#51 posted by
ijed on 2008/09/13 05:09:21
Have you made any non-speed maps?
I still haven't played the ones you posted before and this pack neither; no time as yet.
No :(
#52 posted by
adamllis on 2008/09/13 14:49:12
I am still new to mapping. The only other thing I've made is a quakeworld ffa dm map with Drako a canadian qwer called frontier.bsp.
it's the one in the opening sequence of this qw frag movie:
#53 posted by
Shambler on 2008/09/13 15:00:40
That's QW? QUAKEworld?
My arse. Q3Aworld more like.
#54 posted by
adamllis on 2008/09/13 21:46:41
yup standard quakeworld dm action with some newer maps thrown in. beautiful isn't it? :)
Blargh Custom Engine Puke
#55 posted by
Shambler on 2008/09/13 21:56:44
Some of the maps look good from what I can see behind the spangly explosions and glitzy coloured lights..
#56 posted by
adamllis on 2008/09/14 04:34:28
that config is really quite conservative compared to what is available. amazing all what people can do with the quake engine. but there is nothing wrong with the classic quake look. still looks good.
#57 posted by
mwh on 2008/09/14 08:44:43
You can see the demos etc by searching for "ftw" on
I'm sure the tables didn't look _that_ bad when I wrote that update...
Ahhh Nice!
#58 posted by
adamllis on 2008/09/14 18:55:55
Wow cool. Don't no why I couldn't find it. Yeah that was a lot of fun to watch, and the demos turned out sweet.
#59 posted by
Trinca on 2008/09/14 19:34:47
adamllis i finish it!!! but i�m having a lot of fps drops :\ even in joequake... :( i guess my computer is fuckedup :(
It Is Probably The Map
#60 posted by
adamllis on 2008/09/15 01:28:12
Good job! Maybe the map is lagging your computer, the huge sky and the fact that i no nothing about r_speeds and all that jazz.