#616 posted by necros on 2015/06/17 05:17:20
depends how strict the thing is... if it is freeform with option gridlock like elder scrolls game editors, then it can still allow a lot of cool stuff even with stock assets.
Those Damn Misdeeds.
#617 posted by Shambler on 2015/06/17 10:41:00
Gonna be the death of Doom4.
I think the Revenant looks really good, proper menacing. It somewhat overshadows the other monsters IMO, Hellknights or whatever they are look cool but kinda generic, Mancubi look cool but kinda comical.
#618 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/06/17 10:52:41
I love that Cacodemon.
Have They Showed The Barons Yet?
#619 posted by czg on 2015/06/17 10:58:45
Hellknight = Baron?
#620 posted by DaZ on 2015/06/17 11:49:52
or am i teh dumb
#621 posted by skacky on 2015/06/17 12:08:54
Barons are twice as tough.
Oh Yeah.
#622 posted by Shambler on 2015/06/17 12:18:03
I like the Cacos, they look kinda warped.
#623 posted by Kinn on 2015/06/17 12:42:38
Funny how the most interesting looking monsters (Cacos, Revenants) are the ones closest to the Classic Doom look.
The boring generic ones (Imps, Hellknights) with their Alien-inspired Doom3 Hellknight bellend-heads just look...ehhh.
Classic Imps and Hellknights would have looked killer in those grafficks.
If you pause at just the right moment in the Hell video, you can see a pinky - it looks pretty close to the Classic pinky, and looks good.
Cyberdemon looks about as threatening as a WoW character. Odd, cartoony proportions.
Anyway I sure am typing an awful lot about a game that I'm supposed to be all cynical and jaded about.
Those Monsters Are Awesomely Bland...
...for a Doom sequel coming out in 2016 I mean.
And yes, the scenery is exceptionally generic.
Where did all the development time go?
Ok I Just Looked Again And There Are No Barons
#625 posted by czg on 2015/06/17 13:43:18
barely any pinkies either
Doom SnapMap Level Editor
#626 posted by JPL on 2015/06/17 13:54:16
#627 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/06/17 14:11:03
Yeah, not sure how that's going to work out on PC ... PC level makers don't want to snap lego together. They want to build everything from the ground up.
#628 posted by ijed on 2015/06/17 14:31:01
Looks cool, more flexible than the Portal2 editor.
#629 posted by Kinn on 2015/06/17 14:50:42
Look at the Hell video - tons of the buggers. They look just like the Doom 3 Barons/HKnights, but their heads are paler than their bodies.
#630 posted by Kinn on 2015/06/17 14:57:31
Yeah, not sure how that's going to work out on PC ... PC level makers don't want to snap lego together. They want to build everything from the ground up.
I'm pretty sure they'll release some actual dev tools for the serious mappers/modders too.
#631 posted by czg on 2015/06/17 15:05:56
That will just end up being as productive as the Rage mod community.
What Czg Said
#632 posted by PuLSaR on 2015/06/17 15:09:08
#633 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/06/17 15:13:45
To be fair, the Rage community had to wait a full year after the game came out to get the tools ... which pretty much killed any chance of people giving a shit dead.
That And The Download Didn't Include A Render Farm
#634 posted by czg on 2015/06/17 15:14:52
#635 posted by - on 2015/06/17 15:17:13
PC level makers don't want to snap lego together.
Have you heard of this little known indie game called Minecraft?
#636 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/06/17 15:41:12
I know you're just being a smart ass, but that's basically what Trenchbroom and other quake editors are. Minecraft. The pixols in Minecraft are brushes.
would be interesting if you could lego something together real quick and then detail it later on with a more advanced editor.
I'm fairly certain this feature exists for Portal 2's editor.
#638 posted by scar3crow on 2015/06/17 16:50:10
Exactly. If it lets you prototype a flow, and then touch it up in an editor? Cool. Though it still needs room over room support.
I Refer You To Post #573
Another Hope...
#640 posted by JPL on 2015/06/17 21:06:45
... I have is the music can be turned off: it is half ruining the tense moment when a monster is killed...
Anyway, to come back to the level editor, so far they said there will be this "lego builder" mode (interesting really, as for beginners it gives an easy and fast hands-on), but also some advanced features as any decent level editor should have to let real mapper express their talent and imagination :)
At least I am highly expecting that :)