard compared to general custom Quake maps, well balanced, fair challenge, good ambushes, things to keep you on your toes. I enjoyed it. The underwater bit was seperate to that.
P.S. If you don't understand how Nightmare changes the skill from Hard in vanilla Quake, don't comment on it thx xxx
 Looking Forward To Trying This Map
#47 posted by than on 2012/02/10 05:39:01
Will try to play tonight and post comments.
I remember having some chat with Negke a couple of years ago about making a full DM remix of all the maps in the same vein as DM3RMX. Nice to see one of us actually finished something :)
By the way, what were the other DM remixes? I think I must have missed them.
#48 posted by necros on 2012/02/10 05:45:34
 Holy Shit!
#49 posted by than on 2012/02/10 06:02:03
I remember that and can't believe I didn't play it :/
Will try that too if I have time. Negke, you are a mapping machine.
 Deathmatch Classics Vol. 3
#50 posted by Jaromir83 on 2012/02/10 09:31:49
thanks for tip necros/than! some good maps there
OT: how to get rid of Packet Overflow error pls? I use "fitzquake080 -game sm36 +scr_menuscale 2 +scr_conwidth 600 +sv_aim 1 +gl_texturemode +skill 1 -gl_texsort 0 -gl_detail 1 +map dmc3m2" command to run quake. game seems unable to play too many sounds at once
OT: any experiences using hamachi virtual LAN program to play online? we are unable to connect, do I need to use port 12975 to connect? dont have public IP
#51 posted by negke on 2012/02/10 10:37:23
Note that unlike what we talked about, this map is not a complete remake/remix like dm3rmx, or what RMQ does. It's just a touched-up combination of the the id sources. Of course, considering how long it took me to finish it, I could/should have made one from scratch just as easily...
Jaromir83: The only packet overflow issue I'm aware of in DMC3 can occur in dm3m8. There's a button behind the start slipgate to enable a rudimentary corpse-removal system to cure it (needs to be activated when entering the level). Fitzquake080 still uses the old limits, try version 0.85 instead. This will fix any of such issues. Btw. gl_texturemode needs additional data, either a number or the full renderer name.
 Another Jewel...
#52 posted by generic on 2012/02/10 14:27:03
Great idea to combine these three DM levels into one!
The textures were from the old school set, but the architecture (arches, ribs, etc.) and pipe details made the overall map feel really new. There were a few awkward areas layout-wise, but that probably has more to do with the original maps than anything.
The gameplay was fresh, as always, with the water pump part hunt, bouncy bad guys, and the submerged arena. The paper roll credits were funny and, hopefully, Than will enjoy the homage that Daz passed by in his video.
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
#53 posted by ijed on 2012/02/10 15:00:22
Building from scratch but following the layout is much faster.
#54 posted by gila on 2012/02/10 18:08:44
> Note that unlike what we talked about,
> this map is not a complete remake/remix
> like dm3rmx, or what RMQ does.
thats how i like it - not overloaded with 'new' stuff
#55 posted by kaffikopp on 2012/02/10 19:35:55
Great work as usual from negke. A fine blend of old and new, but still retaining that classic Quake feel - just the way I like it. Really good build quality as well, I enjoyed taking in all the architecture as I went along.
skill 3 demo
(forgot the fishy patch, and got instakilled by a spawn once, never seen that before)
 Spawn Insta-kill..
#56 posted by Shambler on 2012/02/10 20:27:54
...would that be the same as the Fiend jump insta-kill bug then??
#57 posted by mh on 2012/02/10 20:32:58
Dogs can insta-kill too. It's rare but it happens.
 What Bug
Its fixed 120 T_radiusdamge, its coded to instakill unless you have armor.
Calling jumptouch several times is very unlikely to kill, its only 10+10*rnd.
 Insta Kills
#59 posted by negke on 2012/02/10 22:10:57
Considering how erratic the spawn jump behavior is, I could imagine it can lead to such an effect if bad comes to worse. I noticed dog super jumps too, but they usually only do a moderate amount of extra damage. Fiend super jumps on the other hand are a real problem. I had to swap fiends and shambler in the GK area, because they would do it quite easily when jumping from the stairs or landing close to the edge of the bridge. I changed that after getting gibbed by one of them despite having 150 health + at least 100 yellow armor.
 Re 58
#60 posted by necros on 2012/02/11 00:27:22
that's not the insta-kill bug.
the insta-kill bug happens when a leaping monster (dog, fiend, tarbaby) lands on top of the player and then deal the hit damage every frame until the player and monster are no longer touching.
if you're getting more than 10 fps, you pretty much die immediately.
#61 posted by negke on 2012/02/11 12:31:54
Nice one. No problems whatsoever even on NM, apart from the spawn thing of course. Only missed one secret and you were so close.
What is Fitzquake 0.86?
#62 posted by Shambler on 2012/02/11 13:50:31
That's the one, I remember Mindcrime explaining it to me just like that. Why does it happen in some circumstances?
 Quoth The Preach
The reason it doesn't cancel after one hit can be found in the if(!checkbottom(self) block. This checks if the fiend is properly onground, basically if it's on flat navigable ground. If this is not the case then it's still in the air, or stuck on a steep slope. The inner if statement checks for FL_ONGROUND, which would mean it's on a steep slope. In that case it resets the touch function and goes for another jump.
However, most commonly if checkbottom is false, the fiend is off the ground with no FL_ONGROUND, so it just goes to the return at the bottom of the block without changing the touch function.
Normally when two entities collide side to side and stay in contact they don't get repeat touches called, so even if you run at the fiend which is leaping, you only take one ping of damage. In theory if you could hit it, back off and hit it again you could take damage twice but it's not easy to do that.
When a fiend lands on your head it's a bit different. For some reason quake registers a touch every frame for vertical collisions like this, possibly the gravity code, I couldn't say. But isn't the fiend at rest as soon as it comes to rest on your head? Sadly, standing on an entity doesn't count for checkbottom, and even worse, the sliding bbox effect is caused because you don't get FL_ONGROUND on top of such an entity. So the fiend decides it's in the air the whole time, and you keep getting hit.
#64 posted by kaffikopp on 2012/02/11 14:18:03
I thought I got it from here, but now that you mention it (and me googling it), I have no idea. Maybe it's this?
 Just Replayed This.
#65 posted by Shambler on 2012/02/11 15:03:50
Comments exactly the same before. The map in general is great. I noticed the fitting together of DM5 and 6 more this time, as well as more of the little details (mostly while hunting for secrets!). Gameplay still good, the bouncing vore and spawn ambushes being a favourite. Got 5/5 secrets too. The underwater bit is still awful, even knowing exactly what to do and quicksaving all the time it is still totally unbalanced and out of place in a map this fun.
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