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Big Q1sp Maps... 
i probably didn't, but i'm wondering if i missed a huge q1sp map... maybe an older one, from before '99...

anything fitting that description? 
OK so I've upgraded all but my video card, new harddrive and new installs for everything. Proper drivers for my crap TNT2 until I upgrade it to radeon 9800 (hehe), and proper drivers for all of my new hardware. PLus the latest glide. What is it that I'm missing that causes GlQuake, MhQuake etc to not run and also, perhaps connected, WC 3.3 (which uses 3d acceleration) is running slower than it did on my old system, which was far slower.

any suggestions?

thanks, tronyn 
the radeon's known to have problems with older games, perhpas try one of the new custom engines like mhquake, fitzquake or GQ and just turn all extra features off. 
Glide is 3dfx only, you don't need it for your TnT.

Probably all you need to do to get GLQuake working is remove the opengl32.dll file from your quake dir. Nitin's comment above obviously doesn't apply yet (until you actually get a radeon), but I currently use a radeon with no problems - no need to use a modified engine unless you want to for other reasons.

I believe WC uses directx for acceleration (at least v1.6 used to). Maybe you haven't installed that yet? 
Um Yeah 
I obviously didnt read that properly in regards to the radeon and also in regards to you already trying mhquake etc. SOrry about that. 
Custom Map FFA 
Today at 3pm EST (which is about 8 hours from now) we will be playing all of bals quakeworld maps on my server. Stop by #terrafusion before 3 so I can give out the server information. We plan on playing reinc5, baldm1-8, and the two lost maps: balcc and balscy. 
Re : Custom Map FFA 
Is it possible, like next week, to do it on a Sunday instead? That way I could join in. I'm usually busy at that time on a Saturday. 
Balcc And Balscy 
Where can I download these? 
just got to the bottom of the page. sheesh. somethin like 150 posts. the punishment for not logging in for a week eh? (or more perhaps). 
Balathon = Success! 
I had a grand time playing all of Bal's maps on zzjohnzz'z server today. It was fun time on fun maps. 
QW Custom Map Marathon 
Next week we will play on Sunday instead of Saturday. It seems more people will be able to play on Sunday. We will play Blackpope's maps. If BP can't find a place to host his 8 maps, I will find space and post download links later this week. 
where can I download Bals two lost maps? balcc and the other one. 
You can download Bal's two "lost" maps here:

Balcc and Balscy. 
A Mini-review Of A Movie Short 
"The Final Flight of the Osiris" is a spooge magnet. Except for the final chase scene (although it isn't exactly a chase scene) which was way to short. Most of if was shown in the trailers at The Animatrix website, which just adds to the frustration.

And I know this is going to sound stupid, but the movie was a bit too sexual. There were too many gratuitous crotch-shots. If they were a bit less obvious and more subdued, I think it would have been better. 
I need to place more emphasise on the fact that the movie is very cool looking, and the kung-fu and slow-motion stuff is very awesome. 
I tried the other link and it didn't work but it's ok now, ta. 
Enclave Demo 
Better late than never :)

Enclave r0x0rs my b0x0rs! :)

The level design is awesome and the physics and cinematics are very cool. Gameplay is fun and sticking nine arrows into a soldiers head with 1 shot is very satisfying :)

I'm gonna pick up a copy of this when its out. I herd that the compant aren't sure wether to release the editor, IDIOTS! RELEASE IT NOW!!! :) It would be such a waste of a great game and great engine. Natch... 
I lost my qped! can someone send me a new one?
just upload somewhere for download or email to
Necros (Post 604) 
there were lots of big q1sp maps! you are going to have to be more specific... 

I have added a new page at my site just for some fun, which is a "South Park Gallery" page. 
Dumbass Question 
Although I have been playing Quake for many years, I never really got to the bottom of all the graphics drivers issues.

So now I'm stuck.

I just copied my old Quake folder over to my new PC (Pentium 4, GeForce4 4600) and I can't get any Quake executable to run. I get the message:

Missing Glide2x.dll

As far as I know, this should only be required for Voodoo cards, which I had in my previous compo, so what do I do now? 
Departure Time 
I'm going to Australia on Friday, back on the 6th or so.

Terrorists/police permitting.

(Seriously! There's been threats that something'll go down in Wellington this Friday...) 
Re - Dumbass Quaestion 
Delete or rename the file "opengl32.dll" in your Quake folder, and all will be fine 
"Dumbass Question"
Dumbass spelling :) 
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